20 - The Cainadian Champion, Fniday, December 10, 1999 Region votes 17-1 to take over ambulance service t ram HALTON on page 1 6 p.m. "I'm, delighted. I'm gaing ta celebrate ail night naw," said Mr. Armes. "Morale will be sky bigh as soan as I make a p hone cal." Back when thse taugh decisions firat had ta be made, regional council opted to begin contract negotiations with thse current suppliera. In Burlington and Oakville, that is Canadian Medical Response (CMR), also known as Halton/Mississauga Ambulance Service (HMAS), which is awned by Laidlaw. HMAS employa about 90 fulI-time and 30 part time paramedica. About baîf of those wark in Halton. Milton and Halton HuIs is covered by tIse vol- unteer Halton Hilîs Ambulance Service (1I1lAS. That service employs about 50 paramedies, 22 of wbich serve part-time. Dclivering seamless service througb thse down- loading transition period was thse ides bebind contracting thse service out ta current suppliera. That option would also bave bought the Regian time to look mare closely at the possibil- ity of taking thse job mn-bouse at some point in thse future. But a number of things have changed aince that decision was made. One was an extension of the take-over dead- lisse by thse Province ta January 1, 200 1. And another is that Laidlaw has put thse American anu of its ambulance services up for sale. That led ta fears that the Canadian branch woIId bc LI. ilext on the clîoppîiig block. And assurances by CMR area generai manager Diane Dennis-Finley ta the contrary didn't appear ta dispel the concem. "For us, it's business as usual," aaid Ms Dennis-Finiey. "Laidlaw is supporting us in aur efforts ta grow CMR. I wanted ta lay that ta rest right away." But that didn't convince Ian Sudlow, a para- medic with HMAS. "Our bealthcare systemn in Canada is highly regulated," hie said. "Sa how does CMR expect ta make a profit? We see a privately operated ambulance service as a no win situation for thse residenta of Halton and thse paramedies who serve them." But Ms Dennis-Flnley said that as thse employ- ci, the rcion ýA nid ,îs\,î hx the Ia;sav ini ambulance service. "You have more tlexibility tram us. You have the ultimate accountability - you can lire us," she said. But tmue accountability would be the resuit of a regionally-run service, said Mr. Armes. "We believe with commitments ta excellence, a regionally mun ambulance service would be able ta affer the highest quality of. paramnedic service," he said. "Thse paramedics of Halton stili feel the need for a publicly run and publicly accountable ambulance service." And council appeared ta agree, voting 17-1 ta bring the operation in-house. Only Burlinglon Cauncillor Jack Dennison stood in opposition. laiton lealth Care Corporaton, tormorli the ONII Tratabgar und Mien District lospltals, 18 ieouuariZImu local hospi1a1 services. Hospital aimlflst8rators Waal le Impose Sub-Stamiari wuues amni contraci-out hospial services le the privais sector. Pieuse loin hospliai workers ami Halion's own Ehenezer Scroooe for a DEMONSTRATION on Tuesd*av, December 141h, ai 5:30 P.M., in front et the Oakvilie Hospitai. Togethor we cmi fight these changes, because omir hospials are Mot For Sale. ê CUPE Local 815 I eMMI.LO fil We wish to draw your attention to the following in our current Great Gift flyer. PAGE 30 -BASIC REMOTE CAR STARTER, 34-0654-4 COPY READS: $89.99 SHOULD READ: $99.97 We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you. LOO foreu .Ssl DewMLWrnt & 1P5W5Y!a4 - 1 where the Joas Orel Pffl 12 computer cou,'Ue 1 A business that considers itself immune to the necessity for advertising sooiner or later finds itselff immune to business." Derby Browin