Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Dec 1999, p. 17

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The Canadian Champilon, Frldhy, December 24,1999-21 MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM ietonets See Todayks Champ ion for our new Atiiestones» section. To announce your special event, cal! The Championýs Classifie BRi106 - Jeti and Sers (mes Martin) of Miton are pleased to arnounce the birt ot their dsugh- ter Emlly J"yn welghlng 7 ibs 7 oz. at Mton Ditic Hospital on Tuesdy December 14,1999 at 9:.40 AM. Pralso the Lordt Our miracle ot Itesl magnfcn. What oxitmet f rpru str Victoris. Another grdhiid for Bonnie Martin and George &ShIrley egm. Thanks so much to D r. Shama, Dr. Chrbonnesu and Nurse Marie and ail the othar staff ai Miton District Hosipital Obsattics. COULSON4MOTRAWSER - Uisa, Andy and big sisters Tawny, Chos and Casey ara vory hap to announice Bue arrivai ot or new dsugh- ter/sîstor Piper Drwbomn ai Milton District Hospital on Dcmber 17, 1999 at 11:00 AM weighing 7 has 2 oz. A huge thanie yo to Dr. Shanna and Dr. Watads. I couldnt sait for nicer or botter doctora. Also, thanies veiy much to Bue very heiptul end f risndly OBS nurses. MILLER - Stepisen and Dswn (nos Gîbb) of Miton ara pleased to announce the birts of ter son Eman James weighing 6 Rbs 6 oz ai Miton District Hospital on Decenutar 16, 1999 ai 11:44 AM. Pmoud grandparents Ian & Uiz Gîbb of Miilon and Peter Miller and Joanne aiso ot Milton. A specisi Buanka to Dr. Sharma, Dr. Peers and etl thse nursing staff at M.D.H., for Bue sale arrivai of Ewaas. ROACH - Robert and Sendira (Godfrey) sre thrtloed to announce Bue arrivai of thoir pireclous angol, Kara Lynne Elizabeth, bomn on Decenster 15 wolghing 7 has 4 oz. Spoiling priv- iliges go tai grsndparnnts Sheds & George, Duane & Dolina, Robert & Lorra. She as also blessed with suris, undoes and cousins to love and nuttura her. Spociai Burks for thse excellent cara given by Dr. Sharma, Dr. Watads and Bue wonderfui staff ln Bue taPon District Hospital OBS word. AON Listda ... 854-16 martSyt ..... 875-0519 Daons ...... 332-4790 6,0w ..... 5.. -0144 *Having a baby? *Eabiabahng a 1161 busines? myL . ..... 876-4330 Pet ......876-4040 Thse FaMlIy ofth Buois Petironella Jacoba Van Dongen vilahs to exdend Bueir hortile#itanis to or relatives, fniends Bue people who work wth us, and our neghbours on Trafalgar ld, Dorry Rd. and Bue M1 Une, for theïr expressions ot sympathy. We Buank you for Bue beautitul flowems cards and donations to charfty. Spedial thanies 10 Andrew Kocher and McKeme-l<ocher Furersi Home for the sympaBuetîc and profident marner in whlch yo carried out Bue tunersi arrangements. FaBuer EarI Talbot et Bu Holy Rosary Parisit, tsars you tor your words and beutifu service, and Bue Music Ministry for your glft ot song. We thank yo ail tor your guidance and thoghtfulneas durlng this difficult time. A hesrtfelt thanks to Sarsh and Adriana tor ail your loving care provided and to thse Mihon District H-ospital for ail their care in the past. We grestiy appreciato ovetyones love and support. We wouid like to, wish yo afl a Monry Christrnas and a blessed and healthy New Yesr. Undor section 3 ot tee Innkeepors Act of Ontario. To be hoId on Saturday, January 15, 2000 at noon at Ron Dean Stable, Dam 8 et Mohawk Racowoy, Iocated on Bue Guelph Lino just north of Hwy. 401 in CampboIlviilo, Ontario (Town of Milton). 3 yoar aid boy Standardbred mare named Philly Fantasy (Tattoo #R44280). To the registered ownors Jessie Kayacs Stables Inc. and Ronold Dean. TAKE NOTICE that $4,292,05 is duo and owing by Jessie Kovocs Stables Inc. bo Ronald Dean for boording and training Philly Fantasy AND TAKE NOTICE that Ronald Dean rosorvos tee righnt ta, bld on Philly Fontasy. TERMS: Cash or certitied choque payable to tee Auctioneer. Raymond Veenmesun Aucteneer (410) 816-5239 0 i pdlvered and stced. Mîxed hsrdwood. $Msceloord. Phono 519-846-2327. Leeve phono number and mpessage. FIRIEWOODà seasoned hardwood. 210 - bush cord del. 110 - 112 siter December 1, 1999. (905)878- m- BUYISELL Stsr lit, porcis lIfts, celtinbits, slae- tors, scooters, beds, etc. Oeil 1-800-57-9310., CARPET Carpet. 1 have seversi ffsousand yards of new Stalnrnaster and 100% nylon carpet. 1 wilI car- pe yor IMng races and hal for $349. Price in- due et, ped nd instatlation. (30 sq. yards). Steve, 90.3-92. FREE Estimates - Love your sots and chairs? liste your colours? Give Rels a catli Great Savligsl Sotas fromt $598. Chairs trora $198. Senior Discounts. Fields Custom Upholstering, 875-4427, Delly 9-9. NewYerSale -No GST or PST. TreatVoursef To A Great New Looke ai Super Savlngs. Sots and Matching Chair trom $788. Loveseests f romt $448. Chaira from $199. Free Estimatos. Senior's Discounts. Fids Ouality Customn Upholstening. Dally Gam-Gpm, (905) 875-4427 SIT On h - Don't SR In lB Rei ctoam for cushions. Reaidentiai comril Fields Uphoisteiy 9-9, 7 dsystweeld 875-4427. YEAR End Sale - Fantastc Savingal Save up to 50%e on or great labice seiscion. Sots and match- ing chair irom $788; Lovoseats trors $448; Chairs hrors $198. Free estirnatos. Senior discounts. Fid Custom Upholstorlng. (905)875-4427, Daily 9-9. DUDU tela- 31 et OPEN DAULY 11-5 Clsig earfr Dooember 24 and 31 Fruit & Grape Wines nSirawberry e Raspberry e Blacke Currant e Pear ( Also Gîft Baskets, Pies, LFrozen Fruit, Jars, Honey, Maplo Sywup, Cider Phone 878-587 RELIABLE Doycare In~ '. avoulable. Wilson and n s m a Woodward orna Please oel 876-4978. PEOPLE Ssy you cen't hurty love - nisybe not - but you con amote lis pets.* Misty River Iro- SPOTSRIE ductions - findlng your Tcoriatalpog soul mate macle essy. TO ord taip (416)777-6302. annonttceflnts, registra tequireti. CNECK YOUR ADI To admiaister aIl officeI Tino Conades U " kl Champion connol ha masponsiblo for tee Indivitinal must posseas cost of more tison ose akilîs sn Microsoft offic incorrect insertion. Any eqaipacat. Must bu tien erors la tee Ciassiloed Section ahouid ha AMOTRTV calloti 0 tIhe attetntiotn To inpat ail tinanctal test of tee Ciasitied nIons maintenance of aIl Departmost sttar tee To provide genera offic first insertion. Aeljaatments arn madIe RNM la tee dogmee tee error ladiviti must posteas rodurad tee salon of spreatisInct prograns;t tee adI. starter witis an attention 875-3300 have a knowtetige of the Wed. Dec. 29 Issus PLEASE SEND YOU DEADLINE 19 Sny ata Eeai Tues. De. 28 SnyMriEeui * 11 amn Milton Cisamber of Cor Fr1. Dec, 31 Issue 251 Mais Strect, Miltor DEADLINE I9 Deatiline for resames is Thura. Dec. 30 for ytiar interest in ties 011 amn Lot us Know: " What houra you prefer - How muoh you would dite to esm per rnonth " Whst route ares you prete Deiivery Days are: Tueedsy, Wednesday and Frldey Wirekend: You will have up to 10 arn Sundaey to finish dellvr.Yuwi recelve dhe papers on SCatdylifinter- eeted pleese csîl 845-9742 MondeY to Frlday between 8:30 arn and 6:30 prn. Or Saturday between 12:00 prin and 5:00 Pmn Circulation Sales and Service Representativa The OakviIIe Beuvier has a tull lime posi-' tion avoulable lnmodlateiy tor a Circulation Sales and Service Represontotvo. Experionce 18 an assat but we wiil train. Plospiônsiblitles Include grwlg pald circulation, initlatlng promo- tions and sorvlcing existing clientelo.Tho succosatul candidate will have smbition, work wl ilndependontly and in o toamn onvironment, onjoys wôbrkdng with chul- dron, and has a background ln customer service and promotions. A roliablo vohiclo sa a nocossity. This positon pays saiary plus car atlowonco and saes bonusos. To opply, ploase sond rosumo along with salary oxpoctations to: The Oekville Beaver 467 Speera Rd OakvlIe, Ont L6K 3S4 Attn.: Trudy Reading NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE J s coming rp Io that lime of year again. Openypur hearts & give generously ta the Salvation Anny Christrnas Bureau Fwid. Thse Çanadiar Champion office is eccepting donations et loi M ST., MILTON MVale this Clirisonas special for someorte ihday 4ILTON CHAMBER of COMMERCE requirca .COBODJNiO (30-35 hr/week) anm andi events, iscluding ail actîvities andi dattes associated wîtis thse preparaios, ion, collection of fusds andi billing process. and assisting commutteen and volunteers as foinctions in accordance with tise Clsamber's policies and procedures. excellent otallwntten communication skills; organization skills anti ptolicient tecissical e applications, spreadslseet software, database management (Maximizeri and office ie andi enjoy a fast paceti enviionment. LURK (10-20 isrs/week) isactions mbt tise accoating system, onsa timely anti accurate basis, including tise metic- 1 relateti documents, report generation anti record keeping. e administration sapport as needeti. attentive knowledge in tise anderstanding anti use of Simply Accounting anti Excel ime management skills to, prioritize anti meet ticatlines os a consistent baais; bce a self- to'deLtl. Ideal candidate will possens common ase seb able tu watt witisoisr anti business commnity. tRESUME TO: e Director, nmeece. ,On. L9T IPI January 5,.2000. Osly individuals receivisg an interview will be contacet. Tisank yoa -positions. classitîied Ilamp For any purpus, ro, dobtconso,I Iholkiiy $$. lst &2ndI mý.2'sBad cr"edtK.I 1-8847-778 WANTE self-con- tained epertmont ln Bu Milaon ores. Ploas cati (519)941-2830. LARGE 3 bedrooni (1700 SQ. F.) ffst in downtown Victorien home. Avaiisble Jan lIst. Rotferences amusti $1450/mo. Utildes in- dludod. Cali 876-0402 MAIN levei ot hous. for ront. Two bedrooma, largo living, dinlng, kitchen and laurdry. Avoulable Fob. 1 . $1175(month uttitis ln- dluded. No dogs. Roter- ences 905.878-2737. ACTON, large 2 bed- room,$75OImo. plus, also large one bedroors, $550.plus (519)853- 50801 (519)853-5352. TWO bedroom avail- able January 2000. One bedrooni avoulable January 2000. 0011 (905)693-9658. TWO bodrooni base- mont apartment with separate ontrance. Use ot loundry $800 plus hait of utilities. Trevor R75-016g :11 LOST. Blacke long hair cet, Masty. Strayod front nos homo on November 27. If tound pOease caîl 878- 7133.

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