Pets get aholi*daytoo, at Redwood kennel By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Humnans should have it so good. Picture sunflight-strewn luxury Haccommodations, outdoor space ideal for stretching the legs, two pools and a patio, personal grooming, exercise and social periods every day. That's life at the Redwood, Pet Resort located at 7594 Aubomn Rd. off of Trfalgar Road in Homby. The 20,000-square-foot facility is like a one-stop shopping for pet needa including luxury boarding, grooming and obedience training. Breeding and a fly- bail *gility club are also, offered at the pet resort. And tbe facility even dlaims the Msghty Hercules,. ranked the number one giant schnauzer and woaicing dog in Canada. Stress-free pets are happy pets, explained Redwood owner Derrick Wood. That's the premidse he has worked on for 23 years. These days he's h elped out by hîs wife Idona and two sons, Derrick and Jason. "Basically the only problem with boarding animais is the strss factor," he said. "We're able to monitor the animais 24-hours-a-day. They're neyer unattend- ssPAMPERED on page 14 n. At Redwood Pet Resort, furry frierids get tiret- close trealment. Owner Derrick Wood (top) shows off spaclous kennel enclosures, whlle wife and resort co- owner Idona (left) holds up a feline four-poster bed. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE ______________M M - M - cfflet~ 1 099 f,,f, Bruce Solmd Oak Aea Rugs Boy 1 M!lO Cet 1 Fm 5'x8' R"tl Va"u 1$120.00 ir Web page: starpagçs.comlpacific-flooring Sale Ends Jan. 31/2000 BURLINTONi à I 34uIlMasSr 1250 Bruit Street73 udsSreL çi. OW) sév O. (s Of Caw'hra) (905) 332-8388 Monday to Fniday 9am-9pm (905) 281-8552 For ail your 'computer needs at home... or the office c3 ve Y2K ChecklUpgrades tComplete Back-up Services wV Network DevelopmentlMaintenance be Software & Web Site _______________ DevelopmentlMaintenalde C Om P I te W Custom Office Management Programs Co0M P Ut er wVE-Business ... and more. S o 1 u t 1 o n s Mtjwsoeq m oyurke aan* ml pte. Introductory Offer Ready For TheNew Y2K Check-up The year 2000 is rapidly approachingt With less tItan 3 Have your PC checked and an estimate of days to go-how preped are the upgrade given by thse end of thse next you? Il you're flot sure, let business day. Not only do you r=cive titis C.C. Solutions*take rare of it service quickîy but in the convenience of for you. Whether it's a home your own home. 0G 5 PC or a company network, $2 I9 wr Il insure your atw.yç~'k~~I systees is up to par corne Jan. i, 2000. Information Safety What Can We Do Package -For You? Be sure that your PC is running rfficiently. Wr offer services that are flot Make sure that your data is safe.. Make sure oniy designrd to krep your that in the event of a PC crashing YOD ame computer systemn up to date able to secover what was iost. Have thse and running smoothiy, but to peace of mind knowing that your data once help you run yotsr home or baced up wiii be storrd safeiy in a fire business more efficirntiy. Wr proof sale, off site. can dral with most any Packages san as ow as Software, Hardware, and Web $ 9 related problims. Questions? 95 Need more info? Juat give us ,,,d.d a cati. Complete Computer Solutions Milton, ON Phone - (905) 875-1227 Fax (905) - 875- 1227 777F9 l 1919KR 1 31 Il M_ 1ý, 1 1 ý i j ý - ý . Il ý,