Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Dec 1999, p. 35

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AccFJRY PLACE Assistant Store Manager A CAREER DESIGNED FOR YOUI We're looking torsa highly motivaled individoal who is committed to excellence in custoreer service and eag- er toi hecome a wardrobing specialist. Proven ability to lead is essential 10 esore the continted training ot a teare ot triendly, knowledgeahle Sales Associates. The successfol candidate reill have strong communi- cation skills bo bring mbt the management teain. We are an enciting ladies specialty store lncated on Laheshore Roaf in Downtowni Oakville and ofter an attractive compensation package which includes henetits, discounts and incentives. Previots refait experience is rtquired, prtterahly in ladies miar. We are an erjui oppouiunit' tmployer We invite yoo 10 apply in person with yoar resome 10: Store Manager, Accessory Place 225 Lakeahore Rd. E., Qaleville 1 Intermiediate Accounitant Firm oif Chaitered Accountiants requires a 2nd or 3rd year CGA studet for if's soof Mîssissauga office. Applicants should have cmputer and ac nting eprienc. Doles includ cmputer aconting, preparation of tinancial staeets, incoe tfax ratures and assisac on audits. SutJOII resume to., H.rllhsy a Nssmm e Natale LLP 274 Lakeahore Rdi. W. Mîmalmsuga,,ON UNH 106 m - maman Resoarces Alssistaint This part-time position has the poten- tial to hecome fuil-time in the future. This mile is necessitated by thse expans- sion of thse company at our Burlington Division, and will invoive a geuseralist approach for support to thse depart- ment. Thse successful candidate wili be involoved with computerized record keeping, Healtis Inaurance and WSIB claims, and employee relations. Profi- cinywith computera and a HR back- grudare requîred. Amean Castings Limited P.O. 446, LCD #1 Hamilton, Ontario L8L 7X3 ATTN: S. Armstrong Fax: (905) 681-3372 ACCOUNTING Oakville envirorimental consulting titre has an imme- diate opening for tati-tire assistant te the Controller. Responsibilities include NP, AIR, bank reconcilia- fions, jourmal entries and preparing linancial stalle- ments. Must hava Accpac/ Corel Quattro Pro*/WP8 and tht atility toi multi-task. This is an excellent growth apportunity. Ptease forreard your resume, stating satary expecta- fions, 10: Virginia Hanter, Fax: (905) 847-3840 or E-mail: vtneOoltc.o We regret Ihat onty candidates selectedl for interviews wilt he contacted. as hu tafl pat eel V#~ te<u "M Q1111161111 ami yer child will be femtnred wtth phot Ire oear D.by Efdtion inajansiary. AIleadin9 HVAC wholesaler 13 seekîng the fallowing: COUNTER MANAGER (Oakville> Candidates must possess HVAC expenience andior induslry related retail taperience. Strong customer satisfaction skills matchtd with knowledge of equipreent, sheef metat and air distribution a defi- site assef. Resume 10: Don Park lnc. 842 York Mitîs Road, Don Milîs, Ontario M3B 3A8 Tel: 410 44*7V5 FUE 416-449- 21114 Aftanlion: Sales Manager. Brandi Operations * NU11YUUDA11 OF GAKIIUE dn="re, àme Yeu fippmes for FfT employinent toi start îmmedîalely Fax resumf attention Bitan lot5) 645-7211 PART Uime dental hygieiat required. Tuesday ta Thursday khl saie expenience. Milaon office. For a ei tixc informaan cati (905)878-6482 or fax resumne ta (905)878-0664X eýsttate and/or corporate commercial experience required for Mîssîssauga Igo law firm. Muat have knowledge of MS Office and WR Cakeware an asset. Fax us your Fresume to: *EC~5iD5 Tired of commuting? Located onfy twtnty minutes away frore tht BuringtonlOaltvilit area, ae nsoutslanding opportunfity for as ADMINISTRAflVU ASSISTANT .Always on the go, super organiztd, constastly upgrading your exceptional computer and office skilîs, seit-starter, highly productive, hands-on, an achiever, experienced in ail aspects of office management frore administration to Human Resourcesîif this describes you, aie tant 10 meet yos. Rtporting ta tht President, this is a loti-lime position offering an attractive package bonus petential, profil sharisg and flt henefits. If you are interesteit in baing aI tht hall of the action, if 800 want to put dlown 0f t and reake your mark wîth a aitil estahlished organîzation, pitase torward your resume to Human Resources !Madison Chemicai Industries Inc. *IS M490 McGeachie Drive Milton,, Ontario L9T 3Y5 Fax: (905) 878-1449 ft thrn ail applicints howeve oniy those mc0 are seilettd for an interview wiii becontacld Tht Canadian Champion, Frlday, December 3, 1999-35 EXPEHIENCEO came- giver required Janluary 2000 10 look aller 4 chîldren (agex 4-10) in aur home, Mon. fa Thuma. Approx. 8:15 are. fa 6:15 pre. Cali 877-2934. MATURE feenage aIter needed for a devetaped mentally hanctlcapped teeniage girl. Occasional Friday1 or Stra evenînga. Waawr encea mtquired. a 875-2728. NEEDED. Nanny in aur home for two chitdrtn. Allemoana anly. Start Januaiy 2000. Please calt 878-409. availabit. Wilson ana Woodward area Pionne cali 876-4978. SO you've îoined the club, f red the phone personats, watked your dag, read tht rules, had a bind date wilh Aunt EmmaWs reother's cou- sin's boy (yucld) ee traductions (416>777- 6M.2 IRECYCLE THif I ie Assisting exceptianal cliletle te giuw? te A grilat weildoeg environment? se State af tht art huiullea iveieprneart teels &aW tech.legy' w, A balance betwe week and lite lIssues leaving mare lime for family' te Tht ability'ta achieve your potential through perai.ail geewth apportunities? w, Significant redustlens le ce.uuuoeg Ure so thal you cas keep tht maney yau tamn? ve An excomle ly isulgea rubs a nde beuflts peegrnu? Il vu n nnavn a C A eeinnation with a minimum af 2 vears oost araduate excierience and I s public practice, please forward your credetials in confidence ta: Scott, Batenchuk & Co. LLP Chartered Accouetanrts Burlington, Ontario Attns Mr. Glenn Taylor, C.A.- Partnier -e gtaylrscaftbal.os.ca websitt:scolthst.on.ca Celebrating 25 years of Excellence! - - >Community Living Oakville 18 HIR1IN0 TEMPORARY FULL AND PART-T1ME STAFF. May lead to perre. employment. Qualfications: D.S.W., D.D.W., S.S.W Experience praviding support to individuals with a developireental dis- ability, valid driver's tic. & cerf. in Non-Violent Crisis Intervention required. Fax resumes to: Commumlty Living Oakvliie Fax: (905) 844-1832 AIle: Stanf & Services Ceerdlnater 196 Fard Escant. Me- chanicalty in gaad shape. Needa body- reorlt. $600080B.. Cali (905)854.2670. SALES a LEASIN NEW & USED 410 SYHELES AVE. A FAIiILY BUSINESS WHTI FAIMILY VALUES WE - BoY - BEL - LEASE UARIES SEILECTION OF USEOVE «LES INI MILTONI 875-2277j ITo0lameaorpuichaae Iauracaror trukl 1Hwy 26 S.a Dufly Rd. 1991 Sonores pickup truck, 4.3 V6, auto, long box, $2800. CaI siter 6:00RM. 876-3268. 1905 Jeep Gr Cheroket Ve Mind cond. Loaded. 1 owntr. Complets service rtc. Carf. & Drive CItas. Snares comning - you naed tItis 4X4! $18.000. (905)607-7642. ONCE You pop, yau canlt Stop. Umnitedi nuis- ber af disfnibutarahipe liait. Profitabte opportun- fty, rtgardlesa aI expert- ence. NO SELLUNG. AU cash busines. Min. in- veut &16,800, put yau on the fastftrack to eiy metirement. Informiatioin Package: Caf I 1-800- z<jwa, Lui*' r, ns 0, ers. Security tenced. $30 manth up. CRISCO LMO. 905-877-1876. RQIES fiR TEnDER Bîd documents for tht contract or service lîsteri helow, addressed Io tht Manager of Purchasing, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE, ON LBM 3L1 wilI he rtceivtd 1untîl 2 Otipre Qakvîlle tîme on the specilîed closîsg date. Bid documents can le sets or obtaîneri fhrough tle Purchasisg Division of the Corparate Services De- partment, same addrtss as aleve, Tel. (905) 825-6000, extension 7031. Documeents wîli he avaîlable for pick up on and aller Tussday, Novmbe 30, 1999 There is a son-relundable depesîf of $6.0 onu $1.75 UT?. Bids reuli le opened in public al 2:lSpre on tht due date specifîtd in tht Nelson Roore ai tht above address. Those sshreitting hids are invîteritoi attend. Uinder no circurestances wili facsimilt or laie hids he acceptîl or considered. Lowesl or any but sot nectssarity acctptd. Wate asi Watewate Systee Repairsandm Repimanmte CLG8IN: TUESBAY, DECEMUE 21,1999 P. MURPHY A. MINDENHALL, OPPO COMMISSIONER 0F MANAGER 0F PLANNING & PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING SERVICES ww.ntbids.com ww.rgion.halton.on.ca/Srvics/Depar/Crp/Purchasing ELECTRICIT MARKETING MANAGER Based in Oakvitle, ECNG is a planter In saturaI as1& electrcty dereguf aIion. We requtre a Lanager to be rospansible for dtveloping and impfementing electrlty marketing and sales r rolgrms for nere industrial, commercial and onstîtullonal customers;. Vou possess proven leadership ablity, determiinatian f0 exceed sales targets, and expect tai be compensated In reta- tion 10 your efforts. Candidates must under- stand the proposef rholesale & refait electrlcity market operotions. ldeally yau have an electrical engineering degret and extensive industrial slsexperlence. sfatlng salary expectation, tai: Scelt Walke, Far (MS) 325-106 tr E-mail: mwailu a.m We regret mhat only candidates selected for interiviews wiit be contacted.

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