raquires OVERNIGIIT STAFF (Il1 PM TO 7 AM), DAYTIME STAFF AND MUFFIN BAKERS Paid training. Uniforma suppliad. Renumaratian basad an axparience. Apply in persan ta: 0501 Hwy. 25 North, Miltion HARROW TRUCK UNES a major U.S. carrier is currently seeking individuels for tine foilowing positions: * EXPERIENCED LUBE BAY TECHNICIAN 2 PERSONS FOR TRUCK WASH Interested candidates can contact Jante or Scott at (905) 693-1411 or appîy In person ta: 8201 Lawson Rd. Milton, ON L9T SES ADULTS RIEQWIRED To Doliver-Tho Oakville Beaver Door to Door Let us Know: " What houra you prafar " How much you wouîd 11ke to earn par rnonth " What route arne you prefer Delivery Days are. Tu.sday, Wednesday and Frîday We.kand: You wlI hava up to 10 arn Sunday to finish delvery. You MlI roci tine papers on Saturday If Intereatod plaie cali 845-9742 Mondai to Friday b.tw.en 8:30 arn and 6:30 prit. Or Saturday betw.en 12:00 Pmn and 5:00 prin Circulation Sales and Service Representative Tha OakvIie Beaver has a full lime position availabla immediately for a Circulation Sales and Service Representativa. Experiance lu an asuat but wa wili train, Responsibilities Include growlng pald circulation, initiatling promo- tions and servicing axisting clientele.Tha auccasuful candidate WHR hava ambition, work well indepandantiy and in a team environment, enjoys working with chil- dren, and hau a background in customer service and promotions. A reliable vahi- dle is a necassty. This position paya ualary plus car allowance and salas bonusea. To appfy. piesse senci reuume along with salary expactationu ta: The OakvUle Baayer 467 Speer$ Rd Oakville, Ont L61C 3S4 Mitn.: Trudy Reading NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE LOCAL prtnting rampa- REPACK Canada - Mii- ny requires hlnisining de- ton Ont. Raquiras as- patront trsinee.Candi- sembiars and packars. datas must passasu mechanicai abiIity, and Hours 8 la 4. Manuaf have reasonabia math dexterfty and attention uitîs. Somns haavy Ifft- ta detal required. Cali ing is raquired. No ex- Rick ut 876-9990 for in- pananca lu requireci. teviw Te position lu panna-eviw nient! fuit time. Cati 878- 8926 or Fax resllrme ta lLESRECY'CLEI 878-8994. M A I la servung up a big slice of oppartunity friendly people who are ready ta dig inI inmedrate openingu in aur corpor Store Managers, Cooks, Cot Contract Delivery O if you are brigint, courteous andi iooking your teoth into, we vient ta, meet youf would be an asset. We offar excellent wages, flexible day, shifts, paici training and benafits fortf Non-umokors anly pIe; Senci your resumo ta aur Job Centre Toronto, Ontario M4V 2H9, fax (ý phone: 1 -800-265-9762, c hlre..maQPizzaPim REOUIRED IMME0IATELY FULL TIMEt LOT PERSON Must be axpananrceci in car praparatran. AUTO DETAULER Must be axpananceci with paint buffing/ polishing and automobile praparation. Onty neat, punctual, selt-motivated people nead appiy. DELIVER RESUME TO: AndyTroiner 2400 South Service Rd. W Oakville, Ontanio L6L 5M9 i obeyi A new scale ofoqpportunity! Sobeya tnc. witls 1,392 stores ef whieb more tIsau 900 as-e aupermarts in tan provincea, tbousanda ef wbelesale cuatomatrs and thse eaentry'a largest and ni cost te cost fodservie oeration, Sebeys la a brand- naw giant in thse Canadian food industry. Quality Assurane Inspector - Produce Reporting ta tIse Supervisor, Quality Assurance, you wiil be responsible for: a- inspect incoming product ta ensure specifir grade standards are met, evaluate quality of incoming produot againot expected retail standards. a- Request govemment inspections, on catego- ry manager's instruction, and facilitate saro- Q.II S! NC. pling process for goverrnment inspectons. D> lnspect inventonied and outbound product ta We are expanding and ta ensure aur ensure continued quality standards through- cantinuous succeus, we are Iaatdng for: out the cold chain * SEVICEWRITR a Interact with distribution centre supervision "SHUNTC DRIER ta ensure proper stock rotation and product "*HN DIE handiing " MECHANICS " APPRENTICE MECHANICS The successful candidate will have a post sec- MuaI hava atrang camputer backgraund ondary edlucation or equivalent business expe- Heavy trucke exp. an aasai but wilt train. riesce. Degree in agriculture would be an asset. Fax Reaume to: (519) 634-5052 Paat experiesce in Canadian produce grade standards and the ability ta isterpret manuals. DUE O EXANSIN, BDOS'BMW Abiiity ta work wits and calibrate tois sucb as EOREASIN A FULL-TIM scales, pressure tester asd pulp thermomieters. REQUIES AFULLTIME Retail produce experiesce preferred. C Iass "A" For confidential rossideratios, please sn Technician your resumé witb salary requiremests by Eurapean car experience an asset. Excel- December 20, 1999 ta: lent benefit package. Favward resume: Sobeys Ostario Attention: AfldyTrojner Jamie [SeLeo BUDDS'BMW Humas Resources 2400 Sauth Service Rd. W 6355 Viscount Road, Mississauga, ON Oakville, Ont L6L 5M9 L4V 1W2 No phone calls pieuse J Fax: 905 671i5175 Tanimy-dacosta@sobeys.flet Pae B e rs ackrudNCeaHsaeo s ea o rduates suan orsth Secretary & possess a good sesse of humour t0 worlt Pormonal Support Workhr Progru, in this extremtiy busy office. whirh preparus gradualus 10 help clients unjt Please fax ysut resumu fil Kim Whileman the best quality ot lite possible, whsther i 905 - 637-3781 thuir sax homes or long lerm care facililies. )aada Sheridan Csf ege Skil, rasn Cnr Senior Bookkeeper 407 Ira sois Short Road., Oukoille Tiho candidate for this position must have trruJaay10-My2,00 superior bookkceping skiils, with the Cotc 05-845-9430 ext 8052 ability to complote ail facets of Account Management. You arc a team player with good communication skills for peripherai dutico in a friendiy but busy office S e i a environmaent. We look forward to speak- ing with you. TAXE THAT FIRST STEP Pleaae oeil (905) 567-5295 TO ANl EXCITINO CAREER monnu ýIN RETAI. TODAY 1OFFICE Assistant for if yos're otgoixg, enthusiastic and shsre our trade association watts. commitmext to customer service, Ganeral office siis ae- we'd like to have you ox our leam!. qsirad. Arceau and Opportonilies n0w available at our Burlingtsn Ste Windows software ant e ASSISTANT STORE MANAGERS z aassat. Located in Milton. We offer yo training, compelîlîve wages, excel SRaply tai: Terry Murphy benef ils, a triendly and suppotve environment or Kathleen Pugliesa oppottunities for rareet advancement. for enthusiautic and 905-875-1805 or fax ra- JOE Oa WMING EaMIg Right now, we have sunle to 905-875-3942. Piease apply in person ai ate starea for: 632 Plain Roai E. @ King Rd. While we thaxk exeryoxe for their snterest, inter Help and Are you planning a xniy thxo being cxnsidered ai bu contacted. rivers special avent No phone rails pieuse. for a jab yau can aie thet wouîd b. of*~ AcfivaIy .ep.d 'etfo xeine interest to those .ualIymat as aa xprene in the conmunlty? É qut svening and weekend Advartiae if in A ronvent Place ix Nons- Flexible hauts uli lime emlye. The Canadien s e ms y e Cham pion ? "'eur Homefown st 570 Jarvis Street, cwMmune Wa 116) 967-3566, Newsaper" i email: .PoeFrIdey ail applicant 875-330000 5 pizza pizza se prouci ta reaponci i f 1 The Canadian Champion. Tuesday, December 14. 199-2 DAYCARE t needed. Sam Shurrat ares for 2 ns ou-t ichildren (6 & 1), part Bouts, cauio RV'a trail duxtriai Space 5M KVA. lurne strng Januaty. ors. Svcurity fvocvd Excollent for olorago or 875-4202. $30 moxth up. CRIBCO umail munutucluriflg. EXPRIECE rae- LTD. 905-877-1876. @$2.50 sq. fI. nel, net. EXPEIENCED crs- eorgtown tocation rOt at Iaaer required January (90)~9-5 cildren (agas 4-t0> in OFFICE or ratait upace aur home, Mon. ta HOUSE for rani. 4 bed- for lasse. Contact Ray Thurs. Apprax. 8:15 romr bungalow home ai 876-2836 or 876- s.m. tai 6:15 p.m. Cal on~ 1 3 ace. Fire- 5317. 877-2934. plchardwood floors, SMAILL. PRIVATE 0F- EXPERIENCED fuît rge - kilchnliving FICE beautifuliy ap- lime child care needed rooni. A muse sea. pointed, l-wy. 25 & 401. fr2gIsag 5 & 8 To $1400molt. Avaitable 1-905-277-9347 or 905- inld daoff and pick immediataiy. Pies ral 275-6834. up a I soi n Dorset Rida or Sei a Ares Piesse catIlra 693- (905)693-1466 sltar 0217. 7:O0PM. MATURE teanaga aiffar required for develop mentally hand1icappad teesiage girl. Occasional Fnday or Saturday and Joyce area. Rater- ais large ana bedraom, g APARENTS, ancas raquireci. 875- $550plus (519)853-. URIN 3728. 5 /0!(519)853-5352. & REUIABLE Osycare GRANDPARENTS avallable. Wilson and MILLSIDE Ifsa specisi someone Woodward ares Plase TOWERS was barn in 19W9 and rail 878-4978. 8MISDE their birh assossce- appeaired sTs DR., MILTON Cas"arn Champios, pieuse cOntact us NOW LEAS.ING regarding sur 1 & 2 Badroomus 199 Gr h~e availabie an bus 2000 V8 Mint ranci. Laaded. 1 routa, frai deca- SPECIAL ownar. Complets serv- rataid2 appIi5sce5, BABY ice rer. Carl. & Driva on-st iaundry, E IIN Clean. Snaw'a comin-, indludes ail utilities E IIN you nead this 4X~4' (xcept phone & ior you wish b as $18,000. (95)607- cablIe.)i-ree parking, yalitdring's pic- no pets. Referenres ture inctsded (Cos(i s 7642. rqie. only $10.00 + OSTI, requira mst reccase it as 905-876-1249 WCo as possible. ~ By appaintnrt aniy DEADLINE: ON ero pr- DECEMISER 20, ment in a quiet neigh- PUBLISHING DATE SmmE aLEIN bourhoad. Nirely deca- IS JAN. 4, seee. NEW & USED rstad. Available imme- isaselie 410 STEELES AVE. ditl.Frmaeifr vilase for pick sp A FUL BN SS mation rai Conrad at alter Jas. 5, 2000. WITH FAIMILY VALUES celt 693-0216. ib WE - BU - SEL -~ 63-877o sta 6 LARGEST SELECTIOII OF TWO bedroamn avait- ùanae f OSED VEHICLES IN MILTON able January 2000. Orne badroao available C» P 875-2277 January 2000. Cait 191 Main Street Eu, (905)693-965. 1Mutais, 0.1, L9T 4N9 L.COME AGON n lm Siraîn .aa n at aag -New In town? 190OOntario St. oni large 4 be- - Getting m&-rledW.M3 Milton 878-6522 room home. Fireplare, mono$hS am.re? Marers pakin. se rtchen - Haing a baby? Bronze Mathers tamily room and living -Establahlflg a cametery Leslening room. $500/manth. Non flCw bui ness? um maker. 876-2555. PLEASE CALL US: Cemmanhty Weleeao Linda ...854-1563 Man2yn..875-0519 M .w' m., ROOM for rent, suitable Donsx....332-479 ATIR AIIES frami. Phone sItarS5 Bridai For any purpose, ir.m.. 878-0225. Kathy ...854-0144 renos, debt consol, Tracy l. 86-33 holiday $$. 1 st & 2nd Bsna!'eîslf mtg.'s Bad credit OK. Pat....576-4040 Ontario Wide rime Off ice Spara, re 1 307-799 Geornetown. Suitable Ce &880-79 for Engineering, Ar- cosnting, Salsi/ Mar- lent tseting, Computer relat- ad ed rampanies, etc.. @$2.50 sq. Il. net. net. (905)294-4527. N F uPop 1M yos MINl indlustral Unit 400 rant Stop. Limited num- Sq. Ft. IdesI for saui I oigu ota bar of dîstrîbutarahîpu rantrarlar, liginl manu- lix coifl yeap to tho lait. Profitable opportun- farluning, Georgetown. rie!yer in îty, regerdlesu 0f ae- 905-866-7464. Open your heurts & giv enre. NO SELUN. Ail RA NBL Inu- genereoxiy lu the cash business. Min. in- trial Units tor rent. 1,200 SiaieAm veut &16,800, put you - 3,200 sq. fI. Loading Christmaus Bureau Fund. an the fast tracts ta ealY docks & drive-in. 1-M0 Tine Canadian retirament. Information 277-9347 ar 1-905-275- Champion office Package: Cail 1-800- 6834. la now eccepting 336-4296. donations at 1el mmI ST., Whet platliie yur C AFT MILTON Wherrpl~nin~ yur C AFT Mahe thix Chrristmas to 5ALE, dornt foret to adverti5e speciaiîforxsomeone itn the caiiic~ >o gwOMgaaaea I U t__ _ __ _ _ _ _ (tianpien