Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jan 2000, p. 17

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The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, January 4, 2000--17 34L 185 HP Engine Power Windows and Door Locks ~79 DuniT? Sliding Doora e * he AB uiFront and Seat- * * A I PASS-Keye 111 Theft-Deterrent * - W W I ystom e Deep Tint Glans 36 MONTH Ses. LEAE Seat Fi $25& SECURITYOR and SMSSfreglt re9 ied uei EConomy ln the Van Segment**m CASH PIIRCHASE PRICE 124458" eacludas, Iwýh SMgi59 Whis8teer Ba~noo p~ lEiinim y2Do No-Charge Running Boards " Vortec 4.3L V6 190 HP Engin. * 4-Wheel Dise ABS *4-Speed Automatie Transmission with Overdrive - Driver and Front Passenger Air Saga * Air * 6-Speaker AM/FM Stereo with CD 36 HONTS SesuiLEAti NO CASH PURCHASE PRICIE $298' SECAJRriT OR $28,688v par mani49 3900 dama paymntn DEPOSIT excludes lrnight $755 and $755 fregt reuied Whisntler BfIAckclornb sp-eciaI Ediltion Jimmy 4-0oor No-Charge Running Boards * VorteC 4.3L VS 190 HP Engin. - 4-Speed Automate Transmission with Overdrive - 4-Wheel d III N Dise ABS * Lower Body Clsdding Air * Power Windows/Locka/Seats 0O CASH PUCHASE PUICE $36 ' SCURTYOR $34,388" par monfi$4,590 dmn paymnn DEPOSIT exclues fWgkl $755 ard S7%9 treogt required _ _ 2000 Sierra Regular Caba Vortec 4.81. VS 270 HP Engin. aAutomatic Transmission with Overdrive and Tow/HauI Mode - Air * 4-Wheel Dise ABS a Chrome Wheels, Grille and Bumpers *AM/FM Sterso 36 MONTU SecuiLEASE NO CASH PURCHASE PRICE SECURITY OR $2 ,9 per month/SO,300 dami payment DEPOSIT axcludes lîetght $940 and $940 freight required 2000 Sierr-a Etend#odx Ca~b VorteC 4.8L VS 270 HP Engin. * Automatic Transmission with Overdrive and Tow/Haul Mode " Air e 4-Wheel Dise ABS - * Chrome Wheels, Grille and Bumpers * AM/FM N Stereo Cassette 3 FT Seseuas CASH PURCHASIE PRICE pemaLnn SECUIT OR $2 ,9 F and $94 Ireiglit required w tabMr we'$ fi=to kaawmae Caoma aisi un et y oui loal dealer, on aur mabsite at www.gmcaaada.aaai or cait us et 14800-M-DRIVE. *Oflars baoad on Montana R7Z/Jinmy 2-Door 87ZVJimmy 4-Door R7Y/Sinra Ragotai Cab 97Y and Sierra ExIandail Cab 972 AnlcolIbnmna2.9%l.4.4%/4.4/6.4%lai.4%/peranflum.Annuol kilomatrliImitotI20.000km, $0.12 paitecaskilamatra Othrrease options avariabla. *?Friaght (as indicated, licence, insurance, PP.S.A., admnistration Isa, and taxes not inaîuded. Dealers ar reta sel ind=da picas. tFinancing an appraaad GMAC cradit anly. Exampla: $10,000 ai 0.999Wl.9% APR, the manthiy paymant os $212.57/$216.52 for 48 months. Costalf borromng is $203.361$392.96. Toal oligatin s $10.203.361$10.392.96. Monihiy metand cais ail bonmmlAnq Wiii veiY dePaadrng on amoual boiraimea and dama paymet/trade. ViSa SmAciTLpuSE manthly Paymmnt and the GMAC putchasa finance rate progtami are ot aailabia mOSh and are ncal culuated on the *Cens Purasm' piceas s omn as an annual pamentag ratle alicti ta 3.68%'/4.07/3.53%02 77%/2.54% (Maonen R7Z/Jimmy 2-Dont R7Z/Jimmy 4-Dont 97V/Sie Regulai Cab 87Y and Sienra Eatended Cab 917Z). *VtOffers apllo aselect 1899 end 2000 nam air daionstaatmodalse quipped s deecribed, and la qualed reai ciustloa in lIna Ontanio Pontiac SonSk GMC Dealer Mareting Association aea only. Dealer aidai o aiSda ay ba liacaseuly. Limited lima offer mhInS ay ot Sa comSid mith other alers. Som restnctions mey apply. Sea yout dealer Ion conditions on deleAls. **Ps69elia by Naturel Remouices Canada. Fuel Consumption Guide, 20M5. M ira FOR A LimiTED TIME ONLY Ar YouR LOCAL POPJTIACOBUICKOGMC DEALER

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