Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jan 2000, p. 24

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24-The Canaclian Champion, Fridlay, January 7, 2000a Classified CuLASSiFIED HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM &411/es ~O1/CS t I I 'I - I j g' g tooSee Today'o Champion for our n"' 'Milestones' section. To ~@ @ ~ iannounce your spectal etet, call TheChamîpion s Classified OU' 0NIIIIM lm Iou I' muiv- ENGAGEMENT MARRIAGE L Dieer nd hrisa Kbush oe pleased 1 ica ilrI nDiane, daaylster o Diane andMichael Trpp andRegAudit. KAROUDIS - Knsta is fhriiied lu announce the safe arrivai cof hie nom bob y brother Thomas Folios bora on Wednsday, Docemhor 29,1999 ut 7:31lam meigbing 7 hos. 8 oz. Proud paents Ted & Themi are esciteci that Thomnas arriveci eudy lu, bring in the nomw milienniars. Happy 8 randparents are Gus & Toula Konstastinnu and onetuntise & Vusiliki Ksroiidio.Thomas is moi- comed mith mucb love by bis assIts, usd05s andi cousins. We misb lu, Iune Dr. Wude and the nurses and staff ut Credif Valley Hospitl for the sale andi eariy dolivory of our beaufiful baby boy. CLARKE, ROBERT (Boit) Gorald At the Milton District Hospital on tuesday, January 4tb, 2000. Robert Gorald Clarke, holovod bushond of Joy. Fatbor col Rosa (Katby Howard) col Nortb Bay, Cedric and bis wifo Rbonda (Harding) of Owen Sound. Sudly misuod by bis granddaughtors Surah and Katie and sistor Dorotby Walsb of Misuissaugu. Crane morevitus bis business and antique f ractors mas bis bobby. A p rivale fsmily service wiillh beied f rom the McKersie-Kohr FuseraI Homo 114 Main Street Milton on. Frdy. Jasuary 7f b, 2000. Interment Evergrees Cemetory Milton. Donations in Bobs memory msy ho made f0 your bospital or your favorite cburity by ceiiing tbe fuserai homo sf 878-4452. DAUB, Jerome At the Mifton District Hospifal on Tueaday, Junuury 4tb, 2000. Jerome Daub of Millon, formerfy of Kitchener. Boiovod bus- hond of Pbyllis Daub. Loving faîbor of Lorraine and ber bushond Wolfgang Berg of Mofet and Robert and bis wif e Carol Dsub of Wbitby. Jeromeo wiii ho missed by bis grandchildren William, Debby and Tommy Berg, Lorianne and ber busband Stf ve Davenporf and Michael and Jucnie Daub. Aiso grouft grandcbildran Ryley, Jacob and Hanter. Pmedoceused by 2 broîbers usd 3 sistors. Family and friondu may visit uithe McKorsio-Kocber Fanerai Homo 114 Main Sftrouf, Milton frora 2-4 and 7-9 Friday. A Vigil Service will ho beld Fridsy ovoning ut 8:30 pm. The Fusera Mass will ho colobrutod on. Sufurdsy, Jusuary Stb, 2000 tel 11:30 ara at Holy Rosary Roman Catboic Cburcb (139 Matin Sftreet Million) [EMBMBN NCEmn the formof dnatinsho IThe Milton DistrictlHospitall [Ftonato aappreciated.j r EDWARDS, Robert J. (Bob> <Scouts Canada> Poucefuiiy aI the Royal Victoria HopaiBrie os Monday, Jauary 3, 2000. Bob Edmarda (in bis 51s1 pour). Boiovod husband of Linda Edmardu. Deue fathor ofl Sott Edmuinfe andi Monica Crag ofl Toronto, asnd Pamela Johnsnn adhsadSimon of Burhngton. Lovi'ng son cil Stan Edwards and Dorothy Smitfb IWeliasd, andi the laIe Elizabeth Edmardo Gamer Friendo caiied ut the Stecteiey-Gooderhum Fuserai Home, Clapperton & Woroiey Streeto, Barrie, on Thuroday, frors 2:00 to 4:00 andi 7:00 10 9:00 p.m. Service sn the Chupel on Friday January 7 ut 11:00 a.m. Cromaflon. Memoriai donations 10 Scouts Canada mouiri ho appreciated by the fumily. MERKLIEY, Sylvia Peacefully at Milton District Hospital on Fniday December 31, 1999, Mrs. Sylvia Morkley o f Miiltos. Beloved mite for 53 yeours of Eric. Loving moîbor of Pauline and hor husbanid Brian Bunsoli of Georgetown, Roger and bis wife Deborah of Calodon, Bryan and hi wife Marilyn osf Milton, Tracy and ber basband Chuis Coulfer ofl Orangevlle. Wiil be nadly missed by ber 10 grandchildren. Survived by ber sisters Val and Josie, and ber brother Dice, ai of England. Af Sylvia's request cremafion bas taken place. Memorial donations May ho made f0 the Millon District Hospital Fous cation, or a charity ofl ose's choice by confscting the J. Scott Eary Fanerai Home (905)878-2669. THOMSON, Adeline <non Townsend> Peacofully ai Milton District Hospital on Wodnesday, January 5, 2000, in ber 92nd year. Belovod wife of the late Robert Thomson. Predocosd by ber son James and daugbfor Dorothy (Hunt). Loving mother of Pegg & ber husband Jacke Sales, Robert & bis wfo Mary, William & bis wife Ruth, Irene Rear & ber friend Bemie Murphy and missod by ber daugbter-in- iaw Joyce Thomson. Lovingiy romombered by 25 grandchildren <2 predeceasod), 43 groat rgrandchildren, and 8 groat. great grandcbiidren. Family end friends may cail ai the J. Scntt Early Funorul Home, 21 James Sf., Milton, on Tbaraday f rom 2-4 & 7-9 PM. A Fanerai Service wii ho field 1:00 PM Fridsy ai Knox Prasbyferian Cburch. f ntormoent 10 follow in Evorgreen Cemefery, Milton. If desirod, memnorial donations may ho made f0 Knox Preobyforian Cburcb or f0 the Milton District Hospital. >..-. In Mamorlamu In the form osf donations ta The Canadian Cancer Society are deeply approciated. Il ANADIA 500616 Lovod and always rornomberod by you FamlIy and HBB860 PRIOR, Bonnlo - sn memory of a iovisg Wife, Moîber and Grandmotber wbo passed away Jsnuary , 1993. Sumeday. Wo always fbougbt tbe puis would end Il dooso't stop, but changes A gosture, a tbougbf, a moment, Once brougbt tours, nom brgo umilos Voar love louches us daiily We love you boraver and mina you desry. Love yoer famiIy. TAnk eo spe cthuns fnd tnduresriend cro JaKes-onh Bneroer an ite Ea n Fatae y Mkof Hl arl Çhr teuld Tlkav lbs a th ogdao f ll CAERA and sewrsc iotul ere ssd. C a 53-3088 . ucsgl 7 V oass on edig a5te acrderorSre reu f rtic (ify yse, am l fe stinO a u ieed vu Jan ur Special m s7anlkk PM Cvalial S18.themnix Norra 876-4015. $100 T Ufor 11. SAU*DAY JANUAET SIN AT I @:30A.M. Selling on behaif of Mr. ion Coaetney of Dundalk. Fetrn onr and fonna antique fumishings, glati. china, alarge collectioînofocil lampi, primitives, homo decoeatives, etc. MOINSAY JAMUARY 1 0111 AT 1ilO:3OLN.1 Selling items remocod fraom a Hamilton, Burligton, and local Milton home,.featuing atique ad conqemporary fumishinsi glass primiives, and mure. am& »lies te e holu la Me AmrIcuauhv. Hl, 111111110 Faiwp.ammda 8.hmf a#, Millio Té-meCash.Cicq.mowih 2pi-., 1.D. No Rc,c,ic No Bayes. Pmmom. F-erthiess se --.sip. ies, Cie -e phi.. 1 ON MIDUT AUCTION 49031878-2647 DOWNSIZING INTO CONDO. HAVEN'T ROOM FOR: -Original solid cherry Clairtone Stereo. Classic deaign. Circa 1960. -4 1/2 inch lhick loather bound beauifult ly uo- trated bible, 1875 vintage. Mosf ususua. -Hemingway-vinlage Royal type-writor in good condition. Neods oil and TLC. -Other sundries, like S.W. radio. Pleaae caîl to viOw by January 14. AI or Individual. Milton. 878-5614 or 878-9367. DUYISELL. Stair lifts, du a porcb flIts, ceiling luIfs, 4 elevutors, scooters, bodo, etc. Cal 1-800- JACK< Russell puppien 572-9310. for sale. Ready lo go the CARPET Carpet. 1 end of Janusry. $250 bave sovoral tbousand euch. Cal 878-3800. yards tof new Sîsismas- ter and 100% nylon car- pet. i miii carpet pour liv- ing room and bal for $349. Price inciaden carpet, pad and installa lion. (30 sq. yards). a. Steve, 905-639-2902. E R J FREE Estimates. Gos 91 R mobbiy chairs.., meuh RECEIVER/M sprisgs.. tireci iooking mooci finishes? We do il requireci to fi ai ait! Castors moud refis- Friday position. ishisg/ fumiture repaira. invoive beavy iiftiî Fields Customs Fumi- souci apply in mi luire, Drug Mart, 265 9-9 daily! 875-4427. _ L9T XPl. Att: Mr. HARDWOOD fioors sanded and refiniobei. Application forme Lomont rates, hîgbest mfront check-out. qusiity morkmasip. -_________ (905)632-1074. NEW Yser Suie - Ho GST or PST. Treat pout- oeilf .1 A Great Hem Look ut Super Savings. Bise Beucos s soon Sofa and Matcbisg 4pm and Part Tîme 4Sp Chair from $788. Love applicunt meusî bc fle seuls from $448. Chairs meelcensef Witl puy ap front $199. Free EsIi- tvs laeplyi mates. Senior's Dis:- ig.Pes pi cousIs. Fields Ousiy DieMltn. Customa Uphoistering. No phone Dîily, 9amn - 9pm. (905)875-4427. OUR Lady Pouce con cerf tickets. Were $40 U nom $30 each. Cal req Mare 878-9398. - OVERNIGHT STA SIT On il-Don't Sit In Il! DAYTIME STAFF AI Replacement fours for Psid training. U cushons. Resien- Renumeration bu lia Vcommorciui. Fields Uphoistery, 9-9, 7 Appfy ini duys/meee' 875-4427. 1 8501 Hwy. 25 ULTRASONIC biind ciesning machine 8, Tht corporute office of F clounor. Growing serv- meil-establishei operats ice mith many untapped resinires a Porson Frida markets. Cieuns mini secretaria dulies. The binds, vertical blinde be highip proficint ni pleuted shades, eIc: 97. Tbep must possesn Machine is portable. communicatin skiiis, b $18.000. Cai (905)877» enairnment, have a pis 6086. mass importatlp, a se msrk directp for the Ma Fax us your Accounsong as meil as va personnel. Pieuse Ia Classifieds together mîtb reference 876-2364 1 Helen Deline (905>) 876-364 2000. Only succesuful ut LCOME% 'AGON PLEASE CALL US: Cemmunfy Wnlcome Linda ... 854-1563 Marilyo ..975-0519 Doris...332-4799 Bildal Kathy .... 854-0144 Babil Tracy L.. . . 876-4330 BusnnostPoleslnnai Put ...976-4040 Factsvy Aut. Rnspossibn indîniduui iv assisi îith sbippingl rncgioiog, delionries & pick-ups, und varinas siher dues. Must hune oulid drivers license and safnly shons. Fork- uSf esperîgoce us usse. Pinasn lax resume: (905) 847-041 Machinory builder Assembler Toi: (905)>845-2265 Fax: (905) 848-9899 ERCHANDISER full-time Monday to This work dotas ng. Friendly people iting to: Shoppers Aan St. E., Milton, R. Teed. are available at our hiriog. Full Turne Oam- m- t2pm. The successfut xible and able 50 mark t0 $9./heur with icen. person ut 40 Chishaira colis pleane. uires FF (l1 PM TO 7AM>, ND MUFFIN BAKERS niforma ouppllod. oed on exponience. pereon to: 5North, Milton 111nh Whoel Corporation, a r of a chain of truck stops, y te do narines office aed succesofel applicant must Microsoft Word and Excel s high organîgational and e able 10 work in a team usant phone manner and, lise of humour. They wili nager, Administratin and nrous senior management ynur compiete resume, s andi salary eapectations, 878-6161, by Janaty 13,' pplicants wil bB contacteri. l Il -ni i - .9 11ý K Si 1 (Il

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