6 - The Canadiain Championi, 1Fniday, November 12, 1999 -COMMENT Hospital anniversary cause for celebration Congratulations to Milton District Hospital, which will celebrate its O0th anniversary next week. From its competent medical team, administration and caring nurses to its excellent support staff and volunteers, the hospital is something to be proud of. The hospital has seen good times with expansion and bad times with bed and department closures, however it bas always persevered and the community bas stayed close by. More changes are coming as the town's population explodes. As hospital program leader of family practîce Cindy McDonell states in a story elsewhere in this newspaper, Milton has managed to be a community-based hospital for its entire history.L S I That's been proven over the years wîth the tremendous support the IS I hospital bas received from the communîty. People express a sense of ownership of the hospital, and a lot of peo- p le remember when it opened. Miltonians will have the chance to get an intimate look at our hospi- tal during anniversary celebrations next week. It's something we won't want to miss. +O UR READERS WRITE Milton a smail town but it has large heart Youth group callîng on Mîliton to help Dea Edtor wa ofan ad provided tough the gen- in the flght aaînst cild pornography (i.th y; bz ' 7zxea Il ciirn it -f t-,,,. A.tze n chapier of Beta Sigmna Phi Sorority held a fundraising dance in support of the C11ildren's Assessment and Treatment Centre (CATC) of North Halton. The evenîng proved to be very suc- cessful and it will bopeflally become an annual event. This wouldn't have beenpossible without ihe generous support of local business. I would like to, express a heartfelt thank you to everyone who, helped by aaing donations to this event.. The sorority clid issue a thank you by Tuesday's Champion. couple of people weree I apologize for thist now thank -Kim Impressions and Grapevine for their kini I hope we did notr Everyone's help was g This may be a small nitely has a large heart. Thank you. Unfortunately, a Dear Editor: nissed. My namne ix Jacquie Northcott. 1 and would like 80 arn 15 years old and a member of a from Balloon group called Youth Making A Don Cherry's Difference (YMAD). d contributions. As a group, we have been col- fins anyone'else. lecting signatures for a petition eatly appreciated. againsi child pomography. town, but.it defi- Be .ing a Canadian is the only requirement for signing the peui- tion. Potriis Ktack We encourage people aged 12 Patrila Ktack years and over 80 sign. Syer Drive Our goal is to collect a million signatures nationally 80 prove to the Canadian govemrment that the citizens of Canada are againsi the ,ONr1I~J legalized possession of child pomography. Thix will hopefully help to reverse the legalization in B.C. and Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canadian Champion, psblished every Tuesttay and Friday Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 ai 191 Maie St. t., Mitton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), sone of Tht Metroland Priniing, Publishing & Disiribaiing Ltd. groap of tub- Q'7Q ~~A1 urban cempanies which inctades: Ajax / Pickering News (905)878-2341PW.I Advertiser; Altiston Heralti/Courier; Barrie Advance; Brampton Guardian; Bartiogton Post; City Parent: Csltingwood / Wasago Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Connection; tasi York Mirror; Etobicoke Gaardian; Georgetown Independentl Acion Free Press; Kingston Titis Week; Lintdsay This Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Week; Markham Economisi & Sac; Midland / Penetangaishene Classîfîed: 875-3300 Mirror; Missiosaaga News; Newmarket / Aurora Era Banner; Northumbertand News; North York Mirror; Oaitville Beaver; OJrittia Ian Oliver Publisher Today; Oshawa I Whitby I Cltington I Port Perry This Week; Peterborough This Week; Richmond Hitt I Titornhiti I Vaughan Neil Oliver As.nocia.*e Pablisher Liberat; Scarboroagh Mirror; tsbridge I Stoativitte Tribane; Bill Begin General Manager Today's Seniors. KarenSmit Actng Eitor Advertising Is accepted on the condition ihat, in the event ni a Kare Smih ctin Edtortypographicat error, thai portion of the advertising space occo- Steve Crozier Cireclatin Manager pied by the erronesas item, toaniher wiih a reasonabte atiowance TeriCass PficeMangerfor signatare, witl ot be charged for, bat the balance of the TeriCann OficeMangeradvîrtisement mutl be paid for ai the appticable rate. The pablisher Tion Coles Prodaction Manager resetves thte rigbi ta categorize advertisements nr diction. keep chilId pomography a crime. If the law doesn't protect chul- dren, who will? 1 arn writing this letter to0 chat- lenge Milton 80 take a stand and help us. We are challenging evîery com- munity across the country during the month of November 80 collect one-haîf of their population in sig- natures. Encourage local businesses, community centers, churches, achools and youth groups 80 get involved. Have a community blitz day. We know that every community is able 80 do its part. Hudson Bay, a town of approxi- mately 1,900 people in Saskatchewan, collected almost 1,300 signatures. If they can do it, 50 can the rest of us. By helping collcct signatures we're helping protect children. November ix a month 80 remem- ber our freedoms, and those who fought for them. If child pornography becomes legal in Canada then the freedoms our parents and grandparents fought and sacrificed for would be thrown away. We must continue 80, fight tii pro- teci the children and their righta and freedomx. Children are the future. If we allow them 80 be abused in this fashion, and believe that it is okay, then what kind of future will this country have? I hope that you will accept this challenge and help protect Canada's future. We have already collected 12,'000 signatures, but it isn't enough. We need everyone's help. Please caîl us, or fax us at (204) 896-YMAD or e-mail us5 at ymad@home.com, for a copy of the petition or more information. Jacqule Northcott Winnipeg, Man. Pud by Steve Nease *THE CANADIANCHi