8 - The Canadian Champion, Frlday, December 10, 1999 -Shotgun stolen from car at Kelso Police Blotter Police in Milton are investigating the thf fa shotgun trom a parked vehicle at (Crim e JStopp ers Kelso Conservation Ares. If you cati solve r this theft we am waiting for your call. 0 F H A L T 0 N On October 15 a vehicle was parked at Kelso, located at 3255 No. 3 Sideroad. stole a 20-gauge Browning double-barrel While the 1996 Honda was unattended, shotgun. suspects broke into the vehicle by smash- ing the righî rear passenger window and The serial number of the weapon is 641 1B57. It was in a green nylon gun case, which had a picture of a duck on the side. There was no amnmunition with the shot- gun. Crime Stoppera reminda vehicle ownera and drivera to always Iock valuables out of sight wben they're stored in a vehicle. If you can solve this gun theit, Crime Stoppera is waiting for your caîl. If you have any information that leads to an arrest in this or any other case, you may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $1 ,000. You need flot give your name and your information cati be taken with com- plete anonymity. Crime Stoppera does flot subscribe to cail display. Cali 1-800-222-TIPS or 825-TIPS. Crinse Stoppers of Halton is operated by a board of directors made up of 18 civil- ians from ail areas of the region. The rewardfund resultsfromn thefinancial sup- port of business, industry, service clubs and privare citi zens. OPEN Satur 1ays "thI 9 p.m. Shop foIr j iore Specals FUTURE SHOP CORRECTION NOTICE In aur December 1 flyer, the following error occurred: The Panasonic Pelmecoder (model PV D209) advertisedi on page 18 for $599-99, shows an incorrect picture of the Item. The item doe fot have an LCD monitor. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. Clarke9ds Goli A~n icea mra icr. yuu >avz i . '~y AS ý = ==later. Buy a Carrier Weather Maker Home '~!I~à1Z~P" ~ .~ comfort system now and save.* Enjoy the W ofort and savings of the world's most efficient furnace for years to corne. rAsk for details) s2GO tl-- Applies ta any new furnace purchased from Union Energy Nov. 13-Nov. 20199 Cali for a free in-home estimate or for the showroom location near you: SOU 00400 .~ IOuuI or 1400-TI4UIO Mlan suffers head injuries in assault Being witness to a tight proved painful for a local man early Sunday moming. Police report that as about 3 arn. on Ontario Street, the 25-year. old victim was approached by two young men - one of whom he'd seen involved in another tight a few hours earlier outside Charley Fitzwhiskey's on Ontario Street. A verbal clash broke out, aI which time the vicîim was punched and kicked repeaîedly - sustaining head injuries. A 29-year-old Milton man was arrested laler that day and charged wiîh assault causing bodily hanti. He'll appear in Milton court January 17. Rash of charges A 23-year-old Milton man faces several charges in connection with a lengthy police investigation that culminated with an arrest last Friday. The suspect - allegedly involved in an incident with tirearms on his Guelph Line residence îhree montha ago - faces two counîs each of possession of firearms while prohibited, posses- sion of ammunilion while prohibited as well as possession of a tirearm dangerous to public peace, pointing a tirearm at another person and willful damage under $5,000. He'll appear in Milton court December 10. Suspicions man sought Police are looking for a man who grabbed a I 3-year-old girl duning an incident on Commercial Street November 26. The young girl reported that she was walking home and approached by a man in a beige vehicle. The suspect asked if she wanted a ride, and when she refused he reached ouI and grabbed'her arm. But she managed to b"ea his grip and get home safely. police said. The suspect is described as a white. maIe with bmown hair and brown eyes. Drugs seized Two Mississauga maies, one a youth, face charges in connec- tion with an evening drug seizure on December 1. During a routine traftic stop of a '87 Toyota wagon at Sixth Line, police detecîed the smell of marijuana coming from the vehicle and then found 15 grams of the drug. Suspects aged 16 and I 8-years-old are each charged with pos- session of a contmolled substance. Costly distraction About $140 was bast when a wallet was removed from a shop- ping cart at the Milton MaIl Shopper's Drug MarI last Friday. The victim said her wallet was in an unzipped purse in the Ibuggy at 9:40 s.m. bot was removed when a young female dis- tracted her. The suspect was described only as white and about tive-fool- six. i Nt)\N 1Ný'Fý0F3 Gloves Marjnelic Bracelet iwiim clilhs e Travel Covers p[illefs - Bý11ls S110es 0 \Nilidsliitls plchiru Frafiles Vesfs * Bans