4 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, December 7, 1999 Thanks Milton Join Uis In Celebrating Our le.. if~s that time of year again! Time to wish friends anid neighbors good cieer And with the comning season, it is also time for us here to ceMnrte our l2t year in serving Mton A lontg fire ago we firat opened ourdoom,in the 2 bays at Sunoco. We grew to Il bays at ouf present Iocation,serving you, our fniends and neighbors. Always trylng to stay current for ail your auto needs. It has alvays been our9goal to provide quick, quality and honest service to hep make your auto repair experience as comfortable as possible. With the Drive Qqean programn well under way we are proud of our results as a test, and repair facility finding an average of 82% are passing.As we approach the end of the year, decade and millennium, we wish ai aur customners, past, present and future a safe, healthy and happy future well into the next millenriium Duck stuck in chirnney rescued after six days By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion How's Santa Claus gonna get down the chimney? Three-year-old Victoria Propp asked that question with great concem wben ber family discovered a duck trapped inside one of their home's smokestacks Wednesday. The Derry Road youngster was flot only worried about ber fine-feathered firiend - nicknamned Two -- but also how the situa- tion might adversely affect an upcoming viait by old St. Nick. After ai, if daddy and a couple of tire- men couid barely get in the chimney then wbat chance did the jolly man in the red suit have? "We had to explain to ber that Santa bas magic powers and can sbrink down to get through the chimney," recalled grand- motber and bomeowner Linda Miles. But Christmas miracles corne in al shapes and sizes, as the rural family and their beloved bird can certainly attest to. As luck would bave it, tbe duck camne out of bis six-day ordeal no worse for wear, according to Ms Miles. "He bad gone missing the previous week and we tbougbt be'd flown off witb another bird or been eaten by a fox," she recalled. "He must bave loat bis footing on the roof and fallen into the cbimney. It's pret- ty surprising that be survived in tbere for six days without any water." Upon discovering the duck, rescue efforts by Ms Miles' son-in-law David Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Cindy Propp and her thru.-year-old daughter Victoria comfort pet duck Two, whlch waa tmapped In the fami- Iy's chimney but Iuckily r.acusd. Propp aiong witb local firefigbters Paul Hoiiingsbead and Jordan MacPberson took about an hour. The chimney in wbicb the bird got caugbt was fairly narrow, wbich made it difficuit for the tbree men. Two -- the second of five ducks bomn near the famiiy's pond iast spring -- was covered in asbes and a bit shaken, but was back to bis old frisky self witbin a couple of days. "I'm just giad be's okay," said Ma Miles. "Victoria was awfuiiy concerned tbere for a wbile." ¶ __