ioion. Fridav. Decemnber 10, 1999-15 Leather WAS $15,995 NOW $13,995 Lease for $293.40/mo Fulty Loaded WAS $29.995 NOW $29.365 ýcise for 9532.841mo 4X4 toaa]ea WAS $29,995 NOW $29,31 2 ne for 962.58/mo Rear Spolier WAS $18.995 NOW $17,942 Leose for S430.7OImo - ~ Power Moon Roof WAS $24,995 NOW $24.495 1 P-iLse fr d49 -.Q7Imo 1500 Sertes Extra Cab WAS $19.995 NOW $1 8.995 Economical WAS $13.995 NOW $12.999 5 speed, Air WAS $10.995 NOW $8,999 Autornatlc & Air WAS $10.995 NOW $9,995 oierms frr.% .1 7/rn many TO u..noose rrom WAS $15.995 NOW $14.779 Lease for $248.97/mo GQRRUD'S Grand Sport Editon WAS $18.995 NOW $15.998 Lease for $307.97/mo 1996 OIds Aurora WAS $19.995 NOW $16.999 bpor ULmIffy LUXUFy wAs $23.995 NOW ý92.9A4 1997 Dodg eNeon 8 to Choose From WAS $10.995 NOW $9,999 1 o esse.-v91A fr1Im eather & Power Moon WAS $14.995 NOW $14,536 Top of the Une WAS $24,995 NOW $21 ,899 Supercharged WAS $18.995 NOW $ 18,495 Leather, Moon Roof WAS $29.995 NOW $29.450 GI Sport Model WAS $13.995 NOW $10.981 GS Model WAS $18,995 NOW $1 7,748 Montana Package WAS $23.995 NOW $22.486 Honda Rellabiltty WAS $19.995 nOWA ~1 o.àçi Dual Sliding Doors WAS $15.995 NOW $14.888 - .. f- )7 Rh.- Excepilonal Iuxury WAS $28,995 NOW $24.986 ýýf. %-.. 0 AImrn SE Wagon WAS $12.995 NOW $12.487 LS Model WAS $14.995 NOW $11,995 4X4, 4 Door WAS $21,.995 NOW $19,784 wAs $14.995 NOW S 13.965 1vut L« Il lpfv 9011 ilitit _.ait