10 - The Canadien Champion, Fniday, January 7, 2000 ITood inakes tough cails in new book By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Bruce Hood may no longer wear the zebra strîpes, but he's still making the tough calîs. These days the former NHL referee is doing soi through his recently-reieased sec- ond book - which, in hard-hitting and somnewhat coniroversiai fashion, questions this country's commisment to developing truiy taiented hockey players. "When Paul Henderson scored the mosi famnous goal in Canadian hockey history, it might not have been such a good thing," the area resident and travel agency owner writes in the opening paragraph of 'The Good of the Game: Recapturing Hockey's Greainess'. He isn't the lirst to address the touchy subject of Canada's diminishing on-ice skilis, aithough he certainiy bas the back- ground 10 speak to the master wvith some authority. Officiating as the 1972 Summit Series, Mr. Hood was there when Canada knocked off the Russians - which he said should have becs a wake up cail that Canadians wvere beginning toi ose iheir Even in the Winter Whether you're skiing, tobogganing, or playing road hockey, you need to wear sunscreen, even in the winter, to protect your skin from the sunlight reflected off the snow and ice. Protect your skin, especially your face, with a sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher. Then bundie up well and enjoy the great outdoors. le brougit to you courtesy of Halton Healthicare and (4Cnabùnî flîaMplwn "We're beîng left behind because of our emphasis on tough, physical play. By the time kids graduate to junior hockey, the sport only gets more violent. Skating and play making take a back seat to slashing, holding and brawling." BRUCE MOO invincibiiity on the global front. From there, he refereed for severai more years, during a period when many nations began gaining ground on hockeys homne- land. In his 257-page hard cover publication - co-authored by sports writer and Champion lifestyle columnisi Murray Townsend of Milton - Mr. Hood said this country is "primariiy producing third and -sea B00K on page 16 Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Former NHL referas Bruce Hood is s111 celllng the shots In hie recently-releesed second book. 1 DanceFiT has ail the moves.. Co e r a FREtra cas REIGISTRATION or information call Cheryl 878-2285 Employment opportunities for persons with disabilitiesIlI /Do you have a disabilty either visible or non-visible? /Are you willing to work, but need axtre help in finding s.job? /Cen you meke e commitment to s 6-week employment progremt? ICen you make s commitment to a job? If you enswered YES to ai of these questions, you may qualify for the PEP Progrum, <Personal Employment Program) Whet PEP cen do for you ... Vou'l get: - The employment skiffs, knowiedge and work espenience you need to keep s job. " Smeil classes with one support. " Assistance in flnding s job. We are specielists in employmeni assistance for persons with disabilities. The next PEP wiIl b. locuted In Georgetown and OakcvlIe PEP la FREE f0 ail qualifled participante. Spacea are limited.To ave a message for more Information, oilt Karia ut 14300-50-8361 or ITU: (905) 820-7004 In cooperelion wilh Employmenl Access, and the Colition for Persons wilh Disebilities. Funded by Humes Resources Development Canada and Minislry of Community and Socil Services. DknLpug d a