iuary 4, 2000 Butt Out and Shape Up So you want Io quit smoking but you don't want to gain weight? Try exercise. Exercise suppresses appetiteland increases metabolism. Make exercise part of your New Year's Resolution to quit smoking. Choose a relaxing activity you truly enjoy and do it for 45 minutes at least 3 times a week. Chances are you'iI end up a happy and fit non-smoker with Ioads of energy. Definitely worth the effort! "For goodnes sake" is brought to you coultesy of Halton Healthcare S* . ' R .V . * .C . E 'S and lEtt Canabian (Mamp<on REQUEST FOR COACHES R E 2000 - 2001 HOCKEY SEASON THE HALTON HURRICANES ARE NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR HEAD COACHES AT ALL AGE LEVELS, IF INTERESTED, CONTACT:. Canadian Tire, Milton's 1999 Employee of the Year Ciystal Osborn A valued member of our team. Learning to ski Uttle Tinesba Huit 4, gete belp witb ber skd blnd- Ings from mother Jaokie (top 1.11> end tben sme more assistance durlng her first Urne on the bille of Gien Eden Wednesdsy. Theo local ski resort Io now open for business and offers conditions for eiders of MH ages and skill levels. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE Pre-sehool puts on half-day programns Parents can now register their children for the Kilbride Area Co-operative Preschool's half-day fun programrs. Open t0 children two-and-a-half t0 tive years old, the programn runs Tuesday and Thursday rnonfings frorn 9 to 11:30 a.m. or Tuesday,Wednesday or Thursday atternoons trorn 1 to 3:30 p.m. Thse winter session runs frorn January 11 to March 13. For details cati Leslie ai 878-0739. hdILLE~EID h