mradian Champion«, Fnday, Novemrber 12, 199-27 Milton Resldents: p~'YARD WASTE COLLECTION WILL SOON ENDIa Yard Waste wll continue every other week on your Blue Box day until the weok of November 29th 1999. Place materlal8 curbslde by 7:30 a.m. *Please keep Yard Wasto separate from your garbage end blue box. This avolds confusion during collection. *Yard Waste must be placed ln clear plastic bags (dark bags will flot be collected), large pa per yard waste bags or smail open containers (no garbage cans). *Brush must be bundled and tid not bagged, no larger than 4 feet long by 2 feet diameter with branches a maximum of 3 Inches diamoter. e Yard Waste bags or containers must be no heavier than 23 kg (50 pounds). te Grasacycle by Ieaving grass clipplngs on your lawn as mulchi le Compostlng (backyard or vermlcomposting) can divert Up to 20% of waste golng to landflll. Please refer to your WASTE MANAGEMENT CALENDAR for more InformatIon. if you do flot have a calendar ploase call: (905) 825-6034 oOMUIilIN CUSTOM (905) 331-9333 -MADE Fus: (REtS) 331.9334 I ALUMINUM R. R. #6, NAilton *Windows - Doors - Garage Doors *Siding * Soif it * Fascia * Eaves FivaVerLaor Warranty Senir .icut FUIi, insured *Yeariy Inspections * FinancIng Availabia Garge Doors -Eectric Opeue-rs MMlI, sMMiE MD SaMUTION Windows, Entrance Door,% Storms Doors, Patio Doors Bat hroom Remodeling Specialiss - Ceramic 111es - New Censtructioe - Watef coeditiosing *Cosstim Homes - Rerevdelerig & Filtration Pureo atriAi Systems TMRR ROWLEY Mechmica lac. ~EU~e3 878-1979 M.AUR.C.H. *WWtFumace5yaie *G&SsPcieod *NeatPun11s-MoGrourd ElectsFuroaces & Waltr Sorces HoC E#teecHM Files - cerra& Rom rAi & Hunfddte 785 Main Street East 876.1138 (Servie) 875-2700 (Sies) Totall iodektli l OW or YurJTrté CnnuncAn Némûd TeL 905876-1110 Fa:905-76-3107 t- uasb*fltw*me Concept CabineVe Kitdiae & Vanity Cauiiestb ArchUtctural Caist5 .1~e 5tore Fixtureb Cgasons Miliwvrt 785 Main St Easnit 13 878-9177 M.ARCUHs MECHANICAL LM. PARTS FOR WVaslrers * Oryers ' Ranges.- Freezers -Retrigeraivrs - Othwasheo 785 Man StreetEut 876-1138 Acss trors t GO Statioe (905) 876-4023 StaR Gas FiraeSpcait Wvrkîng MdeIl vn Display Inserts é Direct Vent'é Free Standing TEIY ROWLEY yl nEt3 878-1979 -s.tOFNG- J IIADIM ROOFING OVE 50 YMA EXPEIUMC FR5 ESTIMS *ReookçW ode hiiis 0 ttjRocka tbdrwpeesWdqnSMam& Ail WrmCm d by Wnkniai's Coep 876-0958 e 1-877-677-4958 SIPTC TNK UMPI Tor.4& CONTR WIDOwTo advertise in this spot RErIC Nobl LUMI. Everu CLEANING BILL DEVRIESplseaî Roer Nbl Ld. EatrghSidaag. Wmdews Industrial, Commercial end Reaidentiai la ec l * 180 ht. of tisse bor crossing lawns, Fi ;ou i....d i, Oem t so od okn 3 ai dsaM rcs osrv o.cabinets, tables, tumniture, etc. Carolyn at 8_______f__ wlu##-ff Mht * rT1iimlgr1 From my shop ta your place" ~ (f~~~lCjmw (Shouid pumpae ntevery3 eas) 'L Quality workmanship Ntvtn use coloured or double piy muiet paper CaII usfo0 esars experience 1591 853.0500 Aden 878d8t< Answeig SeMvie 7-969 (90 ) 876__ 1684 OVER 20OVEARS EXP~9EaRE346 9f)86164u7i à 1 1 GARAGE DOORS " àm HEAiriNq__ý [-KITCHEN CABINETS 1