UMIlelndspent Ptafnaey Et II 10% Seniors Discount *AIl DrW Plans Accepted 7 *»IttmDwg komaton Availble * j A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 140 No. 73 Friday, November 26, 1999 40 Pages $ 1.00 (GST inciuded) Hwy. 25 residents ve upset that water will pass them by V Hello dolly Deidre Scholtz and father CM show the famous Deidre Doils featured on fundralalng Christmas corde avaiable for purchase ut tomorrOw's Commufllty Open Hous at Milton Mail. Seu story on pige 9. 5v IRENE GENTLE The Champion Jack DeGroot and Denny and Zora Vulic want to know why they won't be able to tap into a water pipe set to run right past their homes. Tbey arrived at a Tuesday nigbt open boeuse at the Haiton Region offices in Oakviiie in bopes of flnding an answer. The open bouse was to keep residents infonned of the plans for two water and wastewater pipes aimied at servicing new growtb in Milton. But the Regional Road 25 residents have beenhoping they'it be let inon the deal. They claim their weils have been run- ning iow since the arrivai of the Haiton iandfill site, and iower stili with the arrivai of golf courses along the major roadway. -,K could be back By DENNIS SMITH Special to The Champion Establishing 30 junior kinder- gar -ten (JK) classes at a cost of $324,000 plus teacher salaries has been suggested for the Haltori District School Board. A plan outiined iast week recommende< setting up JK incrementaliy, starting ii Septeinher, 2000. The first phase woui( accommodate about 600 students. The proposai is stili in the discussiol stage, but trustees beard an informnatioi update that suggested starting witb tbre classes in Milton (two at J.M. Denyes an one at Percy Merry scbools), 13 classesi Buriington, 10 in Oakvilie and four i Haiton His. "We did our best to spread it out an have an equitabie number Of classes wil eses TRUSTEES on page 11 Road) 25 and since the dumip came in we've lat. 10 feet in our wels," said Mr. DeGroot. "Trhis is ail extra water that is being taken out and our weiis suifer." And Mr. Vulic said that his weils are 75 per cent drier than they were before the dump and golf courses arrived on the scene. To cope, the residents have been buying water every two weeks. "A shower and two ioads of iassndry and - WATER on page 12 Mouse tire costly Improper disposai of wood slave ashes is being biamed for a costly house tire in rural Miltan iast Friday. About $20,000 damage was caused ta the Guelph Line home when a woodipile caught tire and spread ta the attic shortly atter 7 p.m. The owner discovered the blaze and gat his family out safely. There were no working smoke detectors in the dwelling. "It was verye fortunate they were able to get out," said Captain Mark Cross, Milton Fire Departmeflt spokesman. "I can't stress how impor- tant it is ta have working alarms on every level of your house." He said tiretighters needed twa hauts ta knock dawn the tire and that they did an excellent jab cantaining il te the roof and attic area. *S.I.ub amai OnY -Dr. DebbIe liawmds (l nro Ste Sep Unzit A B 1 550t lnafl lSa nt 5n (905) 875.-6888