22-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 4, 2000 cix"hudleigh 's PROPUC11ON TEAM LEADER Fermantent Full flmre If YOU... " ara a ceoctarrttoue ici t-hoaaohtfut tar pliyer, " enjoy woe*trre te a etaiiy annrremnt wfth ottrr Who aha tiha «Me iaetra to proiece quaitty produe. * hava a crattomrr'e Barre off pole te' oint Ya io.. thon oaci ao youe- rasuma. Osur famtty oparatai teakary hite lear, preefilcge paopla ttka Y0u dl arn Ecteetatctc,3 Tiota off tha Cou"te for emaioco. Wa hava tmmeitata opactege te oser Mitton pane, Lot u knore about aey pranlouse macafaWtrIMfc speace yen have. If youiraila o teooek- acy proiaetoe. oser et4p loy etop te-lite Pftt peectia yoa w1th tira tachncat ini mauhacteat knrowlteie yoult ceai t tee ai Tear Laaiar In i opsctattzei irai off our bakery. In aiitteer. Wa prea " a front work acvlreemact e job etahotrny * raeur fuaiteaul on yoaor performnce " tira opportucty to ehira cn tira oul;zeio off our riptify grewfcg ergaciotzatioc. Fltae satnai yoaar resuma cor Hamac Keoarroe. Chailalhs Dy foac 905-878-O97 13y maltt or drep offh 624 MeGaie Priva. Mtfton. ON L9T 3Y5 We aippeectit att citiitoe Ititreot, Howaver, nh irf ea *- ctaUi fer an ItervIew rai bda corrctutai Frm&A-aela aplrite cai rot Ap4ly DRIVERS required for Toronto Auto Auctiens. Phene John Pairs, 905-875-2915, est. 248 or fax femume 10 905-875-3219. PART lime hetp wanled. Seaii experience an as- set. Cati 878-0238. SECURrrY personnel reqaired hy the olde Hide Houae in Action. Part-lime, possitrly feading te full- time. Pfease deliver resume to Customer Service desr; no phono cafta, please. TELEPHONE people needed fer fundraiaing office. Day and eveninga avaiuable. Good heurfy mage paid in cash. Cati 338-5230. GoodLie Exciting career oppertantiiea nec avaitahie with Canadas largeal fthesa company. Geedi4o FW*nss Club in Miton new re"irea Fult Terr and Part To Peeserat Tramoirs; Fffrreas Traîners; Memrbemtnip Ce-erdeators and Recepheon Staff. Please forreard resamne by January 100h, 2000. 855 Steetea Avenue, Milten, Ontario L9T 5H3 876-FITI (3488) Fax: (905) 876-0807 Atfention: Diana Parry or Cecity Restio Circulation Sales and Service RepresentatiVe The Oakviîîe Beaver ha a futl lime posi- lion avaifabte immediatety for a Circutation Sates and Service Represenlative. Esperience is an asset but we witt train. Responsibiltiies inctude growing paid circultion, iniliating promno- lions and aervicing existing ctientlee.The succeaxftl candidate witt have ambition, wore weit independentty and in a leam environment, enjoys working with chit- offrn, and has a background in cualomer service and promotions. A retiabte vehicte is a necesaity. This position pays satary plus car attowance and sales bonuis To appty, ptesse send reaume atong witti satary expectations to: The OakvilIe Beaver 487 Speers Rd OakvilIIe, Ont L6K 3S4 Atfin.: Trudy Reading NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ADULTS REQUIRED To DeliVer The Oakville Boavor Door to Door Lot us Know: * Whalt houra You prêter *How rnuch you wouîd like ta earn per month *What route airea you preffer Delivery Days are: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday Weekend: You talit have up ta 10 amn Sunday ta finish deîivery. You twlt receive thé paiera on Saturday If 'inter- eated pîeaae cati 845-9742 Monday toi Friday between 8:30 arn and 6:30 pmi. Or Saturday between 12:00 pmi and 5:00 Pm RECEIVER/MERCHANDISER required to tilt a fuît-tf me Monday toi Friday position. This work dooes invotve heovy tifting. Friendty peopte need uppty in writing to: Shoppers Drug Mort, 265 Main St. E., Milton, L9T IP1. Att: Mr. R. Teed. Apptication forma are avaitabte at Our front check-out. ______ i i i i I Cable Field Inspectors and Sales Representatives Fuli-lime femrar positions aoailable ix lire Oak- vil le/Burl inglon/Hamilfon os£as. Duties iocl. inspec- fions of table TV linos as celI as prsmoliog nec eo- cifing cable TV services. Must be a seIf-sturler willîng 10 work ouldoors wîlh limnifed supervision. MunI base a reliable veicle. No esperrence noces- sory, traintng prouided 10 ours $650-$850/ week. Pssa fixéer MatI rassies te: Manager. Hamilton Division lntegrated Markeot Solutions Inc. 99 Brante Rad, Suite 530 Ouleviltie, Ontario L6L 3B7 Fax: (905) 825-8371 Only firo$e solecfod for intev ailI ire coofacfod. NO trou e getting dates- just not meeting the tye Of people you want to spend the rest of your lite with? Misty River Introductions, mississaugas traditional matchmakelr. (416).777-6302 CHECK YOlE AD' The Cena8ban Chanreoon ao ne respoile forte cosr or ee train one troed iuteeon Ayefn teev CO8Bd stonSOC houdbe calao roôtie atteo of the Ctassffied OçPare ler nthe fint inertion. AdjMtarMt e odtOrthe degree the eor edued the value of the adý 875-3300 EAOLINOO FOR TOCODAY & FRIDAY FAPER Deadline FotIsO 3 p.m. for Tuosday Deadîine Wednesduy 3 p.m. for Fnday ON CALLOR; CO-ORDINATOR 20 required immediafefy 20 for busy nursing SpECIAL BABY agency. Early mornrog, EDITION. eveoijng & weekends Pitm iib AE calîs. Must be flexible. o~r t pôwk uo fwl EWo Occasional work in the J- .5, 2)(X). 1 TE off ice. ZtCt* t AIYBSNS Prevbous co-ordrnating AIYBUIESW experience an asset C!,ampioit WE - BUY - SE Fax: (goe 631-2842 er9e Ma. Sacre s.a, LARGEST SEI.ECTION 0F USf Mit-, Or. L9T 4N9 875-Z LJSED ES AVE. ITI FAMILY VALUES LL -LEASE 0D VEHICLES IN MILTON 277 D it tDSON 15M to 20M Sq. Fl. In- dusra Spoce SM KVA. Excellent for alorage Or asmaf f marrutacfuring. O $2.50 sq. ft. net, net. Georgetown location (905)294-4527. MINI todualosal Unit 400 Sq.Ft. Ideat for smatt conîractor, lighf marra- facluoing, Georgetown. (905)866-7464. REASONABLE Inrdas- trial Uruts for ranI. 1,200 - 3,200 Sq. IfI. Loading docks & drive-in. 1-905- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- AAB Building Sffatam, lac., manufacturer nf - the lrrsulted Concrele Form - Blue Mass0m CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE waltayotem, is aeekirrg candidates for: To lease or purchase Training Assistant - Accounting your car or truck This position is availahie aI the AABIS Hwy 25 S. et Derry Rd. APPROX. 2M Sq.Ft. riirg Departmenl satllite office in IPrime Office Spot0. Bartinglon, Ontario. The succesafat appticarrt 8721 - forEgiOneig utAto witl have esperierrce in: * Accourrts Receivshte fOBO oritn alark A * Acceunts Payable -Morrth Enrd Reports * ong Coptes/mrfet Tetephorre Reception. Proficierrcy irr Microsoft gCompter rtc. Office Programo is essenliaf as wett as a pro- compan s. ft etc et fessierrat tetephone maniner. This permarrerrt 05294-452f7ne. ne part-fime position mutl require working cfosefy NOTICE 0F TENDER(952457 wif h two others in a home office envirorr- OFFICE or ratait space ment. Conservation Hation invites sealed tenders for for tasse. Contact Ray Please fan or enfait s cover letter and resmme, hy fhe (anitoral requirornents at the Crawford Lake aI 876-2836 or 878- Janaary 14, 2000, 10: and Mountsberg Visiors' Contres for a one year 5317. AA Bilin ssom nc perod. SMALL PRIVATE OF- 332-2183gSyte , nc FICE beautitutly ap- (905> 3-28 PIesa caîl 9054854-2741 poinîed, Hwy. 25 & 401. swright@bluemaxxaab.com for further détala 1-905-277-9347 or 905- olyffroso applîcaols selécledfor an infervew 275-6834. wil I ie coofacfod. b VAILBLE hedCanabian RESPONSIBLE babysillor. Mofher of 2, Itutan. Wi IlaoorTwotore a.eQfjm w babysat in my home. AIt ages welcome. Cali 875- Carpeta, A/C, doubla MILLSIDE 94.drive. Close to achoota. TOWERS CLASSIID fes 876-1653. utiti MILTON SA LE M I' EAL Esfafe for Rent. 2 NOW bodnoorn unit in Village LESN on The Parc. Applica- ADULT LEARNING bon and roferences ho- 1 & 2 Bedroom s4 Neod hetp wrth reading, wrrl ng, spei ng, math or fore viowrng. Cai Mark available on hua $ basc computera? MaltaI ou, 876-0633, route, freshty delco- Cati the Reod* SpelI* Wnite Progrm today CommonWealth Reat ratevi, 2 apptiances, aI 05-73-290Estate Services Corpo- on-Sti laandry, Wopoiocofd itutr 90&8 ad-2200 rafion. indaudes ait atilifies Semply colt Vie roid cnfdetil utnn t auls. THREE bedroorn s (escepl Phonoe Claaaafied country homo. 4 miles coble.) ceaI of Free parking, no ta place your id Camphelvilf e. $1050 pets. Reforonces plus utIltes. First and tequirod. Itm mutb aest No pets. Available * 05-mo6mus249 *esoa Supr W e rs ar Fehruary 1 2000. 905-876-1249100 1 . y appoiirrîerr nl prcd E$10 nee ytehat ae (905)659-7217 or les The ente hs 3% mre ainng (meROYAL Leal Apart. Two *Private Party TheConre as38%mor tainng mebedroore apartmenf for ads only (no and a ot* p(cementfor re( expeenCe!rent. Hicely decorated, cm eca and a ork pacemet forreal xpefince! n a vony quiet building. cm e ia Have you worked in heath cars? Tale sur P-T TOWNI-OUSE avait- Close 10, shopping, suit- ado) course & be certifiod Credif able1 Februory 1. Appli- able for retired couple. - 1 tem per ad givn trcofe speiene.cation anrd relerencea For more snfo. and niec- givn fr wrk xpeenc..before sbowing. $1190. ing cal (905)878-2755. - Up to 12 words Part-Time Program Mark Mallolieu 876- W ero vi- pra _________________ 0633 Commonwealth TObdor vi- pra Starna January 20 Real Estate Services able Januory 2000. One . hedroore avoulable *Ado wal appear Full Ture Proram: Corporation. Jonuary 2000. Cati an Tues. & Fni. StnsMach20 (905)693-9658. Issues <ba.vd con Rose fo.nifossixfCl pace avaiabutity) le f0. et 33334978-24 Ado must he e K,12. n cft Coiela*t aw prcpaid >M0I'Y TOWNHOUSE, 6 ap- NWIay « Amy pliancos, central SPeca Occadt? ai r/parking/barbecue, oarge hedroors. Avat- t,. NO trouble getthng dates- aust nof meeting the type ittutugI/n'oble imoily Wor- ec0~ uI ,fpep= ou virnt 10 spend the ireat of your firfe ignns ig pr son 87-4590. (etu... vrh mf River introductions, Mrttorr s Isadtonol zix$îson. 876 malcirmaker -(416)777-6302. moana Chai S RO for ranI, suitoble 18754300 for o mon. Phone allerS5 878-2341 p ra , 878.0225. 1995 Grand Caravon, blue, quad seas, dealer Fiaintained, recent brokes and tires, 140,000 brgb- way km. Certitied $10,500 080. Cali 878-5874. ~#~»COUNTRY a0tacbed Iwo bedroner, minutesq ) tcx Comphelloille, full amerrItes. $925+ hy. - a dro Axailable Marcr 1. rLELA5E RECYCLE CAil 875-3300 t. list pours85036H5FAE - - - - - - - - - -