Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jan 2000, p. 21

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I lssified '6ýZ71Xi/fHHuMesf mvu ûMu1ý Grahaîm and Yvosn Hansen of Oakvîlle, Sheila and MiLe McBBade oi Miltîtn and Jr &o Jonrire Suaîrîr are ph-ascii ii Jim and Joan Wes..,rgeof Collingwood utitnoutre tire enagement of tteir duigiter are leaned iu aaxuse the engagemenr Jerîrtîer rt Brad Muîrdochi, of their' uidrex Andrea Elizabeth Hansen to Kevn Patick Wssinge. Wedtîg t sait PKeri & Ciîerrr Murdoiiî ( Oakville. 7 take piace snmmer 2000. We wrsb ynuWeda.îtalpacJne2201u lune sud bapyrnss aiwaya. St. Pauir United Ciiucii DAVIS, Pearl Shaîna (Enuaheveky) sn Tarai .4 on Saturday, November 27, 1999. Beloeed m of the laie David Davis and beloeed moîber Peter, Carl and Daniel Davie, and molher-in-i £ f 0f Jane Glaeeco Davis and Linda Messer Dat Grasdrnother ta Michael, Sydney Kate, S& Jobs, Meredith, Elisabelb and Dana.Sieter DURANTE - Mirca Donna (see MeLachlan) Ruthi Segai and ber haeband Joeh, aister-mn-i of Miltas are pleaaed ta annousca the bideh of Lii Ennie, brother Bemard Essie and bis v ibeir dangbter Sidney Gemma Durante weigb- Editb, and sisier Rita Weintraub and ber bl isg 8 has 5 oz. ai Milton District Hospital on band Mamvin. Fondiy remembered by m Dacember 18, 1999. Sieter aI Drew Durante, nieces and nephews. Fanerai Service was bl pronit grasdparents are Marees & Andy at Temple Anebe Shoiom, 215 Clime Aver McLachian, Noami & Maria Durante. Specisi North, Hamilton on Mosday at 1:00 thanks ta Dr. Shanna, Dr. Peers, nmre Jackie Interment sn Anshe Sholora Cemeter. Sh Czikk and vonne McLanchias for a smooib was heid at the home of Peter and Usnda Da Idelivery. 37 Tamer Road, Toronto. - MERKLEY, Sylvia Peacefnilyl at Milton Disl Hospial as Frday Jasnary 31, 1999, N Sylvia Merley of Milton. Beloved mite for CLARRIDGE, Kathleen <ne. Harvey) At ears of Enrc. Lovisg mother af Pauline and Guelph Generai Hospitai, on Snnday Jannary 2, husband Brias Bussel of Georgetocn, Ru 2000 Mr. Kahlen Clrrige o Muas. and hie elfe Deborah aI Caiedon, Brya and 2000,Mrs. athlen Claridge01 Miton. mite Marilyn of Milon, Traceyan e.hs Beioved elfe aI the laie Ivas Ciamfdge. Lovisg Chris Coniter of Drangevile a itd b bsi mother of Bill and bis wife Lys of Brantford, Jim miesed by ber 10 grandchiidren. Sarvined by and bis elfe Cathy of Milton. Dean Grandmother sisters Val and Josie, and ber brother Dick, a of Jeti, Pam, Maniah, and Alexander. Pre- Engiand. At Sylvla'a requesi cramation deceaxeri by her brother Ken Harvey. Family lattes place. Memorlel donations may be m and friende may calt ai the J. Scott Early Fanerai 10 the Million District Hospital Foundatios, r Home, 21 James St., Milton os Tneaday f rom 2- charily of oses choica hy costscting the J. S 4 & 7-9 PM. A Innerai service wili be beld in the Eariy Fanerai Home <905)878-2669. chapel on Wednexdsy ai 1:00 PM. Inienneal to folîne in Evergrees Cemeiery, Milton. Memonial REMEMBRANCES rnîth Iltr Donatinsx may be made to the Milton District rdonrations tri Tihe Miltoîn Distict Hiril Hospital Foundation orsa cbart af snes choica. Friurnâtliir are apprecuarei._ CLASIÇ.FIED HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM -5:00 PM TASKER, Ella Mae Peacetuily at the hnme of her son, R.R.2 Acton os Saturday, January 1, 2000, Ella Mae Tasker. Beinneri wite nf the laie Ronald Tanker and Keninelh Musai. Lnning Mnther nf Paul and hia wife Sherry, Stenen, Thomas, Ans and her husband Stewart. Ella wili be miaaed by ber Grandchildren Robert, Michael, Amanda, Kendra and Chrîstena. Resting at the McKernie-Kncber Fanerai Home, 114 Mlain St., Milton. Fanerai service Wedneaday, January 5th, 2000 at 11:00AM. Visitation 1 bour prior la semice. Intemment Energrees Cemetery, Milton. In lieu nf tloweru, donations ta the Canadian Cancer Society wnuid be appreciated by the family. The Canadien Champion, Tueeday, January 4, 2000-21 GRACI, Yolanda Rita - In loving memnory af aur daughter and sister wha passed away January 4, 1998. Life is but a utopping place, A pause in what's ta be, A resiing place alosg the rnad, to uweet etemity. We ail huve ditierent înumeya, Different pathai along the way, We ail were meant to leam anme thinga, but neyer meant bo stay.. Dur destination in a place, Far getrhan we know. For ane= h journyns quicker, For anme the jnumey's slnw. And when the journey finaliy ends, IOS, Andrew tl a wiib sadness ibat the lam- And lisd an eneriaatisg peac ily of Andrew Tylas announce bis pansing in Together wiib the lord. Hamilton, on Fniday December 31, 1999, follow- Farever in auri ing a brief ilinean. Survinad by his Wîle Jeosie Mam, Dad andi Tyion (nee:Brnwn) bis daugbier Judy Shaw and bîns granddaugbier Katelyn. Misaed by bis brnib- A memarial mass witi be er Harry and bis wîle Masina nf Miligrone, bis nia- January 4th, 2000, at Haly tams Anaie Nooak ut Brantford, Sue and ber bus- 7:OOpm. band Ton yRekiel, and Jean Tyîns ail nf Everyane watt Hamilton. Pre-deceaned by Imo brntbems and ose nisier. Andrew mas emplnyad witb Rnckweil an Miltas for 30 peara. Famiiy and finanda caiied 400 aI the J. Scon Earty Fuserai Home 21 James Si. Titk Mltas n Sunday trnm 2-S PM. A fuserai service mas beld la the chapi on Mnnday aiIil AM. The family ofI the laie Antc Cramatin fllnwed. la lieu of llowems donations 10 express aur sincere anc may be made 10 the Milton District Hospital 80 ail who offared their su~ Foundatîn orsa cbarity at one's choica. Thanka 80 the doctara anc FIs aihCmuiyNOVER, Shirley Margaret (fiee Achesan> tho. 2cngg egbus Peaceflnly ai St. Jasephas Hospital, Hamilton, McKera eKncer hbumna Ontario, on Friday, December 31, 1899, Shirley Eart and Faiher Mike of H Wendaver af Carlisle, formeriy nf Bnrtmngton A very epecral thanke 80 th and Palemfno la ber 71st year. Loeing mother nf reguiarty paid valis dnning Gord and Bonnie, David and Detabie, Murray nase and suffening, wo and Tere, Cbrietine and Terry King. Alen, ber axrs ur apprecimton. eon-in-law Derek Masos. Sadly, misseri b y ber g randchiidren, Miranda, Dan, Michael, Hally, Lucas, Joebua, Jillian, Andrem and Josb. Predeceaeed by ber daugbter, Patrice, their father, J. Brock Wendaver, grandson, Adamn King and parente, Hazel and Gardon «Sandy» REARD $300 for in- U Acheson. Vasitation et Omfthas Fuserai Homne, formation leading ta the CI 485 Brant Street (one block norfh af City Hall), retum aI a Arctrc (Killy) ch Burit 1o (905-632-3333) on Thureday, cal junior snowmobile ICI Januy 6. 280 frora 7 prit nfil lime af Fanerai etoien out of parked van m Service ai 9 pre Donations in ShIrley' arnan- ai Taneli Arena, Mon- b ry may be made tothe chanrty of otleechoca. day December 27, bel- P ween 7andl11 PM. Cati M1 Norm 876-4015. Yi CARPET Carpet. 1i bave everai ibnusand '$ yards of sew ito Stainmaeter and 100% ode nylon carpet. ill car- Of pot your living room and aw bail for $349. Paice lis.sindes carpet, pad taaaustiii, (30 sq. Of 47 Larie AveMdtn 88-2]811 yards). Siene, 905-639- as FREE Eetimaten- Lave irs ynur enta and chairs? eld Haie ynar culours? Give lue Fieldsa scalil Great Sa- îM. ingal Sofas from $598.. ies Chairs tramt $198. Sest- vis, ior Discounts. Fields Custom Upbnlsterisg, 875-4427, Dily 9-9. rIdct NEW Vear Sale - No Ira. JmGST or PST. Treat yoar- 19 JOt ria Strein self ta A Great New ber t*Mitn88 22 Look ai Super Saninga. ger Monuments Maniera - Bronze Markere Soa and Matching biS Cemetery Lettering Chair f romt $788. Lave ted seats tram $448. Chairs idiy trami $199. Free Esti- ber maies. Senior's Dis- bae Custom Uphointering. ade In Memaoriamas In the farmn af Daiiy, Oamn - Opm. coCancer Saciety are deeply SIT On It-Don' Sit la Il r,- appreciated. som Replacement fosm for iMW une~2Lo cashiona. Resides- IlET soe j 'uEew tisyicommercial. Fields ilUpbnlniery, 9-9, 7 * dasnweak 675-4427. hearts, Charlie. held an Tuesday, Raeary Church at came. onius Ceelen wish Ihearifeit gratitude port and aympalhy. Inurses in chronic lail and to the Holy Speciai Ihanka ta drew and Doug of Home and Fathar oly Roaary Church. e dear finends who the long yeara o 011- rdas casi fot truly LJRASONIC blind eaning machine 8' tner. Growing nets- twitb many unlapped arkets. Cleans mini inde, vertical blinda, ealed ebades, etc. achine is portable. e8,000. Cali (905)877- à8. MA4 PS215 Key- tard, stand and aue- in pedal, 61 luil-size tys, rhylhma & vaices 200. Phone 854-2273 r 633-8540. ý*LCOME*~ ~JAGON *Newin town? * ding maWMed3 nonUs orniore? *Havinga baby? *Establishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US: Cemmany Welcame Linda ....854-1563 Marilyn ...875-0519 orisn... 332-4799 BridaI Kathy ...854-0144 haby Tracy L ...876-4330 Businesu/ Proltîslanal Fat ...876-4040 in Menulâm Se Today's Chumpior for our new 'Mrlesiorres' section. To arrnoupice cour speciai erent, cati Thre Chranrpoo's Classified Depurioîenti ut875-3300. Ctanabian cbamtpîon CLASSIFIID SALE Simply caîl Classified 80 place your ad " Rteins muni be priccd ai $1001(. or les " Private Party ads onty (no commercial adn) " 1 item per ad "*Up to 12 wordn per ad * Ada wiII appear in Tues. & Fri, Issues lbased o .rpace availabilily) " Adn muet be prepsid ie 878-2341

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