Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jan 2000, p. 22

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22 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, January 7, 2000 ira«Milton BMXers shine over holidays wtl A NEW ERA 0F TRAVELI AIR CANADA HAS UNVEILED PLANS FOR 'MAJOR SERVICE ENHANCEMENTS' IN AIR SERVICE FOR CANADIANS. SINCE THE APPROVED TAKEOVER 0F CANADIAN, the carrier has prodaced a plan ta strearaline sehedules and oe-allocate exeesu capaciîy. According to Air Canada officiais, the sehedule woald create new nonstop links and reduce travel tinie for consumens travelling serons Canada. Tlseir plans would alto sec a streagthened presence on mauy anternational routes, flhc airline wants to launch daily Tousnto-Tolcyo, Toronto-Hong Kong, and Toronto- Mentes City flighta. ONE WONDERS THAT AS TIME PROGRESSES JUST HOW THE NEW 'ONE NATIONAL CARRIER' WILL EFFECT the average citizen flying sut of TORONTO'S Pearson International Airport. Our blie' is that it can only get lielter- liere is such a 'watchdog' effeet with our govemment, which represents this citizenry - tlsat any uttempts to take away services, or to, increase rates should lie met with a major liacklash. THAT WILL BE UP TO YOU, THE CONSUMER, TO SPEAK UP when you sce what you helieve to lic wrongdoing liy thse carrier on your hehaîf. Gel your phone calîs. letters and e-mails mbt action la your MP, but moreso direcîly to the Govemment - Transportation Minister David Collenette. YOUR PROFESSIONAL TRAVEL AGENT, eau asuist you in this speaking up action. Make tItis the year ta stand up and lie coanted - lthe airlines, even wilh two major camrera here in Canada have nol bren accounitable - tlsank goodacas for Charter Air Carriers heiug around ts kecp them in iue, somewhat. YER2MRESORT VACATIONS, CRUISES, EXPLORER TREKS, GOLF JUNKETS, ESCORTED GROUP TOURS - with limes of threr dayn away upwarda ta a mouds or more, wilI liccome more aud more a way of' life as aur average age fuctor continaes ta inerease. Tbis means more people witli more time and maney ta plan travel arrangements perliaps l'or tIse fîrsi lime, or veteran truvellers lrying oat a new ides. OUR ADVICE TO YOU AT THIS TIME IS tIsat alîhougli there will lie a number of different apporlunities arising for yau ta, make these arrangements, YOUR expcrienced PROFESSIONAL TRAVEL AGENT IS STILL YOUR BEST SOURCE 0F SERVICE FOR THAT PERSONAL TOUCH TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS. peae 7«,,ud 878-28S86 16 Martin St. (downtown) AçinHaSton His and Onkyie www.brucehood.camn The torched lias liera passed. Picking up the reins from aider brother Alex, Milton BMX'er Natasha Brancier deiivered tome sensational ef'forts during holiday action in Columbus, Ohio. While Natasha didn't came away witli grand chumpionship lianours like big brother did last year, she was impressive ansd consistent throughaut the multi-event competilion - which combined ta put lier among the top age claus ridera in Northi America. Not 100 shabby l'or sameone who's been in the sport l'or six monîlis. The 12-year-old racer gained momentum as thie week wore an and punctuaîed thiags with a l'ourtli-place showing an the mains duning the final round of' the Christmas Ciassic. This was ane spot licIter tItan sie'd fared an day ana ol' the event. Before that, she made il ta the semifmnalu of' the President's Cup December 27. "I didn't win any mottas, but placed high ail the lime. t was prrtty consistent," said Natasha, wlio enjayed te strongett shawing ol' the five local riders wlio campeted down toulli. "My rhiythm on the senies of hual was good, ltat wliat helped me do weil." Unl'ortunaîeiy, ail didn'î go accord- ing ta plan l'or the rest of the local pack. Bob Rowley, 22 - arguably thts country's top maie racer, and the only our a1 the pro levri - had a lest performance for the sec- Columbus. Natasha Brancier. Lant lime around lie liad ta pull out due ta iii- urss. This lime ouI lie ntayed liealthy but couidu't quite advance past the mottas. On day two, liejuat missed moviug an - loning lis speed, and third- place standing, midway Ilirougli the final preliminary race. Minor atoms pull off c< The AA minor atams battîrd back frora an early defîcit ta upstage Caledon 4-2 Tuesday. This marked aur of the very frw limes in recrut weeks that the Milton Machine Sliop Winterhawks overcame adversiîy and pulird ouI thie wiu. Their triumph was eugiueered an the strengîli of a big third period - la which the locals amassrd Ilirer goals, including a pair from Michael Brown. Rep Hockey Jon Monk stood out with three assists while conlributing single tallies were Mike Hannali and Craig Howse - both of whom added a single helper. The team's go-ahead goal was delivered inside the last two minutes of' play. Devin Medland lumned in solid netminding lfor the victors. Two niglits earlier in Burlington, Milton opened Up the new milleunium by getting whitewaslied 3-0. Goalie Joey De'Athe's crafty cage work helped keep the club within striking dis- tance, but his teammates couldn't take advanîage of this, as they posted just six shots on net. Four of' those were registered by Jelff Lynch, Multon's most reliable aniper this year. Beaten by best Comeback efforts met with only partial success l'or Milton's AA midgets at home Monday. The Spectruns Airways Winterhawks -- wlio've struggled a bit lately, due to tome inconsistent efflorts -- managed to erase s twa-goal hole in the second period but eventually l'eu to f'ront running Orangeville 6-4. Thse bass dropped them to 12-7-3 and pushed themn back to l'ilth lu the Tri County Bowen Division standings. With only l'our games remaining in the regular season - including st night's clashi in Brampton - Milton will be hard-poessed to regain a top f'our seating. Goalteuder Chris Kovachik turned back 20 shots in the tosiug cause whilr goals came frora Jordan Jeans, Andrew Meanwhile, Abex taraudier strpped up ta the 14-year-old novice boys class sud eujoyed particularly stilff competition over tlie liolidays. He saved lis best l'or lant witli a trip ta the mains on day two ol' tlie Chiristmas Classic - where lie raced ta a sixlli-place finish. Alex reaclird the semi finals on the allier twa days. Raundiug out the Milton contin- gent were broîliers Brady sud Kyle Pearson, wlio tuaned in uearly identi- cal resuits in tlie six and eigliî-year- aid novice boys ciast respectively. Each ol' Ilier reached the semifi- nais on days one and two. Kyle taok fourîli in tlie mains in the final Cliristmas Classic event whiie Brady was lwo spots back for sixtli imeback klund, Darryl Langatone and Derek vhiuney. ckiug up two asnists was Kris Brai. December, the local midgrîs went in league play aud then matched Iliat ut during the Silver Stick regional nament, where tliey delivered a 2-2 brinauce. rkiaud sud Mewhinney were the top ucers lu league play last monîli. Eacli tered Il points. e midgets' next home game is Sunday 'onelli Arena against Burlington. iug lime is 8:30 p.ns. Road warriora ilIon's A minor prrwres eujoyrd their t impressive raad trip of' the sesson ast moulli - toppliug feisty Fergut 5- e Primary Elecîric Suppiy trrhawks registered anly two more sthan their hasts, but exhibited a lot finishi around thie net sud gai somte p goaltrnding frora Eric Bortîls. :rek Champoux fueled the victory with four-assist performance. llying twice was Steplien Kays whule ding out the bit parade witli single tl- were Dale Thring, Nicholas Vipond Rots Niclils - who alto addrd a of helpers, as did Seau Ward. .ipping in one assist apiece were d Debren and Shannon Miller. Tykes in tough lton's tykes had a rougli ride over the sys - losing a pair ol' exhibition tilts. e fr11 la Flamborougli 6-2 sud were led by Brampton 4-2. Goal scorers thts stretcli wrre Daniel Balla, Jake trane, Lauren Kelly sud Michael bossa. frey Clarke drew an assist lu racli st. $~ilton Girls Softbail Association>V Getting ready for our 21sî Season! Players needed for the following teams. Tryouts start January 16. Novice REP (players bon 1986/7)>...........conact Mure Fredricks, 878-8739 Bantaun REP (players born 1984/5) ....conanJlaa Leulie, 693-1881 Midgct Select (players bon 1981/2/3)... contact Don WiIliaaus, 878-0081 Leagse Registration - February il ansd 12, Miltona Mail

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