ICharities could get siot funds efrom SLOT on page 2 siots, argued Mike Shepherd, treasurer of the Bingo Association. He said that while overail bingo profits are up this year, there bas been a steep decline since tbe slots came to Mohawk. "Studies we have indicate there is an impact," he said. According to that data, revenues have plunged by 25 per cent, or $30,000, since thse slots came to town. "Our belief is that the funds from the siot machines shouiri be allocated to orga- nizations directly affected," said Mr. Shepherd. "We're looking to protect post- revenue streams." Oddly, though absolute numbers are down, those who come out to bingo have been spending more since siots arrived. "Average spending, which we can't explain, bas increased," admitted a mysti- fied Mr. Shepherd. IlWe don't know what to make of that." And he remained optimistic that the decline in profits would eventually reverse. "We're hopeful the situation is tempo- rary, that the novelty of the siots will wane and our customers will [mnd their way back again," said Mr. Shepherd. Town scratches recommendation In a staff report, it was stated that siot funds shouldn't be set aside for charity groups since other programa, such as Grants to Groups, are set up for that pur- pose. And the provincial Trillium Fund has $8 million in thse kitty for non-profit organiza- nions in Halton and Peel. But counicil voted to scratch that and allow charitable groupa in as a potential source for siot revenues. But it backed a staff recommendation that a slot revenue reserve be created to hold the funda before any spending poli- cies are made. And that shouldn't happen before next fali, said Mr. McQueen. "'Ne need to see what kind of revenues we're getting here," hie said. "I feel we should have 12 months of revenues before making firm policies." But waiting any longer than next September could prove fatal to charity groups, wonried Councillor Ron Furik. -What concemai me is if we wait, it may be too late," he said. And the public should have a say in how siot profits are spent, said Counicillor John Challinor. "There bas to be a broad community involvemrent in this process," hie said. 'Ne need to know what community expecta- lions are." Counicil agreed, and made a public con- sultation part of its recommendation. ------------------------------ rw.bpI,-. (dY.y'O* I. A lu M1MMM .1 * trom TAX on page 1 Under the new legislation, cabinet snasters will bedocketl25 piet cent of theïr pay if thay fail to balance the budget. But though dia legislation applies tu any Ontario govamrment, other parties can ehoose to ropeal thse bill without penalty or a vote froni thea people, "Some govaroment may rescind it but t woild takea lot of guts," sid Mr. Chudlaigh, He than cracked, "You'Illjust have to re'eleet us." Thse tax-slashing mood continued in Quean's Park lust week with dha introduction of a bill promising to eut taxes by a furtmer 15 par cent over the ncxt four years. If passed, that will ho tacked on to a 5 per cent decrease which touk place iniJuly. Thse Harris guvenmoent bas nover drawn up a budget that didiVt bouse an incoma tax cut, said Mr. Chudleigh. ite cuis inject lifo issu thse econo- mny by encouraging industry, jobs and increased consumer spending, ha said. fi's importpnt to us. Thiat's what makes thse world go round," said Mr. Chudlcigh. -It makes this a place wbere governments are sean tu be pro-industty and pro-business. Ail the good tbings." .~SEAR$~- At Sears, we are big enough to have what you want... but email enough te care who you are. USE YOUR SEARS CARD AND DONIT PAY 'T1L JANUARY 2001 ON ALL MAJOR APPLIANCES Oin approved credit, with your Seers Card. Minimum $200 purchase. $35 deferral fee and ail applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of purchase. Exoludes Catalogue purvhases. Details in store. Offer ends Fniday, December 31, 1999. i i i Save 12202 'rie contrd waste diporclomSer arec Caad'sBet eler' U5ltra Sears reg. 9.99 wastsystýni wih A0 CRAFTSMAN~~~~~ 5-HP, 22cle CRFSand.-P 9 E TROT AAOI COMPACT~~~~~~~~~ optWionWs MI irAME SdnOWLWRWt noftmrcanl CMATSE CRAFSMA verbowe %ailt WA ISO E Locally F~1are Canada HOU t ioesig. S629 ~ ~ ~ ~ s #592.Sa e.39.9 operSated P 21 RFSAN1.-P 21 ER byRE T tI5N AIW OhnAC SmOWDOn AT THIR» STWB ORE YOUh on/off ti05-8784nl COPACigT STEEaCnd O . Wit 6fowad nd2 evese Fétuesa ecmsh Sc>Vjcf gurdan me moe Wih5 att e can