Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Dec 1999, p. 33

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______ a The Canadiaen Chamtir. Frlday, DaeSrnber 3,1990-43 Classifie d MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM *1 c~4/les ton es See Toaw hminfrornw 'Milestones» sectioni. To announce your special event, cali The Champions Classifie i 7'Z 2 Inn L@ray, LoIaY -nk Whom 401 and stili SPORTY SHELLY PROCTOR Love, John, Rikki, Brady & - Krvstal _ BIRTHDAY r appy i 6th Birthday JENNY Uisa Long and Dava Evans are pleasad f0 announce the biath of their son Davtd Joaaph weighing 7 Ibs. 15 oz. at Milon District Hospital on Novamber 29, 1999. A baby brother for Mefissa. Gramma §Audrey and Nana Carol welcoe ie new addition, along wfth many coua"n, auntsuncles and greaf grandiparenta. Thanka to Dr. King and Dr. Sharma and nurses at the hospital. sn) fhank Go for tiasfearvio Mdl Alleen bomn Sunday, Novembar 21, 1999, at JBIMH waighing 71ba. 7 o.PWgrsniprets are Joyce anid Glenn Wilson and Tony and Rita Ketelaars. CORBEIL, Rita Rose Peacefully af the Miton District Hospital aller a long iliriesa on Friday, November 26th, 1999. RIt Corbaill in har »Of year. Daughter of the tata Maria and Eugene Corbaf 0f NothBy. Lovlig mother of Dianne Cathcart anid Ann anid her husband Derinott tebe. Sadly mlssad by bar grsndcfiildran Karen anid Mike Davey, Susan Caflard, Michelle and Davidi Drnofnio, Disns anid David Briard anid Michael Lee also bar greaf grsridchlldran Andrevi arid Scott 00f lard, Hanna Dinofrio anid Megan Briard. Lovirigly remembared by bar sisers Argi Label, Lorraine Plue, Patfy Wilson and her brother Claude Corbeil. The fumiersi Mass yull ba celebrsfed on SatUirdey, Decembar 4fh, 1999sft 11:00 A.M. tram e-ol Rossry Roman Cathotlc Church. Memorial Donations in Rtas Mum"r may ba made f0 the Haart and Stroka Fouridation. Arrangements erifrusted f0 the Mct<ersie- Kacher Furiersi Home, 114 Main Street Milton. (9W5>878-4452. KOWLRomMua<Nablnger>, suddely ,her home on Tuesday, November: ,1 9w9, I bar 67th yaar. Baloed vite 0f Tad Kowal. Laving mother 0f John & his wife Uiz Kovisi, anidErik & bis wife Kim Kovial. Lovirigly remembared b her grsndchrldreri; Lise, Kaatfierine, Ëmma, anid Maegheri. Predecased by bar brothier Amold and sister Garta. Sady mise by bar brothers & sisters Mals, Elizabeth and Hanna. Friands and family may cafl et the J. Scoft Earty Furieral Home, 21 James Sf., Milton, tram 12 P.M. - 1 PM. Thusday. A complete Furiersi Service wrt ba hidn Our chapall 1 RM. Thursday. If desrd memoriaf donations may ba made f0 the Arthritis Society, Diabafas Association, or the Millon District Hospital. 487 Laurier Ave.,Milton 878-2881 HAPP BIRHDAYREMEMBRANCES HAPITNEY inthe fonm of donations to JASON WINY The Milton District Hospital Fmom Julie ami Darreri Fudto reapeitd .7rý ondto r apeitd j l ,- l The family 0f the tata Ruth Parchemn vould lice ta fhank relatives, friends anid ighbaurs for flair support and coridolencea, floral arranige- ments and mamorial donations on the losa of a very dear mother. A specral fhanks ta the staff 0f Mount Namo Nursing Home, Rev. Charlia Masters for his kind warda in the service anid fa Jeramy Uaegis, Susan Frsnczsk and Michella Eariy of the J. Scott Earty FuneraI Home. We also pray fiat Scottfhasa speedy rcove~i CHECK YOUR ADI The Canadien Champion canniot ba rasponsi- tIa for the coat 0f more flan aria incorrect inaertioni. Any errors in the Classified Section should ba called ta the attention of thé Clasaif lad Department atar the finit insertion. Adjustmanta are made ta the degrea the anr reducad dhe value of the ad. 875-3300 DEADLINES FOR TUESDAY& FRIDAY PAPER Deadliria Fridey 3 p.m. for Tuesday Dearitina Wednaaday 3 p.m. for Fridey ectble Aitn. son e Cr5&6), W nIS vi30 Yac R fflu IÀRV PARENTS, rSUARDIANS GRANOPARENTS bien~ in i999nam dciriiri, cnunccmc,,i appccvd in, flic C.nandw, Cha"'Pirn . plmsec contaici us regadi,,8 2000 SPECIAL BABY EDITION. litîif icrling's picwne inciuded (Costis nly amS 1.X + Gar,WCms DEADLINE: DECEMBER M2 Mv,. PUSLISHING DATE IS JAN. 4, 20MO Pictures nnii bc, anailciic for pick up alter Jan. 5, 2irsr. 191 Mmain RaiEU Mlk.. Orna LvI 4m GRANT, Shiley - December 2,1997. Wonderful memorias ot one so clear, Treasured atil with s lova smncere, ln our hearts ahe is living yat, Lrtlove h r iry to orge J Love alwaya Ken, KerryTracey, Kelly, John, Shane, Jd B W Jade and Brandi. LYONS, Allen - In loving memory of a dear husband, tathar and grandfather, who passed away December 1, 1996. We offan lay awake at nlght When fhe worid is fast aasap. And take a walk dowri memory lana With tears upon our cheeka. The years we had togather Wera worth their weight in gold. And the memories we have 0f you Are ours fa have anid hold. We kaep you close within our hearta And there you will remain. To walk with us throughout our lives Until we meet agairi. Nlways ln our thoughts Wffe Shirley, chlldren and grandchildren. ROGERS - In loving memory 0f Ellean who passed away December 4, 1992. We keep in our hearts the love 0f the past For there if was planted forever f0 aest. Love forever Frankr à Famlly COLUNG, The family of the sate Robert (Bob) Colllng wish f0 express their sincerest thanka ta relatives, fniends, nelghors, staff and stu- dents af W.l.Dick and Mihlon District Higfr School, staff and co-worfcars et Diversacare Mass ga) oro Food Service, Meritor lusnsaSys. Co, Canada Post (Milton), and ecall the many frienda, staff and cc- vioricers eIth E.C.Drury Scolfor the Deal, for the cara floret tributes, mnemoria dona- tions, messages 0f sympathy, Orfts 0f food and the many acta 0f kindnass whrch via recaivad fol rWtng the recent losa of a dear husband, father and basf friand. The overwhelming atten- dance at the viaitatiori and memnorial service vis a touching tribute and recognition 0f Bob's many friendships. Spaclal thanka fa Reverend Glas Soderholm, St. Davkds Church, Brande, Rick and Steve for the kind viords and stories. Vou made the service very touching and par- s"na. Michelte, Sue and Jeremy of the J.Scot Eariy Funeal Home for their comfort and sup- port. Bob was an employas of E.C.Drury SchIol for the Daf for almost 20 yars. Ha truly cherlshed the many friande arid good limes ha had there over tira yesrs. We viera ovarvihelrnad that Bob had touched so many lises in our communty. Please kaep goad thouglits 0f Bob in your harts, s vie viil, for- aean May ha rest in pesos. Cortine, Breli, Andrew, llm and Steve and Janet Preddy. FL ook 5 ~ook . IPPY BIRTHDAY RJ. Love, The Big Guy wanaerea Tram navi hlouse Heslap Rnl Branle Sf. ares. Crie black and vihite namned Tflfany, ana blacki named Mysty. Bath have ta s. PMase caîl FIREWOOO sasonad hardvioad. 210 - bush cord dat. 110 - 1/2 aller Decembar 1, 1999. (905>878-8251. BED, black virought liran canop, Queeri orthope- dlc mattressae. Naver opened, cost $1,200. Secrifice $490. (905) 567-4042 TRISH Romance tirat- ad actIon pririta. Great Giflf Also Bafamnan, Branders, lssac Su- znne (905>542-1221. VEAR End Sala - Fan- taatic Savingaf Seve up ta 50% on our grat fab- rtc selectiori. foa and mafchirig chair tram $788; Laveseats tram $448; Chairs from $198. Free estimates. Senior discounits. RaIed Custom Uphalstering. (905)875- 4427, Daily 9-9.

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