2-The Canean Champion, Frday, Navember 26,19%W lrish* danin duo wins eastern champnsi Bv IRENE GENTLE The Champion First the Eastern Canadian Championships. Tomorrow the Worldis. That could be the rallying cry of Victoria DeBattista, 14, and Cian Gavin, 9. The Irish dancing duo placed first in their age cale- gories at tbe Niagara Fails competition that gatheoed up the best and brighteat in thse ara to reel, slipjig and hompipe their way into the judges' bearts. For Victoria, the oecent win is thse triumph abe bas been working toward since slipping on ber first pair of dance sboes at the age of four. "My mont got me into it," sihe said. 1I thought it was fuan. You meet a bunch of new people."' She began her training ai tbe Graham School here in Milton, but eventualiy transferred ta Brampton's Fearon Scbool. It was a good cati, said mont Pat DeBattiata. 'This teacber bas taken ber beyond our dreams," abte said of Rose Fearon, and at least one judge site bas spoken ta agreed. 'Tbey weoe saying sbe's (Ms Fearon) probably tbe besi in the world. Per capita, sbe bas more championa than anyone ibis judge bas ever known." Aside from great training, dedication, perseverance and good otd-fasbioned sweat are wbat it takes ta sep- arate the greats front tie wanna-bes, said Victoria. e see PAIR an page 10 or NO GST, therelsi Itîuci t a-Z-Bay Fm"lur Galierke OSuper lion t*0sfMlfort " stiseK '%ipa Sk action. Famines Udlna of&%s 'thing this sale can't do.. «Àd m.bpant noacmatwiaslavbtowpncea 1Wahan ig"brileo M ane cird, ts Sle S uv- Wm sdo> &op by La-Z-Bô týr&t Gattiés taday Ne hurryl Bccaas whiledssqSuerSale"can<lo fl~ anumber of atoisng thing-t atlmftrevr. Recliners from $399 e Sofas from $599* e Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Irish dancers (loft ta rlght) Aolfe Gavin, PairIcla Finnegan, Kathryn DeBattista and Victoria DeBattista are off ta the Warlds. Mlsslng tram thé group la Flona Lowe. PERSONALIZED WEIGHT MANAGEMENT A IIgtv md brlghtu futur oit hvedy Mille Beverly Halls Weight Management &* motivation. Once a goal wetght is reached, Nutrition Centre's approach ta weight îoss the client begins a six week stabilization ia flot magic, nor ia it a quick fix, rather it is program then bas the option ta mose on ta a a aensible program focusing on the cîient's maintenance program. If at aay urne during needs. That is why it was Beverly Hilîs tlsat the year of maintenance you gain back three was voted best weight Ions clinic by ta five pounds. you are invited ta return ta Burlington'a Post readers. the clinic, free of charge. Clients eat regular grocery store praducts, TIbe Beserly Hilîs Weight Management maldng selections from ail four food groupa program, was developed in the States about in the Canada food guide. Working one-on- 20 years ago and %vas brought ta Canada one with a counselor and under the supersa- about five years later. sion of a registered nutritional consultant, Marion Healy, Registered Nutritional clients iearn a heaithy approach ta food, are Consulting Practitioner, bas oser 12 years encouraged 10 exercise, and use a metaboiic experience in metabolic weight method - improving the rate ai which your management. body burns fat - for weight management. She has heiped hundrads of people to not A confidentiai case history is taken from only lase weight and keep it off but bas every potential client during a free consul- given her clients an understanding of their tation. Whether you want ta, lose 10 or 100 individuai nutritionai needs. pounds, the weight bass phase of thse pro- Due to the high leseis of safety and atten- gramn is adjusted for each persan ta match tion offered by this program, it is frequentiy their lifestyle, body type, and case history. recommended by heats cars prostders to Ihey can actualiy deselop a nutritional tlseir patients who need help. weîght management program tlsat rats you With this kind of support from the commu- like a glose and individuaiiy pampers yau nity, you can be assured that your weight throughout tihe process. contrai wili be safe, effective and healthy. You'Il receise ail thse support and encour- The Milton centre han been open for one agement you need while you are îosing or and a haif years and bas aiready impressed maintaining your goal weight. Our trie and impraved the lises of many ara resi- counseilors are cormmittect to successfuliy dents; deseloping a healthy lifestyle for you and~ They are iocated at 550 Ontario Street S. wili guide you with understanding and (Pizza Hut Plaza) and can ho reached for a consultation at 875-2889. M- __