12-The Canadien Champion, Friday, December 10, 1999 HIGH SCHOOL REPORT GRADE "A" NEWS Y.REPORT DATELiNE DrURY mamU U meinlsm iant BISHOP REDING E.C. DRURT HIB SCESOL WIEU8Tl~ISDEMENTu Marissa Cheskey Grade "A" News at MDHS By Jacqueline Bass and Marissa Cheskey Wow, there are only 2 more weeks of school left until Christmas vacation! We would just like to remind students and parents of the early dismissal on December 23rd at 2:00 pm. This allows students to wrap presents or buy them if they are last minute shoppers. In the 2 weeks we have left of school there are still many events taking place at M.D. The Millennium Dance will be held on Thursday December 16th from 7:00 until 11:00 pm. Tickets are the usual price of $7.00 before hand and $8.00 at the door. Student Council will also be taking pic- tures of students with Santa and selling "Candy Grams". This year they will be available in different colours and two sizes. Small Candy Grams will cost only 25¢ and large ones will be only 500. What a deail This is a great oppor- tunity to send a message to your secret crush or even to a good friend. Remember your quarters to buy your Candy Grams next week. The second session of Peers Empowering Peers (PEP) occurred on Wednesday, December 8th. In this session the grade 9 boys asked the senior girls panel questions and the grade 9 girls had their questions answered by the senior boys panel. For those of you who don't know what PEP is, it is a program designed to help grade 9's get answers to questions that they normally wouldn't have the opportunity to ask about drugs, sex, relationships, vio- lence and just high school culture in general. Anything asked during the session is anonymous so that no one is singled out. Next, we would like to update you on the progress of our annual school Christmas Collection. Last week the com- mittee prepared lists to go to th homeroom teachers out- lining the contents that should be contained in each box of food put together by homerooms. Homeroom classes will form groups of students and each group will prepare a box to go to needy families in Milton. Also money is being col- lected for the Christmas Collection during TAP and period 2 classes. Any contribution you can make would be appre- ciated. For students who have a period 2 spare, talk to one of your other teachers to see if you can contribute in some way. On Monday, the M.D. Boys Hockey team played their 5th game of the season against M.M. Robinson. Unfortunately they had a tough time and lost but they still have time to redeem themselves since there are 11 games left in the season. Better luck next time gyys! Well this concludes another week at M.D.H.S. We hope that you have a great weekend and good luck prepping for Christmas. Only more weeks to; go, so hang in there! UIGÉ SCGOL Z Diana Bedoyci Justin Yardho A. -TSEEN I z:RTI -M - Royal Report By Diana Bedoya & Justin Yantho The BR community came together in preparation for Christmas with a school mass on Wednesday. The entire school body gathered in the gymnasium to celebrate the Advent season. Administration was very impressed with the behavior of the over 1300 students in the gym and unexpectedly rewarded students with a Civies Day on Thursday. Christmas has come early at Bishop Reding, as members of the senior band have been giving the gift of music. Festive carols have been descending upon the ears of staff and students in the early morning. Congratulations are due to BR artisans as they have brightened the piazza windows with holiday paintings. Christina Frazao and Rubin Mascara won the window-painting contest with their.paintings of Santa and a snowman respectively. The annual Christmas food drive has been a success as il came to a close on Thursday. Thank you to ail those who, through generosity, helped make Christmas merry for other. Staff and students also bright- ened the holidays of two-students in Guatemala. The Religion 500 class initiated and effort to support a young girl's education in Central America. The class was ecstatic with the response, which raised enough money to also sponsor another child's schooling. Special mention to Mr. Lopez's second period class who raised more than seventy dollars. Thank you to everyone for your selfless act. Lunchtime activities at Bishop Reding are always exciting, and Wednesday was not an exception. Student Government organized a root beer chugging contest that brought out the best and sometimes th worst in ail involved. The goal of the activity was for students to drink the beverage in the shortest amount of time possible, without sharing the contents of their lunch with the entire cafeteria. Winners received a prize, as well as the admiration and respect of their peers for their gluttony. Bishop Reding students displayed their mental capacity as they competed in a School Reach tournament last week. Two teams from Bishop Reding competed in intellectual events against schools from around the area. These tams performed exceptionally well, claiming first and second places in the tournament. Senior students are ready to unveil their dancing ability as the Snowflake Bail takes place this evening. The school wili be aglow as students enjoy ihis semifor- mal. We would like to offer thanks to ail those who helped with the organization and production of this event. The senior girls' volleyball team played strong to set up a victory on Tuesday. They won ail three sets in front of many supporters. The girls will build on these games as they prepare to complete in their home tournament on Thursday. The junior girls' volleyball team fared not as well as they lost their hard fought exhibition game. The senior boys' basketball team participated in an Ail Catholic Invitational last weekend in Windsor. They dribbied their way into the silver medal round but were not ultimately victorious. The Bishop Reding curling team competed in a gem against White Oaks on Monday. The Royals rocked their opponents, winning with a score of 8-1. Christmas is the season of giving and we hope that you may find fufilîlment in helping others this holiday season. "You have not lived a perfect day, unless you've done something for someone who wili never be able to repay you". Ruth Smeltzer I Dateline Drury By Candice Hugo, Sarah Hamilton, Kristyn Di Girolamo With less than two weeks of school left before the holidays, the air at E.C. Drury High School is thick with excitement and antici- pation. Staff and students have been planning and organizing many special events and fundraisers, which ail add to the Christmas cheer. Drury is now especially festive since the Student Government has done such a wonderful job decorating the locker bay. Spirits were high this week in anticipation of upcoming events such as the Christmas Lunch, especially with the surprise promotional appearance of the Spirit Squad featur- ing our very own Tom Gallinger dressed in drag as "Miss Christmas". The Annual Christmas Lunch is to be held next Tuesday, and tickets are on sale at the Ticket Booth. Also on sale now at Drury are tickets to the Christmas Dance, which is to be held Thursday, December 16th. Ail students wishing to attend are reminded that tickets and student cards are required at the door. While the auditorium will be filled with dance music Thursday night, the music department will be providing musical entertain- ment with selections from the choir, the jazz band and the concert band Wednesday night at the Annual Christmas Concert. The OAC music class will also be presenting highlights from their string unit. Good luck to ail musicians as they help us celebrate the Christmas season Christmas is not only about celebration, but it is also a time of generosity, a fact recognized by the Student Athletic Society. This group raised funds for the Halton Women's Place with a bake sale and a feeder school tournament: The Student Government has also been showing the true Christmas spirit, organizing the annual "Adopt a Family" program. In this program, each TAG group "adopts" a needy family for Christmas. Students are encouraged to participate in this program by donating foodstuffs, clothes, and small gifts. It is hoped that this will be as successful as last year! This weekend the Senior Boys Basketball team also hopes for success at the Drury Invitational Basketball Tournament taking place today and tomorrow. Go Spartans! As ail good things must come to an end, so must this edition of Dateline Drury. Have a great week and thank you for reading! nýý