7 81 MAIN ST. #1i& 2, MILON A Metroland Comimunity Newspaper Vol. 140 No. 85 Friday, January 7, 2000 28 Pages I47LsuIe%;., 72> 87 Lamier $1 .00(GST înctuded) Milton Millennium bb Cody first newborn of 2000 By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Newborn Cody King bas a teddy bear fouir times his size and a reputation that's even larger. That's because he isn't just the pride and joy of his mom, Lorraine, but the community at large. The healthy, eight-pound, eight- ounce newbomn with the shock of luxu- nious black hair has the distinction of being Milton's firsi baby of the millen- nium. And no one's more surprised than bis mom. "He was born on the third," explained Ms King. To be precise, tiny Cody entered the wortd at 6:52 p.m., Monday, Jan. 3, 7-i 2000 at Milton District Hospital (MDH). And that means the new year, whicb a beavily pregnant Ms King passed catching up on her sleep, was already yesterday's news. But flot at MDH, wbere the matemîty ward had been closed for the bolidiays, reopening brigbt and early on the day of Cody's birtb. Showered with gifla Mou&re% brown V water on its way: Region By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Somne Milton residents are seeing red over contin- ued rust-coloured water flowing from their taps. "t've neyer seen anytbing like il anywhere," said Ron Brascbuk. "You want to have a shower and the water is brown as tea", But work to clear up Multon's ongoing water woes is in progreas, said Halion's manager of plant operations Tony Smith. And the Region basn't been ftooded with catis on the issue laie- ly, said Halton's manager of systemn operations Bob McMurray. "We get three or four cala and we don't consider tbat a lot," he said. "We did have some main breaks and some minor issues recently." But the muddy-looking water doesn't pose a beatb threat he added. 'It's not hannful," said Mr. McMurray. lItjust looks awful." He said tbe latest spuri of brown water is probabty linked t0 a dlean-up procesa that's meani to clear up the problem once and for ail. That involves sweeping the watermains free of tiny particles of iron, manganese and calcium that buitd up in the pipes. So far, amaîl and mid-sized pipes have been swept. But new valves need to .be instatled in the large trunk main coming out of Kelso Conservation Area to allow cleaning swabs through. And that, said Mr. Smith, could be causing the problem. a ee RESIDENTS on page 8 Surrounded by family, Cody has pienty of love and support behind bimi. And as the millenniumn baby, be also bas plenty of gifts. 'Me proud but wom out Ms King was recuperating in the bospitat wben abe was suddenly abowered by gifts -- including a massive teddy bear -- from Halton Healtbeare Services (HHS), the MDH Foundation and Auxiliary and a slew of local businesses. "tt's a great start for the miltennium," said Ms King, 24. She anrived at the bospital Monday ai 9:30 arn. witb the"slight stirring of labour pains but.no intention of giving birtb yet. "I thought 1 waa going bome," site recalled. 1t wasn't due untilthie fourtb." Instead, obstetrician Dr. Sandy Sharma scbeduted ber for a cesarean eu BABY on page 20 Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Tlny Cody King takes a Iungful of air whhle aafely cradled In the arme of rnor, Lorraine. Born January 3, Cody le Multons rnillennlurn baby. WINTER SALE Up ns,50 OFF AT JO'eLEEN'#S 224 MAIN ST. E. MILTON 878-0506 G LI TZ - CAS UA L * CLASSI C Comment Page 6 Dateline 19-20 Arts and Entertainment 12-13 Autotown 17-18 Sports 21-23 Classlfiled 24-26 * MAI Meof DM SeIsCdWs 0CsSu *Coens TIre a No FritIIIIe * 0 *m s»tue ~ *EmbrldgV * eHomo Hérdriae *SATURDAY .IANUARY 8. Holp Wanted Fivor 8o1.ected amast only