22-The - snadisn Champion. Fridav. December 10. 1999 INMY JESUS 15 BE99!ER THAN SANIA CLAUS?, Santa lives af the Nort h Pole ... Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly... JESUS is everywhere. JES US has a hearifuli of love. Sanfa cornes but once a year... Santa offers a friendly HO! HO! HO!... JESUS is an ever present help. JES US offers health, help and hope. r Sanfa IS stockings wif h goodies... Sanfa says "You better flot cry",... JESUS supplies ail your needs. JES US says "Cast aIl your cares on me for I % Sanfa cornes down your chirnney care for you." uninvifed... Santa's litf le helpers make foys... ___________________ JESUS stands ai tise door of your heart and JESUS makes ail things new, mends____ A knocks, and enters when invited. wounded hea ris, repairs broken homes and D U I builds heavenly mansions. Sanfa rnay make you chuckle but... JESUS gives you joy that is your strength. White Santa puts gifts under your f ree... JESUS became our gift and died on a tree. We need te remnemrber WHO Christmas ila ail about. We need te put Christ back in CHRISTrnas, Jesus ia stili the reason for the season. . <?w 1oau Cteanse ye your eyes, s0 thaf ya bahold no man as differant trorn yourselves. Ses ye no stfangers; rather sou ail man as friands, for love and unity corne hard when ye fix your gaze on othemeas. from the Bahali writings LOCAL:....................................... 878-0011 REGIONAL:........................ 1-800-433-3284 GLOBSAL: ......................... . www.bahat.org Rediscover Christmas with excerpts of.. GABRIEL'$ SONG THREE PRESENTATIONS: DECEMBER 1718.19 AT 7 P.M. MILTON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL FREE ADMISSION - INVITE A FRIENDII An offering wilI be received to cover expenses. Surplus funds wiIl benefit the needy of Milton. Participating Ctiurches: Milton Alliance, Milton Bible, New Lite Pentecostal KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Main Street E., Milton 878-6066 Minsters-The fiee. Rod Lewis -Colleen Smith Director of Music Ministries-Chris Fischer Sunday, December 12, 1999 - ADVENT 111 10:30 arn. Worship Service and Sunday School (Nursery Up to age 3) 7:30 p.m. Sing the Songs oft h. Season An Advent-Christmas-Epiphany Carol Sing (Donations to Milton Xcape Youfh Centre) lu Wheelchair acceas at Mary Street entrance Senior Pastor -Rev. Don Rog Chlldren - Mir. NafalleRogu Worshlp -Mirs. Esther Itessler Youth -Rov. Gard Clark MILTON CHRISTADELPHIAN ECCLESIA You are invited to a Bible talk on: THE GOSPEL THE POWER 0F GOD UNTO SALVATION Sunday Dec. 12 lh 2:00 pmn (God Willing) Hugh Foster Hall Victoria Square Milton www.bib lenews.org Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton the Church on the Hill Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 www.welcome.to/Grace. Milton Rev. Dr. Mark McDermott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 arn. - Holy Communion 10:00 arn. - Stang Eucharist Church School & Caffee Hour THURSDAY 10:00 arn. - HoIy Commuînion Milton Baptist HO0LY ROSARY PARISH Church bttp.llwwwgoldennset-wLa arnlon4.blyrsay.ml ~ h. hurch'Il)878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) 900 Nipissing Road 875-1626 HL OAYCUC Looking for that perfect gift this Chrisfmnas?7 HL OAYCW C Then STOP..1 13 M ni Sreet -j »>y Jesua, GodIs glft Christmas lblesalng preaenfed by the Sundsy School chlldren 11:00 a.m. Sunday, Dec 12199 Christmas Eve Service 7:00 corne experience Jesus wlth us! Sunday School 9:45 amn..........Worship Service 11:00 arn Christmas Concert 11:00 arn.Sunday, Decembe, 12, 1999 Rev Greg Macaulay 0. WIIIiECIIAIii ACCEST I'îeiUGîi 'AiiKINC LiT i)iiili Mass at 5:30 prn Saturday 9:00 arn, 10:30 arn & noon Sunday ST. PETER'S CHURCH 9th Lina & Britannia Mass at 9:00 arn. Sunday Bey. Earl Talbot, P.P - Minister - MILTON GOSPEL HALL èReva. John Benham 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-2022 . Rv.DronAbse 10:00 a.m. -The Lord's Supper C Il u et - Director of Music - 11:4 a.. - undy ScoolJudy HunIer il :5 a.. Sundy Scoolcorne to Worship 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service SUNDAY 10:30 a.m. Worshlp and Church School Classes Wednesday 7:30 p.m. December 12,1999a Prayar and Bible Study Third Sunday of Advent "Carriera of Chriatmaa" 1 give unto my sheep eternal Nursery care available life; fhey shall neyer perish, Facilities ara tully wheelchair accessible neither shall any man pluck Visit 0cr Webalte: ther oufof ny hnd. ohn10.2 P1 http://www.globalserve.net1.~stpaulsniton/ them~ ~ ~ ~ ou f< ad Jh 02 ý1 Information Lins 878-8895 VUOTRmV mmsLa OHURON DO YOUAITNDA CHURCH THAT AILOWS YOU TO GROWAND SERVE THE LORD INA MEANINGFUL WAY? Join us this Sunday so you can sec the importance of church, and how you con function in t he lives of others. 10:00 A.M. - Morning Worship Milton Leisure Centre (Board Roorn) (sepa-afe services for chitden 9 years and aider) Check out Pastor Charles Boyce on Cogeco 14 in his 'Wnsdom for the Week" ",Living A VWcto rious 14fe B3, The Wod Of God Pastoir Chales Boyce (905)875.2162 Email cboyce@interhop.net The Salvation Army Church Milton il11:Ô0 arn - Morning Worship & Kids Church 100 Nlplsslng Road, Unit 3 Pastora: Captaîns Dan and Wendy Groom. For more information about aur services, snd other progrsmmning plusse cail 876-2420 Milton Alliance Church 2850 DERRY RD. (betuveen the Pire Hall and liospifai) Phione 878-5664 e Fax 878-6676 Pastor Greg MIcCombs f1 a.rm. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERICE Theme: "Opes Your Ilearts Deorfto Silence & Se 1t a.rn. ADVENTURELA.ND FOR CIfIILDREN Tues.7pn.JR. IUGH -(gr. ")S WrnL 7 pin. PIONEER CLUImS (àèges 4-f12) r.wnxesjan. f2 11îwut. 7 pa.SR. ISClI (g. ffOAC For ire inftm ousr kaie, iiesn, yuuinand duldren lànit.e.Lve c-A ie diurds cIfici. DECEMBER SERVICE SCHEDULE S9 amn - Early Wonship Service 9:30 arn - Sunday School 10:45 amn - Second Worship Service Chîidrsns Programs & Nursery Avaitable for vour coflveni5lce ai evsry service You have ta, wait in line ta sec Santa... JESUS is a s close as the mention of His name. You sit on Sanfa's lap... JESUS lets you rest in His rs Sant a doesn't know your naine. In shopping mails you con hear him ask: "Hello, littie boy or girl, what's your narne?" JESUS knew your naine before you did. Not only does He knoiv your name, He knows your address to0! 1