A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 140 No. 78 Tuesday, Decemnber 14, 1999 36 Pages $l.00GSTincluded) Taffic congestion beoming serious problem in Halton, says police chief By IRENE GENTLE really is that it's work in progress." Algar. "The problemn isn't getting muters affected when an accident The Championl Chief Algar raised the issue at the any better." involving a tractor-trailer on the Efforts are being made to tail end of a recent Halten Police When accidents do occur, massive QEW paralyzed traffic for hours. unlu asie rffcco-Services Board meeting. traffic jams make it tough for emner- "A fire truck couldn't get any- unpugmasiv trffc Cfl The meeting was held during the gency vebicles to reach the scene. where. I know. 1 was there," he said. gestion in the region, but accident-plagued month of "How can we best handie the 'It just isn't good enough the way it resuits won't be seen November, which included one diverson? It's abig problemn.We get is." overnghtsaysHalton's memorable day when traffic on both swamped," saîd Chief Algar. "You Traffic should not have to comne to oveniht sysHwy. 401 and the QEW were para- can understand it's very difficuit to a dead stop due to accidents, agreed police chief. lyzed due to accidents. get in there." board member Kelly Culin. ,'This is a very serious issue facing "What we're finding is people are And that can be dangerous, said "I do not accept a 23-hour delay at Halton," said Halton Regional Police moving to rural or secondary roads board niember Jack Brewer. any time in the absence of a hole Chief Ean Algar. "My point here trying to make timne," said Chief He said he was one of the comn- seo NO EASY on pege 7 vBearing a grîn CLEOs Sharon Crosby la surroundsd by stuffed beara whlch cen be purchased for made and the collective proceeds wvIli be used ta buy additlonal bears for those et the $25 mach ln support of residents of Aliendale. Small.r contributions cen a180 be local manor. Donations cen be made until Christmas at the Miltion Mai store. Community Page 8- Business 18 Sports 20-22 Classified 24-25 Dateline 27 ePizza Nl*a *Mfl Ros* *Businhss Depor * eJordan Ceroul kSlstmd a «as #Y 1