Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jan 2000, p. 25

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The Canadien Champion, Friday, January 7, 2000-25 Ô(Jhzidle)igh 's PROPUC11ON TEAM LEAPER Permanent Full lm If YOU... " are a eanedlentlouo ind tsaaagltfsl tain playr, " enjoy saerhlr4 le a .teaIy envlrmment ltts atisur cia ehbire tise ame suare ta prois ctailty produete. " bave al sraftmra soea of prile ab wat you sio_ tsailaussi au your reaum&e Our fimiiv operatei haisery ha. huais pmnvlrlo people Ilka you altis an ErtertaiInîr Tastu af tise Counry for gorarmGaea. We binm ImmaitatU opornrae aur Miltons plaint Lot se krlw about jary prunlaus mirufaetermg usprlarsu yau bave. If yoere new ta bah- ut-y proiuetlaa, ou.r "ta by oteop trairîrE Ml provIlie yau cti tise tueicifGa ici muinica krtowluie yauli ruai ta bu al Tum Luer ln a apoclibzui ami af aur bakuay le adiion. ce proMus. à aomit ar- esalmnmst * o tblllt *rqilutlir feeibiui on your purforsire * tise opportarilty ta eisare rn tis eeee of aur raplily gmrxn orpnrlzter. fu lea.esi your reSume to: Humerm Ruouree. Cisuilaas 15y fisc 905-75-6979 15y eml or irop offi 624 MoGeieisIe Pre. Milton. ON LWT 3"r We approcltihe ait eaailiata Irteret Hlaases. only thsae oelaete for ar Inteaiesw mI be eartaetei. Preedata aante ruai rat appy TELEPHONE PEOPLE Needad for fundraiseng office. Day and eveninge avadlablo. Good hourly mage paidin cash. Cmii <905)875-1251. AXIS LOGISTICS INC. Axis Logistics in Milton (Hwy. 401 sud Hwy. 25) bas apenings for fail-tiase empioyment lu oas refrigeratrd warebisuse. Shlffwerk inciuding nights and weekeads ais requi-caL Duties inclade assemhing, lifting, stocking and shipping of prouct. lit ix a pbysicatly deasanding job requirlng individuats In per- formi dalles miss emphasis on "buavy lifting". The succesefal candidate wiIt bu self-asoitis- ecd, e mature thinker, responsibie, abie to0 tifs hrevy prodeen, bu flexible, physicstiy fis sud mark with minimal supervision. Psy Ssas at S 13.73/boas + buntellOts. Ail (boxe who are interestesi sud feel Chait hey coetd contrihase 50 Tesm Axis, please ait or fax your resurne to: AtTTENTION: HUMAN RESOUIRES AXIS LOGISTICS INC. 2701 HIGH POINT DRIVE MILTON, ONTARIO L9T 5G5 (905) 876-1260 (FAX) ADULTS REQUIRED To Deliver The Oskviîf e Beaver Door 10 Door Lut us Know: " WVhat hours you profor H om much pou wouid like fa Bann par month " Whmt route arma you piraer Delivery Daye are: Tuaadmay, Wednusday and Pridiy Waalcand: You miii hava up f0i 10 amn Sunday fai finish dollivory. You miii racalva tha papas on Siturday If intorastod plama. cmli 845-9742 Monday fe, Frldey batwoan 0:30 arn and 6:30 pmn. or Saturdmy batwoon 12:00 Pm and 5:00 pmn Circulation Sales and Service Representative Tha Oakvtila Boives han a full time posi- tion availabie immediateîy for a Circulation Sales and Service Repreneantative. Experience es an aseet but me ruili train. Reeponsibilities includu groming peid circulation, initiating promo- tions and eervicing existing ciientele.The eucceesfui candidate mili have ambition, work meil îndependently and in a team environasent, enioye morking with chul- dren, and has a background in cuetomer service and promotione. A reliabie vehnicie is a neceeeity. This positon paye eeiary plus car eliomance and sales bonuses. To appy, pieuse eend resume afong wvith eatary expectations f0: Tha Oakvli Boavar 467 Spear Rd Oakvilla, Ont 16K 3S4 Attn.: Trudy Reading NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE FMf Waal Corpraion a caii-untabiebed oearatar ai a drain nf Tnaeb Stops, bas an iediafa eaning fur as Acamais pupille Club, . heaucestul appli- cari ciii bu rasisunsibia fersa varleiy aI duies wbics reqaire a streng accountine bacisground, be bigbly proficent le Exel 97, muet bu mail erganizesi, neturuis and bu able te bassin a fast pacreil environent. A sensel bfumer ansi thea abiisy tei cars mail wib nibure es a etrnng asset. <naciesige ut Selumue accounftng maulsi bu an assai. This position aise sequires sisilie se banis recanciliatiens, asulyzîn accouaits and invento- ries. Plusse las yeur camplutu resume aleng cits rel- urencen, eaiaiy rupedtatinn lu tulua Deline 19051 678-161, by Janeary 13, 2000. Oniy applicants muet- ing ther qualificatins miil bu contacteSd lur an interview. Pasaîdes s fuit resideniat cleasnen service. For a na catit, noa obligaon t. home catiaste, pieuae cifl 877-3443. More uffordable 5/san yaa tisu/c MOUY MANM Reqa os ROUTE MANAGER. Exieneepre ferd, hat se wiiietainithe rgs pesua netees 30-35 huis weeklsy. If you luxe to dil, are horduemi s depeodabie sud loyal we have bue pusitun fou yoa. Aile requied, oxcasional paresulie suiff for relief poiions. Cuit 877-3443 Joint the Laidlaw Team If yeu bavesa few hau-a te spare raca scheai day, becenie a bus driver, feo- mare infe rail (905) 877-444 l ueiiiuTii Luidis sa..çu.14.nuity Cmpy 1 JOB FAIR e00 Positious Avaitlabie If you are ahle 50 lifi 60-OSihs. on a conlienus basin, work ir a refrixeratei euvimuasreat, weut- ing 50 mors shifis, inctudiax meekensis ansi are iooising for feiltiase mork, WE WANT TO SEE YOU! Wben: isury 12, 19 & 26, 2000 Where: Axis Logistics Inc 2701 180gb Paint Drive Milton, Ontario Hwy. #25 (at-ente Rd.) Time: 5:30p.m. snt 8:00p.as. PLEASE BRING AN UPDATED RESUME MtE------------ BURNS SECURITY has immediate require- munis for Security Oflicers in Milon. We require rel jable, reaponsibie individuals wifh atrong communication akilia and person- a transporaion. We offes comparable wages and benefits, a training programme, fIres uniforme and opportunify for permanent placemenf. Applicanta may apply via fax f0: Hiring and Training 1-800-399-5977. Indusîrial Coalings Manufacturer requises a SHIPPERIRECEIVER Ose ake world clans high performance corrosion coaings righl here in Mion and oeil lhem around the globe lu proleci and preserve everyfhing frsn wafer seservuiro f5 pipelime. We nued a brighl, bighiy self mnlivaied, and eh organized individoal to loin sur leam. Tu be suc- cesofalin o iis positiun wu requise carreel TDG, IMO, fosislift cerlilicau, WHMIS, linisbed geodo sud re- sale equipemi invunlesy canirel, and slrong com- puter aptiltu. ln relue, as well as a cempufilive beeriy age, mu offur heilh beieflifs, a bous programn, profit shar- ing, and a gunurnes continuing edecalion programt. If yee fuel yu cas falili ibis challenge, pluase mail arifas year rusmme fa the attention of Ian Hall. Mai. chaim i 1w sa lac. 490 McGuachie Drie Milltn Onfario L9T 3Y5 Fax: (905) 878-1449 BE IN DEMANDI Personal Support Worker Program In response fa an increased demnand for graduafes, Sheridan effers the Parsonal Support Worker Progra, wbich prepareo gradaes bo belp clients eejoy the buof qssify offilfe possible, whefher 1o Iheir so homes or long fere caru facilities. Caod: $1,248.25 (El rucipimits may bu eligiblu for a : Sheuridan Cuiluge Skilîs Training Centre 407 Isaquis Shore Road., Oshoillu StwU Ca: Jaeasy 17 - Mayl19, 2000 contact: 905-845-9430 est 8052 She 1111 ridan CONTROLLIER Buey espanding Oakvif e COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT LEASING co. as iooking for a high anarg agressive Controilur with excellent PCskilis. The idel candidate ls a CMN/CGA with a min. of 2 yearseuxperi- unce, preleraby in the Leaeing or Finance eectors. A thorough knowledge of MS Deektop Applications, Network and Re- port Writing experience is essentiel. Vos muet appreciate the Valse of Information. Fax resume te: 844-9548 or Emfail 80: iesng@equîrex.ca Where Stars FN COUNTLESS wastShine. ARAMARK, CANAPA ai the F000 planti n Qakville is currenily seelung energefic, flexible cafeteria osaff Ose opesale muliple cafeterias 7 sisys per week inclading eveningo. Ose rave anailable: " Filfieme day shifts, Mon-Fn, Celius (5ae siari) * PartLimae, cassa positions lus Ceaks, S.anr" bml Camarws & Watt Staff, Stock p asu (day us evening osft). Suifable for thuse eulh a fluxi- ble ochudufe us anailab e only on a lieifed loasis. Ail pfflo iiau wll bs - wae<rad wk m a lkoltad b"sE. Eoperiencn in Fend Service bsan assef, bsf we jill trai fhsse euth a grea atfitude. To emasn more about tse advanfages ni wnrlsing for bRAMER Cama. incladiop. comprueesivu Benelils, muai plan and f rue uniformo, coul (9035) 845-2511, Chusyl ai Eni. 1788 or Deanna ai Exi. 3361, 7ae - 2pe. or Linda ai Exi. 3358, 4pm-apem Tva Canadien National Inaiut. tor ducBlind Ontario Divisin FUNDRAISING COORDINATORS (Excellent enlry or job re-eniry oppolunfy) Self-starters are ruquirei from February 1 10 June 15, 2000 on a contrac basin te impie- munI annuel fundraisi*ng progreme in Mlssissauga, Milton, and Bulngtion. We are iooking for outgoing individuels who have esperience woreing wits volunteers, are organized and who ponsesa escellent commu- nication ekilie. We are an equal opportunity employer. Only candidates seiected for an interview miii be contacted. Pleese mail resumen by January llfh 10: Box # 4142 c/o The Mîiseauga News, 3145 Wotfadata Rd., a Mlsalamauga, ON ILC 3A9 Cablo Field InspOcIors and Sales Ropresontativos Fu-lime lumpnrasy pasitions anailable le tbu Oas- viiiiv8arlingtaivHamiton artm. Dulles inc insput- tans of cablu TVfines as cr11 as praeatng ne ex- ciling cablu TV services. Must bu a suIf-statter ciiling la wasis aatdnurs wst l bitud suervision. Must bave a aliablu nelsidu. Noexpessence noes- say training prnvidud fa emr 660-6850/ cues. Plicala fa or Mmii raa ta: Managor, Haiarlton Division legruled Market Solutions Inc. 99 Bronta Road, Suita 530 Oakvtiia, Ontario LISL 3B7 Fax: (1105) 825-8371 On/y f/rose su/ecieel for int/esview wiyi bu confacles PRODUCTION ASSEMBLERS HAYWARD POOL PRODUCIS CANADA, INC., a leading manufactarer nf owimming pool accesoty eqaipei, bas several openingo for Productin Assumbluro. Positions arn uvailable buginning Jas. 4/2000 for apprnsimauly 6 enh tlus. Osages commence ut $8.25/br Hoars: 8:3Oam- Spm. bbfauf d appleann pliaia pply In pernaa 2880 Plymouth Driva, Oakviia <Wists. Churchii/GEW> A 20,OOOsq.ft. Pnl & Pui Supply supersume reqairus sevemil, lsiundly, nsfgong indiaiduals flal & pari-fiee. Applicanis must bu vury espuriencus in ang ose of tbuse avaifablu positions. " PRO FESSIONAL GROOMER * DOo a CAT SPECIALISTS " ASSISTANT RECEIVER * CASHIERS Apply in person with reoume immediaely lu. Super Pet, 403 & Heqi #5 Oundas in Oakville mý - Sal Canadian sales and marketing company in the Milton area invites applications for a FUILL-TIME ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE The idel candidate mili posese inside and outeide sales espenience, a reliable vehicie andi be computer literete. In order 80 be succuseful the candidate neede 80 be seif-motivated, assertive, have s profeesionat bearing and be able 80 woru wM it le supervision. The position wiii require Iravel to trade shows and presentatione 10 clients in North America. Banner Images offere a competitive base income plus commission structure and flexible hours in a unique wore environment. Please fax resumes 80: (905) 854-1744 Attn: Kiraten Pedersen No phono calta pissa.e CLEANERS. Mature Purson/Couplu ruquirei for ligh duiy uffice dieanin n Oahvilie, 5 days/ meuht. Transporta- lion is requirei. Cal 637-1411 laam - Spmi DENTAL H-ygienis. Wu are ioohing fora puasoe- able, enthusiastic, 'eae orientei individuel f0, jin aur espanding Mii- ton famiiy practica. Onu bo two daye a eh ni- tiaiy, leaSing 10 a flal base position. Periodon- tai expenience an assaI. Fax resume f0 905-876- 3278. DRIVERS raquiefre Toronto Auto Auctione. Phone John Pans, 905- 875-2915, est. 248 or fax renm.tf0 905-875- 3219. PARITtimo halp cariai. Sewing asparianco an aaaot. Cai 878-0238. SECURITY personnel Part-base, poaelblp toast- in lu fal-bme. Poase SIver rasumne lui Cua- tomner Serina dasit no phsonos sote, plusse. SHOP bailp mari bu mechsnicaly, inclined. Outien incluSes ntsip- png, and closning f reu and sorting perst. Muet have dlean drivures record, Start $10/ir. bunefit pacsage. Cali 702-5438 or fax ru- sume to 702-0640 SALES MANAGER Osîth uxpusience requirei for Manufat lsrer/Disiribuiar baseS in Burieglon. Company bas 70+ employees witb cusineers se North Aunerîca andi aroanri the coîsi Mesi bu coepul- er lîterate, able Io wosh mith Sales Reps, oinside Sales Personel ansi minimum supervision euth the abilily lu se ansi achieve clear ubjective goals: Repflng Setly lu 1h. Prealdent, the succasial lnd/vldui muet h. au/ted ta taille th. compinty lu th. fleur lèeai Rosumes lu: Bon 1725, c/a The Pont, 2321 Fmtrvlaw St., BOrîlingon ON L7R 2E3 When Iooking for employment look towards Ctaniùu Classifleds c»~E OMW£ ItA Coaspiefa Communications Systamu. Inc. is onu of Centel AT&T top affilietes in Canada. Wa are ioohing for entuimstic people 10 loin and represent our fusas as Corporate Account Reps We are boising for people mibu excellent communication skille and suit-motivation in bue GTA and Golden Horseshoua are. Sales expunuence a muet! Please fax your resumie Afin: Frank, (905) 330-6133 O Rouars Canlul etc. ImAT & T Cue antiS under Licans m

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