18-Te aaie hmpo uedyDaebr1419 T f1:/NUOr-- I à 4-t-L41 ~ i I à I Electrolysis College under one roof with schools for ~personal support workers and alternative medicine By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Holistic health care is forming a unit- ed front with the affiliation of three schools in Milton. The current Milton campus of the Electrolysis Coliege of Canada (ECC) will soon be opening ite doors to the Medix School and the University of Alernative Medicines (UAM). Ail wili funiction out of 550 Ontario St., Suite 203, at Derry Road. Medix specializes in the training of personal support workers, otherwise known as home support workers or health care aides. Home health care is a growth business throughnut North America. As the population ages, hospitals are squeezed for space and people opt for more control over their health. That makes it a boom market for personal support workers. A 21-week course of half-day Medix classes are set to begin in the new year. Graduates of the programn wiII have the choice of work- ing in private residences, Iong-termn care facilities and hospîtals. The placement rate at the school's London location is 96 per cent. The Milton site will back the claim up by offering a life-time placement service to its graduates. In tihe enlightened i1990s, more and more people have been talcing their healts into their own hands by explor- ing altemnative methoda of healing. Acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicines, colour- therapy, Sujok acupuncture, iridoiogy, aromatherapy, herbology and auricular and auyrovedic medicines ail fal under the umbrella of the UAM. Classes, which are designed to conformi with World Health Organization guidelines, are scheduled to begin in ianuary, 2000. And UAM also bas a mandate to educatethe public on altemnative medicines. To that end, experienced practi- tioners will be available to provide treatments to the pub- lic. The Electrolysis Coilege of Canada also provides treat- ments for the public, while courses focus on professionai hair and skin technoiogy. Electmilysis and advanced laser and dermatologicai applications are on tihe cuniculum. Thse ECC bas been a weli-kept secret in Milton that wili iikely be biown wide open with the affiliation with the two other schools, said its director Judith Finn. She noted that students come from ail over to take courses at the college, but local residents are often unaware that thse achool exista. For more information, cail thse Medix Schooi at 1-800- 695-2414 or visit the Milton campus. For thse International University of Alternative Medicines, wbich is affiliated with the Medicina Altemnativa Institute, cail (905) 563-1303. For information on the ECC, caîl 878-9113 or 878- 3945. 1-1101 Dy UMAMAM 1-AINC HoIistlc healtiscare hase corne to Milton wlth the affiliation of three health-oriented scisoola. Helplng It happen (lef ta rigisi) are Mcdlx Scisool director of admIssIons Andrew Wright, Medix scisool admisisions representatlve Andre Motuzas, Electrolysls College of Canada director Judiths Finn, end Prof. Dr. Sir M.R. Mehran Halminegad of thse University of Alternative Mediclnea. Wt rap a new NÏissaqunwn I~~w udUogco DECEMBER O N LY 170-Hp 3'3'#Ue V6 Igh» - Automatic son and ai! cOndidoninq - 16- aily is- Fw mm kdonmftn or the ve hmpm suv;, SunrO01, Vwndffl, door locks aW wbuis PRM y«M nming BOW 150-watt &SPk« huw mirrors - L kw**m of your nmi« audio system.Stp mils AMeM wbcasub Deebrddp, Visift our Web @Ne ins dntrir an anti. aw roof raà - nemote hy. e wwwi*mww4nub»m or s»Jem. P' ffliam * VeNcle immowim oM 1-8004W-0122. ou and more... DRNEIN -FRI., ffl, LK- tAlr^o%.. firoMirQ avOlla lem pockoges on Mqued. Ses d9oW W deécils. a -..OMRI a