t Clssified The Canadien Champion, WednesdaY. DecedMbOf294l BERGSMA - Mr. and Mms. Jeff and Sara (nee Martin) of Milton are pleased ta announice the birthacf thir daughtar EmlIy Jayne welhin7 lb. 7 oz. at Miton District Hospital on Tesay Decemberl14, 1999 at 9:40 AM. Pralse theord, Our miracle alIe ta magniicent. Wliat excite- mient for praud master Victoria. Ariather g rend- child for Bannae Martin and George & Shirley Bergsma. Thanka so mucli ta Dr. Sharma, Dr. Charbonneau and Nurse Marie and ail the other staff at Millan District Hospital Obsfetrics. HOWDEN - Doug and Jean (nea Cuie) ai Milfan are pteased ta amnounce the bifli ai their daugh- ter Kalliryn Iran at Milton District Hospital on December 15, 1999. A Litte sister for Bethan., Grantiparents Amotd & Marie Hode and But Curie of Campbetivtte. Thanks ta Dr. Sharma, Dr. Maley and the wonderful nurses and staff at MDHS. BERNIER Joseh Nelaani. PeacefuIly on Sunday, Deosmber 26, 1999, at Stratfff General' Hospital, Joseph Nelson Bernier, beloved husband ai Eteanor Domling. Laving father oi sx chuldren and proud grandiather ta, tmalve granddiddren; Boni and Pst Batty of Camptietville and thelr chidren Lauren and Bryan, Theresa and Barry Duliblestynes and their chidren Ein, Ryan and Evanof Strattord; Jae and Patt Bemier and chidran Daniei, Michael and Jenniffer, af Stratford; Michelle and Paul Maclean ai Mitchell, Danielle and David Wynne and thelr daughter Jessica of Strafford, and Greg and Teres Bemnier and thelr children Aiea, Heather and Stephen ai Thorrdale. Reating at Vaungas Funerat Home , Huron St., Stratford. A nmrar igl was hld et thie funaral hom eta 6:45pr, Tueady December 28. A Mas Of Christian Burial mili lie hield on Wednesday, Dacember 29 at il :OOam at St. Josephsa Church, Stratford. Sadly miased, but rere- berad mlth much love. DM18S, Ruth tIae (nee:Wlnter) Peacefuty ment home ta bemilli lier Lord, on Sunday' Decaniber 26,1999. Mrs. Ruth Daims ai Milaon, in hier 76th year, foloMng a tengtliy ilinese. Beloved mile for 53 yearso ai rwln gates ai Milton. Loving moflier af Caro and lier liusband Lany MilIett ai Brampton, Lorrelne and hier hua- band Lanry Homard ai Milan. Dear grandmothar ai John and lis mile Nadia Mitlett, Julle-Lyn and lier husbsnd Louis Andersan ai ai Brampton, Chriatapher and is wffa Jenier Howard ai Builinglan, and Kimberley Homard of Milaon. Great-grandmother ai Kryatal and Jashua Andenson. Survived by lier sister Miss. Voe Witers ai Milaon, and lier brother Robent and his wle Mavis ai St. Catlierines. Predacoased by hier s181er Elleen. Famlty and friands celted et the J. Scott Eariy Funeral Home, 21 James St., Milan an Tuasday frora 2-4 & 7-9PM. A funarat service whi ho lield In tha chapel an Wednesdy <tac"y) ai 2:OOPM. Intemment to fallow In the Evernin Cemefary Milaon. Mamonlel doasions mey bemade to Bethany Lodge or acharftyaof ones choice by contacting the funeral home <9W5)878-2669. DILLON, Donalda <Dons) Pescefultly at Alandate in Milon on Wedinesday, Decemhor 22 1999. Donna Dillon in lier 85th year, beloved wie ai the tate Arnold Dilion. Loving mother ai Dorle and lier liusband Greg Bowerbank; and Wâlrandhfis wle Joan. Sadty mlssed by lier grndchldran Mike, Bon, Travar, Stasia, Jennifer and ErIn. Survtvad by lier brother Raymond and lita wiae Margaret Comte. A p rivale funerat Mas mes celebnaled on Manda, December 27th 1999 at 10:00 am tram Hoty Rossry Caodic Cliurch lion. Intarment at St. Paters Cemaetery London. Mamoil donations in Donsa& mr ta the Alzheimer Society wauld ho appr e Wc4CeranK*,er Funerat Hom e 4MI Sf. Milaon 878-445Z SOHACIINER. Fritz W.1 af 7035 TîMss Road, RR#3. Campbellvle passed amsy Dacamhor 17, 1999 at lits home. ExactIy 42 yeara ta the da when hae escsped Est Germany. Bom in Est Prussis In 1938. Ha aost has home in 1945 tlirougli the mar. He lived in Est Germany untit 1957, then eacaped ta, West Germany and Immi- grated ta, Canada. Ha mas a fnemhor af the Lutheran hurch in Mimico, Toronto in wlich lie ptayed thie trumpat in thie band. Ha final morked In thie gald mine In Couchnar, Ontario near Red Lake. Ha came fa Toronto and wonked in Anaconda in thie csing sliop. Ha met Hazel Kilamn an May 24 meekend 1968 and manried July22, 1972. Alerl16yearst Anaconda Brass lie quit and ment ta marIs for Go Transit. Ha was ta retiro Auguat 23, 1999 but mas tld Febnuary 2 lie lied Incurable cancer. Ha passed away on Decehr 17 and leif bhhnd lita 85 yaar aid maflier, lits mile Hazal, lita stater Ranate, and brother in tam Udo, and niace Susen, s stop daugliter Bevanly Mihn, a son in tam Barr Kitchan, and Ima stop grandchitdren Amanda&i Cary. A stop son Lloyd Ktllam and dauglitar tn tam Darean Kiltars. Hia Aunt Gertrude and cousin Emte Schachner in Couchnar, Ont., msny reatives in Garmany and msny, many friands wlia marked for Go Transit, and aChers tao numerous la menton hems, but stitl lovad and thougli f ai alen. Fritz W. Schaclinen mas intemad in Glen Oas Mamortal Gardens, Decashor 22, 1999 mili family and friands attending. Thara mas a lunchean at lits home aller. SEGUIN, Edna Mary <nea Dubeau At the Credit Valley Hospital an Safurday, Decemhor 25, 1999. Edna Sequin, belovad wite of lhe lofs Hersante Seguin. Laving sother ai Robert & lits mite Dm5a, Denise & lier liusand Rab, Andre & lits mile Susen, Raymond, Diamne & lier hua- band Mike, Peter & Maide. Sadly mtasedby lier grndchitdrentl1mohy, Damn, Kevin, Lodi, Marc, Adree, Jimmy & Dald. Lovlngly ramemhorad by hier sisters & brothers. Family & friands visit- ed af the MeKerate-Koclier Funeral Home 114 Main Streef Milan f rom 2-4 & 7-9 pm Tuesday. A Vigl service mas lield Tuasday evantng at 8:30 pra et the funerat home. The luneral Mass mi ho celebrated an Wednesday, Decarnhor 29, 1999 at 10:00 ama Iror Haiy Roary Roman Cafhlifc Churcli. -in lieu ai ilomara doasions ta the Canadien Cancer Society moutd ho apprecdafed by the family. WENDOVER, J. Brocis Suddanly et die Milaon District Hospital an Thurada, Deeber 23, 1999. J. Bnock Wendover ti lis 72ndyear. Loving latier ai Gond & Bannie, David & Dalibia, Murray & Tara, Chlnstina & Tanry Kg9 aiso lits son In tam Darals Masan and thair mothar Shirley. Sadly missed bylita grandchildran Miranda, Dan, Michael, Hlly, Lucas,Joshua, Jitîtan, Anidrem & Joali. Predeceased by lita daugliter Patice, grandoan Adani Kig litspr enta D.A.&làVera, brôtttar Carl and alfrEa Brittaîn. The funeral service mas field at the Mct<arsie-Kocher Funarai Home 114 Main Street Million on Monday avaning aI 8:OOpm. Donations in Bnoclea memnory msy ho macla ta the charity ai one'a draice. YOUJNG, Ment Peacetutly et Oakulla Uifacara Conter on Tliuraday Decenihor 23, 1999, Mna. Mllerle Young (ne:nowllon), formialy of Milaon, In lerg89»i aar. MelemwssaIde mambarofis U.C.W. Ebenezar Church, and the Nassagameya Womena Instituts. Batavad mie ai the ltl Dr. Benjamin Young. Lovlng mother of Dr. Cliii Young and hi la me Joyce ai Burfington, Carol and lier liusband Robent Woacznicki, ai Arizona. Will ho aadly milssed by hier 7 grand- children andclier nepliem Bruce Knomiton and lits mie Margat ai Kincardine. Praclaceaaed by 5 brothers an11 siafer. Family and friands calied et the J. Scott Early Funeral Home, 21 James St. liton on Tuaaday ironi 2-4 & 7-9 PM. Alfunerail serviceil balfield in thechapelon Welnesday a toy 11i AM. tnternmenf ta follam in 9Lr Churcli Cernetery. In lieu ai flomers memoriat donations raay be macle ta fthe CNidres Wtsh Foundation, or a charity ai anas clice. -la- 190 Ontario St, Mlfton 878-522 Monuments Markers e Bronze Markers Cemnefery Lettering Mother, Grandmotlier, Father, Grandpa, Brather-in-Law. Lana Baynton - December 31,1998. Sarah & John SmaII December 18, 1976 end June 28, 1992. Stanley Carleton - January 23,1992. We liald yau close Within our hesait And there you mill renias To walk mitti us tliraughout aur lives Until we meet again. Afed, Donna, Tom à Sandf. ID The HaIIW1 Ch lidronsAd ~ NAL~ ~ and Staff Extend warmusthbolideay wlshas lisoour chlldren and tosiar parents, and ail who provida cars and nortu- rane lé chIIdren, Sinerethnksto ilwho have generously ~ suportdtheSociety in 1999 Troy Lusmu Rmy Walsh BOoard Proshdont Executîvu Dirco CARPET Carpef. t have seversi thausend yard ai nem Stainmas- te n 000% nylon car- cerpet, pad and installa- tion. (30 sq. yards). Steve, 905-639-2902. MRE ESttrates- Lava ~ nSoa ani chairs? le your clurs Giva Fields a cait Great Sav- ingat Sofas troni $596.. Chairs f rom $196.' Sen- ior Discounts. Fields Custora Uphlttering, 875-4427 , Dally 9-9. NEW Vear Sale - No GST or PST. Treat yaur- self ta A Great Nem Look at Super Savinga. Sofa and Matching Chair tram $788. Lave seats tram $448. Chairs frors $199. Fra Esti- mates. Senior's Dia- counts. Fields Ouality Custaom Uplialstaring. Daily, 9am - 9pm. (905)875-4427. SUT On lt-Don't Sit In It> Replacement icera for cushians. Residen- tiaVeaommercial. Fields Uphalstery, 9-9, 7 ,*,,kiR7l;-Uà7 SECURITY personnel r'uired by thea aIde Hidai House in Adton. Part-Uime, poaalb l ead- ing fa -Uie. Miasse divar ta Customer Service deak; no phone catis, please. HYUNA 0F OAIWLLE Awwd Wlhalag DelRshlp requines DETAILIIIG PERSON for F/T employment to stant inmialely. Mi Brian aI (905> 845-7791 or FM~ 1W5) 846-7211 0F OAKVILL requines lot sr 2@d yeu Amroace for F/T empisymet lu stant immeialely. Wu Bria a1 AUCTION SALE [W(95 8r-j1 THURS. DEC. 30 AT 10 am. At Humeas Aucttton Farm, 9313 4th tine, 3 mites northeaat af Milton. To in- clude antique furniture, appliances, Isem7 earI Persian carpeta, coltectables, ail on cani- vas paintings tram the home of Marga- ret Giltelan of Toronto. Sherwood & Gardon Hume, Auctioneena The Canadian Ch 905-878-4878 coaf of more thar LOST smail blackr& white et. Comes toname Bonnis. O Maplamood Voeainary ara, Dac. 23. CaI 878-4233. LOST. Blacks long haIs cal, Misty. Stnayad from nem < hoeon November 27. il faund pises rai 8378-7133. i REWARD $300. fan information leading ta lhe ratura ofaiaArcfic (Kly Cat junionaono te stolonaouta of bkfilvi7nd 11 PM. CRUNnm8 6. To Deliver The Oakçvtiol teaver Door to LJoor Let us Know: " What houra you prefen " How muoli you woulel IlUe ta ern par monfh Shfrueaires you prefen Deltvery Daya are: T uesday, Wednesday end Frlday Weekend: You wl have Up to 10 arn Sunday ta finish dellvery. You wl receive the. papeirs on Saturdsy If Inter- eated pleasa oeil 845-9742 Monday fa, Frlday batween 8;30 arn end 6:30 Pm. Or Saturday between 12:00 prn end 5:00 Pm HUMAN RESOURCEIPERSONNEL POSITION A large Gencrat Confractor is seeking the uerviceu of a Human Resource Manager. Our'office is tocatcd atong thc 401 corridor, ncar Guelph. Thse reaponsibitities inctude: soticiting new peruonnel, monitoring employer performance, creatîng training programa for management/site personnel and ailier retatcd duttes. The compenuation package wttt lic in keeping with thse indtvtd- ualtu experience and abtîtties in ibis field. Plese fax your resume ta, 905-854.2011 asap. HELP UNLIMUTED (Formerly Premier Personnel) Now Hiring AZ.DRIVERS for new contract in Milton *'Job Pair* 2 locations Premier Personnel 426 Queen St. W. Cambridge, On Quallty Inn 161 Chlsholm Drive Milton, On (Hafton Room) January 4th & 5th 4th - 9 arn to 4 pmn 5th - Noon to 8 pmn Must have: " Must have 2 years vorif jable exporience " Cloan Current abstract " Valid drivers licence "Roter experience " Some handbombing We offer: " Full time steady work " Ail shifts available "Local & Hwy "Training provided " Competitive wages "Paid weekly " Benefit package HECK YOUR ADI iampion cannol be responsibte for the tone incorrect insertion. Any errons in the Ctassîfied Section should be called fa the attention of fhe Classified Depsrtmenf after the final insertion. Adjusfments are made fai the degree the error reduced fhe value of the ad. FAX a 875-3300 "Uwr DEADUNE FOR closu loda FRIDAY DEC. 876-2364 31ST ISSUE in the form of donations to The Milton District Hospital 1Foundation are appreciated. 01esiffles #fou» MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9-00 AM - 5:00 PM sS 6r our new «mikstonu' section. T Toàyk Champion Ï announce vour spècipl event, cail rhe Champion ý chissified Dparimen, at 875-3300. i REMEMBRANCES