' C6.2f< 0iUI11 Chàmpton, Tuesday, November 23,1999 PRIJJD HOME HEALIN GARE Staff who are client tncusd and enjoy working in a cnmmunity setting. MCA, MSW Il & 111, PSW,oertificates preferred, however consideration wiIl bs given to thos with personal experience as caregivers CI FR! - 2 DAY TRAIMM COURSE starts Dec 1 & Dec 2 Early registration is requtred- Cali ASAP ali <mo5ffl-11 Sf fax to ( H 7l L Wé are an equal opportunuly employer STAFF MCOUVTANT We require a CGA, CMA strident or CA finellet who has a sincere interest in tax and a desire Do worm in public accounhting. The Ideal epplicani 10 join our unique, tax focused C.A. flrm in Burlington la a protes- sional. capable of worklng paper file preparation and tax compliance work. Computer literate, you should be expert- enced wfth MS Office end tex software. Knowledge of Ceseware and previous public accounitlng experience would be an advantage. PLEASE FAX RESUME TO: BATEMAN MacKAY Chertered Accountents P.O. Box 5015, 4200 South Service Rd, Burlîngton, ON L7R 3Y8 Faer <9OSD; R59-2285 Now eccepting applicallios for SUPPLY TEACI4ERS for curait adloi ymar, ai sur Oak. & Sud, Carripuses. PLEASE FAX OR MAIL RESUMES TO: Facu MII Sohoul GahlIh Campus 3M0 Nb*f Lie Rd, RR #11. Oirvlfe, On. L6J 4Z2 Tel: (90)>257-0022 Fax: (905) 257-2002 PRESCIOOL TO GRADE 8 FemHIM MoeBurIIiItu C&,Pus 801N0dh Service Road Burfingibn, Onl.L7P506 Tel: <90) 634-8652 Fax: <905) 634-1933 PREZCHOOL TO GRADE 5 LIVE in houselleeperi coole tor 5 bodroora M11- ton home (in towes). Muei be matIure, re- - Z -toban Rqmi 11Min St EMbo, n.L9T 4N9. tutsèe» Tmon- tracdtonal malchmaler (416)777-111M. *0 MM. Bali .4OhmrLcàélhg UcediOKi * jachQulbauim * 2 ff u& ouau 1840-7 Sili su" Mt CaNAt mlm m cou a46 $0 you UIiN matcih- malinsg seivlç are for ler..i(*agie.... rom nears. fimen, RIver les §ro manlt or ontos traiianasl match- mitker <1>7-32 VIS. ut*~ 1011- d.Qeo cCom- VW~ice wmcolCe. & i fflea. Seso#is C-M-ý- you mmd UNM 4X4t - 18,000. ~960-7642. Sor, oe? V's, Irai ar. eurl fenced. $30 monil U CR1800 LT. 967-1876. SALS à LEASIN NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITII FAJ.4ILY VALUES WE - BUY - SEIL - LEASE LARGEST SELECTION OF USED VEfOCLES IN MILTOIN 875-2277 Make it ICHARDSON To lease or puithase your car or truck Hwy 26S. lit Deqs Rd. 979-232 IALI a sflop in Melon lfo rani. Outsldsprln space isie t rslir compesr heater, $200lmonth. Firat and aest. (905)693- 1401 teave a message. SMALL bungalow, $950/month, iraI and lest, references. Cali 878-066. z aeairoomn aperuneni in Victorien home. $lOOOlmlth Incinidas Iseat and water. Actn, 2 bedroom, $750, plus ulIllbo. <519)853-50 or <519)853-536. TOWERS 82 MKISRD DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bdroomns avadlable on bu oei-sitee lenry indludea aH uëiflies C ecrphoee& cat) <ree parking, no pets. Relerances required. 9054117&11249 By appoleslmeest oly ONE bedroom spart- meii for $7510imonth. Avaleble December. Cal Tony 875-1110. ONE bedroom apart- matit Avalleble Foixu- irt. SO68noht indusive. No pets Reflerencos. (905)878- 2737. TWO bedroom avait- abie De. ls.Oee bed scor avallbl Jan. lai. cou <906)693-9658. eparimont Sharad liv- krg am.s Frm adn Downtown. CaIl 87 2424. TOWNIOJSE, 6 ap- airlparklnglbarbecue, ib edro Aval- b lo-smln Per- un876-459 FilmI for reMtAv, able immeiiel. Nn - --krgdffd mode- Irsg person only. CaIl 875-1806, after5P M. BUILDING for rent in downtown Milton. res taurant and Reta i Store. Plesse oeil 905- 826-1951. REASONABLE Indus- trial Units for rent. 1,200 - 3,200 sq.- fi. Loading docks & dlrive-in. 1-905- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- 6834. SMALL PRIVATE OF- FICE beautifully ap- pointed, Hwy 25 & 401. 1-906-277-9347 or 905-. 275-6834. PRIVAI! Sale. Robert- son Cres., Milton. Buy- es dellWsht, serious in- quiries. By appointient only. Cai 878-1365. TOWNHOUSE for sale. Desireble 661 Childa Drive location. Multile- val, 3 bedroom, racenlly paintad. Asklesg $138,900. Cai (9.05)693-0996. AGN * New ln tomn? m ori amr? *Havagea baby? new buahraab? PLA UAL ut: C '.ll Wolsom Lieds ...854-1563 Marily ..875-0519 Doris...332-4799 Kathy ...854-0144 Baby Tracy L.. 876-4330 ouwAslasaPraluml Pat ...876-440 *.PARETS GUAISDIANS GRANDPARENTS Ifm a pedal someme was born in 1999Sand rber birli annoec- plMu contmct us regardng Our SPECIAL BABY EDITON. If you wish ro bave yow Moedlna pi C- only $10.00 + G51), MC umiI meCive il M soopai; posible. DEADLINE: DEdIMDER 12, PUBLEISNG DATE 18 JAN. 4,2Mes Pictvme will be aber Jam S,25. 191 Ma" Srut Eml, Mfm Ont L9T4N9 FOR your contact - the Linda (Cliampton TEAM !Lbt etnabtan Et»ampt'on Milton 's Ch.fi-oice '- SIlice 1860 k 1Pf100 PM~ ~Caw.4a*Co0**4 t M4Sic tL*M-Io C>MKI MW MILTON