28-The Canadien Champion, Friday, Decomber 10, 1999 DUE TO EXPANSION, BUDOS' BMW r*V MANAGER N REQUIRES A FULL TIME ___________ 9 lIAI \Ne are a unique, fax focused C.A. f irm on C Iass "A iechic.ia.. Burlington with a wîde client base. We re- European car experience an asset. Excel- quire a professional ta assist clients with 98 lent benei pakg. Forward resume: fax planning on complex issues including - Atenio:Andy Trojner croaereorga, trusts, U.S. fax and 19 BUDDS' BMW SR&ED as well as general fax planning, Bin 2400Souh Srvie R. W re-vieve and compliance. Stronq computer ce 2400Souh Srvic Rd W kilîs and a background in public account- fie Oakviff e, Ont. L6L 5M9 ing are prerequisites. ed No phone calsplilse STAFF ACCOUNTANT a' Our ideal candidate is a CGA, CMA stud- (9 ent or CA finalist who has a sincere inter- 19 preparation, fax compliance work and a computer literate, y ou should be experi- re dCi huiid eigh's enced with MS Offce and tas software. s Knowledge of Caseveare, fax preparation n ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT software and previous public accounting FULL TIME experience would be an edvantage. A re yo u: PLEASE FAX RESUME TO JILL GAYFER spedalisi n your ied? BTM NM CA conscienîlous, office* lechnology expert harTEAre ACnAnt 1h5 tke prden ettngth jo dneco- RO. Box 5015, 4200 South Service Rd, *Seriaus about loaking after the details, white Fax: (905) 639-2285 accommodsting the needs of your tesma and your custamors? Idealy, yau'l have: " Exporience and training in office productivi- iy technoiogy: Microsoft Office (Word,' Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook Express), FRE H EE MONTHS Windows95/98, f ntemet/E-mail, web page DtstelnJauary 4 for 12 weeks design and desk top publishing applications (such as Adobe/Quark Express> Youth Horficulfural Training *Strong organizationai akilis, preferabiy Agas 15-29. Job when finished. gained from minimum 2 years experience Landscapo Ontario as an administrative assistant in a Denis Flanagan aies/marketing environment Tel- 905-875-1805 " Knowledge of Noratar tleephone and voice Fx958534 mail aystem Fx 0- 534 " Experience in geanerai office dulies, such as dd' lb receplion and f iling dd àtfua If this souna like y'ou, thon we cani provîde h - < . you with an opporiunîty ta work in a f ast h wh paced environment where you'ii be rewarded olbut w.. for your ability ta, perform a variety of office to.... sks and look aftler the needa of a young and . dynamic management tesm. Fax your resumo and salary expectations ta us by Tuesday, December 14. In return, wed like to fell you more about our commilment o0 giving you the support you need ti stay on top of âblis your field of expertise, as you bring our office lal~ inIa the 21 ai century. ~R O oa N@W Thank you for your inferest. Putju We wiil contact you if you are selected for an En MSHO MLK interview. <"TM dvu dueu" m "w Fax: Hluman Resources (905) 878-6079 Hoa11 E dstg e ed a. eoo Accountant Cfiee mo ehitfn Modino of Canada Ltd. /Minstry of Education approvei potental 604 MeGeachîO Dr., A Apath to pprireships çnf yourMeditnaloptons5 Milton LOT 3Y5 IFlexible preparalioi and ltet lemronstrate your persunal bast! Fax: (905) 876-1624 / slchelogexpoc e-mail: dwaohelndn.o I A oass IiWabat expxerc Ca fgs)s-394f.124 rModine of Canada Ltd. is the Canadian .1Aasr of wiait fo m a iw (905)33-349Mle24 Subsidiary ai Modine Mfg Co. and intemation- /0areoigfr f adutl9aduyli ai leader in heaf-transfer and heat-storage /0nt s ft~so 9and ver, ou lý technology sorving the aulomotive affermar- 10l 4o..4 yu ket. Localion: Milton, Ontario. Reports To: Accounting Manager. EnvironmOlt: muet be able ta oporale AS1400 computer, MS/NT Off ice microcomputer and proprietsry DAYCARE needed. RYRT T sales/distribution information systema. Sam Sherrait ares for 2 UDE May Te Conversion toi SAP over the neat year slarting dhidren (6 & 1), part sacrEd Heathe in early 200. esponsible for general. coat, lime slarting Janusry. sueadored , gltoriJ- inventory and tixed asset accounting and 875-4202. lis e d oed, nd re- analysis of operations. Prepared daily eaui- MAUEteng ie , erved andhrogou imates of new product caste and updates foTR evelop- s t he ord nhow andt annuel standard caste. Records intercompany required frdvlp h oi o n sales/purchaes aclivity. Cover *Accounîs mentally handicapped oer.OrSrd Payle ndPayollfo vaatins Wok e gr. Occasional heart of Jesus, pray cloeely with supervisor, manufacturing, sales FrdlayorStda frus S.Jde laddistribution personnel ta cal acf, evenînga. Woodward worker of miracles, an .and Joyce ares. Refer- pray for us. Si. exchange and report information. eances required . 875- Jude, helper ta the CMA Accreditalion candidate or equivalent. 3728. hopeless. pray for Minimum two years' experience in general us. ay this prayer and cost accounting in a manufecturing envi- RELIABLE Daycare nine limes a day. By ranment, able 10 accurately accaunt for and available. Wilson. and lihe aightli day yoar analyze manufacturing, inventary and distrib- Woodward ares Please prayer will be an- ution activity on a timefy besis. cafl 876-4978. swered. Ir as neyer Full bonefits inciuding special employer RSP been known f0 fait. contribution. Publication must be Please mail, fax or e-mail resumes ta tire promised. Tirank attention of Douglas W. Goodhuê, B.A., you for favor re- C.M.A., Accoufltffl Manager ceived. Signed, MORTGES IA BRANCH For any pupSe, UFE wasnlt meani lt ADMINISTRATOR lived alone... don't y' lteqsired iaaediaely. This qualifieti persan will have renos, debt consoi, deserve 10 have soni irenrendoas organizaital skulîs. superir people sinus, h lla $ st &2d one specia n iyour lif goati warig knowietige of Office 97 asnd Instant Olfer du.. acctlinst RivTorontf plus aI leasl 2 years backgroandti n Reaf Estate or as mtg.sBdcedâ utin- ono't Lea eceay n osesagooti sense of humour Ontano Wie ditional malcirmal la wark an 1his exlpeaiely basy office. naiWde (1)7-32 Please las your rossas le Kima Whiiemnaa 1.84"779 -.r 905 - 637-378114 47 IG C10 Pick WANTED: 01 e bedroom 10SK, cap, ose owrr- apartrment Mature maie ver, reliabl1e lruck. M Iton Or surrounding Il for deta is 905-330- ares. 905-8f76-2995 46. $6500. 90 Otds 88 ugiram.Loaded, os- tient condition, certi- HOUSE for roien. 4 beti- tand omission test- room bungalow home an reote contrat ti- 1 3/4 acres. Firoplaco. ideti. Muat seîl $4450 hardwood floora. large 3O. Eveninga kifchen/living roona. A 35)878-7617. muaI aee. $1400/month. 95 Jep o Crorkeo Available immedialey. i5 Minp cond Lhoade Please cali Ride of Sireri er. Complote service 57 90)63-46 ale c Cert. & Drnve Ctean.70M now's comttlg - you ' aed tuas 4X4! $18.000. 05)607-7642. top.. Umitoti nuabor ai letributaraipe offt. Profit- bleofapofunity. regard- Plenfy of Good Jobs for PERSONAL SUP- PORT WORKERS For Careers in Nursing Homnes, ~Retirement Homes, Hospitals and P rîvate Home Care. Be Ready 10 work in 21 Weeks! Cai Todayf :00 DOGWLE VIAL Thenn Bus - 1.8Mar24,-2000 Réserv RqaMO35U spae is lmlS