Polar Bea i 'Local karate students get set to take frosty plunge By IRÉNE GENTLE afu The Champion 40 S ore people ray break in January e t 1, 2000 nursing a hangover. But members of the Milton Tsuruoka YOê' Karate School will ring in the new mnillen- nium by plunging into the -icy waters of Lake Ontario for the annual Polar Bear Dip. As a reward, Tsuruoka achool survivors get lunch, a you ojit of glass of saki and a year's wortb of bragging rights, But flot said the scbool's chief instnictor James Burke. "It's flot - "Wc talk about it for weeks," hie said. 'The students "Your adr have a bail. They just love it." watchinga Thm group makes its mark on the event each year by Oddly ei getting dcckcd out in full white karate regalia, leaping temperatr into the lake and doing a rapid - make that very rapid It'a tryin - succession of martial arts moves. AIl the while fewrs busting a gut bowling thc guttur-al karate cIy kceyai. 'Thse wo "So you'rc shouting and shouting and shouting," ties on it,", aaid Mr. Burke. "Ve ateal thc show evcry time." off and yoi lse group even draws attention before jumping in Last yel the lake. About 20i "We rent a cube van and we're doing jumping jas T ve in it,"hle said."PTeople walk by and see the etire vanl 2,00ve la jumiping up and down." 2005C Tihe sclsool's chilly tradition began some four years national n ago at an affiliated Burlington karate school. It carnied relief woi on wbcn tise Milton branch was fornsed two years ago. Moiiey "It's really a way of recommitting: to our students fées. and our students recommitting to us," said Mr. Buirke. It will ai "It'a aomcthing exciting and a little bit iakyf. It takes ai Cmifd Drinkers staying Off roads: police Most Halton motoriats were driving soher through, the early part of tise holiday acason. Thsis according to atatiatica -from Halton Regional Police's Reduce Impaired Diiving Everywheoe (RIDE) programn. BctweSs December 16 and 22, a total of 4,755 vehicles werc checked throughout thc oegon's four municipalities. 0f those, only 28 roadaide tests were conducted and just thre people were charged were impaire diiving. One of tise charges was Ievied in Milton - where 1,200 vehi- cles wcre checked on December 21., Police also laid 15 Highway Traffie Act charges during Uic stci. A dozen of tise ceunts came in Halton Hfilîs December 16. your comfort level." >o far oui, hie assured. as terrible as it looks," said Mr. Burke. ensline ia way up, there' a 2,000 people nd you juat go for il." nougis, flailing around water in sub-zero cisn't tise tougis part. g to get out of Uic icicle encrusted uniformis rtpart is changing because tise uniformi bas said Mr. Burke. "You're trying to get them ir banda are numb." ar, a dozen karate students participated. ne expected for Uic 2000 dip. nwhich can garner about 300 plungers and :tatrs, is hostcd by World Vision, an inter- ion-profit organization that doca a lot of is raiscd for Uic group Uirough registration 1l kick off at noon New Ycar's Day Saturday cration Park in Oakville. The Canadan Champlon, Wednesdy, Decembder 29, 1999-7 F OREu ~your ADVERT IS ING contact * the !Djjampion MTEAM -W* Can~4tabian C4jaim pion L.Ml/ton "s Ghoice - Since 1860 Readers: Watch for The Champion I's special millen- nium keepsake edition pub- Iished this Friday - fui! of fun atonles and pictures T