COPYI CUSTOME SERVICE PERMOI Kodak, Xerox copy equipment expadience. Good customner service skitls Fuîl-lîme 8:30am-Spm, Monday - Friday. Fu er sei itire te: 4« mifl Un, W kdIgo, On. L7R 3L7 or fax 333-9366 ailS junior iodeor immediale experienca requred tor fise preparalion et resideistial worlong dras. sud nieiuisil te: 3350 SoutlsService Rd., Burligton, ON, 1714 3M6 Mtention: Personnel Cd 87930l IW kyffl CANAD CARG SYSTM. A LEADE IN CONTRACTLOSTIS sWi W.a.aow.aulnglr 04% 01 O WodnuCwils.Nnnd ouimau AM qiisd i Mbfin ame for No"lw &hWo our for od + fWdPart lue +A goodýdmMlirecord + EXDWeqIuU - Spu mME + Goad startint + »J tebondabe + Compaq Bonifi +CustomrSeuc OiuUed + co4m" -t Expeeepc is a delne W a wl trah. Do flot miss out onem. . t pnourteom.GCd 416-259-5454for M« xâ rtstp fo féeand speakto aur Humai Resowvs Manager ait: CANADA CARTAGE SYSTEM 15611THE QIJEENSWAY ETOBICOKE, ONTARIO inBia the mrket weedl servetLiiier 905-670-005 Ski, Bike, Swim for Free!! Glen Eden Ski & Snowboard Centre in Milion is looking for Pull-Urne and Part- Urne positions for a vartety of indoor and outdoor positions. We need cooks, cash- iers, maintenance staff and experienced ski fitters. Benefits include free skiing, year round accass ta the parka and great work- ing environrnent. M&X your qualifications ta (905) 878-1619. No phone clis pieau. Fax us IyourI IClassifiedsl [71- 2:e The0 Canadien Champion, Tuoadiay, Retail Manager! Self Storage We require a bnight, sales oniented incivid- ual, fluent in English, with a good tele- phonie manner. You would be weli orge- nized, flexible in epproech and willing ta work sorte weeleends. You are a positive, "glass haIt tuir type loaking for a stable career with a progressive company. Looldng forward ta hearing from youl Ploase cati: (905) 567-5295 SALES REPRESENTATIVE We require new and used vehicte Representatives ta compliment our sales teamn - experience poefefoed but flot essen- tiai - we are willing ta train the right indi- viduals. We affer: Excellent pay adiedule Comnpany banedits Apply in penson or fax resumne Ia (905) 878-4443 COO Sales Manager - Dave Richanison Jeck Richiardson Chev Olds Lid. 6791 Hwy 25 S., Milton -11MRM SALE8 IMM FEM sConoatr IokkcPnss, S" th the absîîty to oamplete ail facets of Account Manageanbel You are a teain player wilh gaod connumncation skils for peripheral duties in a fniendly but busy office environenoL We look forward ta speak- ing with you. I'Ieas cati (905> 567-5Ç295 P/T OFFICE SUPPORT - EXPORT DEPARTMENT REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY The candidate must have: " Diploma in International Trade or similar field, or equivalent experience " Excellent PC skiîls - MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint " Ceneral knowledge of shipping/receiving " Excellent organizational, communication skills " Aility to be flexible and deal with constant change "Work independently " Work extended hours, if required If you are interested, pleaae fax resumne et: 905-829-9664 er e-mail:tafl@tag-4staff.eom, Attis: Cheryl BRANCII ASSISTANT AFC. the prerniere provider of financial services to the auto auction industry, seeks a Branch Assistant for its boan production office located in Milton. Experience in autornotive lending, the auto auction industry, or dealership environment is helpful. Duties include: boan proceasing, data entry, logging ti- tIcs, and working with dealers. Excel- lent communication and organiza- tionat skilîs a must. Fax/mnail reaurne with saiary history ta: Autensotlve Finance Corporation 27 Roytec Rd., Building S, Uni~t 3A Woodbridge, ON. L41L 8E5 At: Roy Vaadesm«er Fax., 905-264-4084 lovember 23. 1999--Z GRAPII Designer/ Editanial Assistant re- quired aI Mifton Farmn Magazine. Macintosh environment, Quark- XPresa, Illustratar, Pho- toshop. Editorial layaut and ad design; minisal supervision. Muai b. detail prlented wils strong luge sIUa. Fax reaume to: (905>875-3M6. SABYSITTER required for 5 year aId, in J.M. Denyes &aa. Fui lime attemoans. Must be able ta pick chlld up tram sc*îoo Tueadays, Thursdays, aflemala Frldays. Carin 510- 1800. FULL lim Ms cere ru- qulred for 4 yaa aId. Prefar aur home. Non- snoke. Cal (905)69- 9m. FULL isse daycare awdbmm200. BeRWu ama. Play6 rm, lia ce yard, rat- erences anm -eet. Aga 18 Moeilisa.. Cal 878-8773. Rapiredj l4 a an busyr WWeiglt1sig duedé N/P. Oowd Boluqîng, f1 1a fisc lion. llre cals nI mme.. a~omn catioa amd «OpIzon sdls &W mpi woddq Wb #*"a supervsmin les- of- MECRAINIIC W Glen Edu SM -& Sncaboard Centre l iadn Miln, bas a fflmln appodunily for an equeodme- claiss fer our lIest et lîis & gromus. Jsurnam certificaion & eç. in auloinotive or decticl Irade is reiWired. Cetillcaien as a passenga rqenuy me- dsaiic or experienoe w/ski eperaions is prelerred but net nqirled. Benelis indlude bua slina year reund arot the padis & a grant won enviwron- ment. FM yeur qualificatiens te (W05) 4MU1411. No piton coll ais t . Canadas leading manufacturer of eqennt fer fihe aste piper industry is grewmng agia and raquires immediately: IMSAMLES You are a bard worlcing, dedic*ied paCson. Vou Mil assist in tihe installation uf ducieofk and heavy ma- chinery. Travel wilI ba requirad. Hands on expari- tac th i orklitts and manlits are as assaI. Owa lransporation and hand bools a must. FITTER - WELOER Vour 3-4 years lifting ails solid mig elding experi- enoe aluni ailS an abilily lu read delail shop dra- ings and a bard working, dadicaled individual are ail that is raquirad for lhis position. Slraighl day shift wilh some onertime reqired. ELECTRICIAN Vour toperience includas building and inslalling electrical panels, asring ut machinary lu local codes. Knoaledga ut hydraulics is an asset. Slraighl day shift ailS somt somu overtime required. Please fax or mail your resumne stating position required lu Plant Supervisor: 955 Centumy Or.,Burllngton, ON L7L 5.18 Fax: (905) 632-0027 Emal: kemlc* 7