26-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, November 12,1999 RECEPTIONIST PART TIME. Required immediately for large car dealership in Mifton, expenance flot necessary. Contact Mary Lynn Feesas at: 875-2277. CUSTOMER SERVIC E REPRESENTATIVE required for wholesale floori ng company, Airport location. *Pleasant telephone mariner *Computer skiffs an asset *Own transportation required. Apply ta the attention ot Ms. Kelly Auger Via E-mail custserv@melmart.com or fax resume f0 905-671-8434. Senior Bookkeeper The candidate for this position must have superior bookkeeping skiffs, with the ability to complete aIl facets of Account Management. You are a teamn player with good rcommunication skiffs for peripheral duties in a friendly but busy office environment. We look forward to speak- ing with you. ýir Plieaue caRl (905) 567-5295 OFFICE CLERK Required iamediately tuitime for bssy alao col- sion shsp ia Oak. Daties inci: custstper service, receplian, data eslry, invaicing, eIc. Knawtedgt of Microsoft & Windows 98. This is s greal sppsrtsahiy fartIhe right individuai tasuse a rssge of taperience ln a fsstpseed,' chsllengisg stresphere. Piesse FAX resames 4pm la lopin asty, Alla: Disons: (905) 815-555 uAyt;Amt avairnote. Ail ages wetcome. Excel- lent references. Hay- ward Crescent. Cati 875-3482. OAYCARE required, part tmefemporary, dhilfcr neeismoe- diatety for 3 chtldren in ny home. References required. PMease cati 875-314, alter 8:30p.m. LOOKINO for a babysft- fer in the ESm Avenue area, full fime. Vour house or mine. Cati 693-8927. UIVE in houeakeperi cook fors5 bedrom Mil- ton home (in town). Muet be mature, re- sponstbla - referesces are requirefi. Repiy ta Box 2336 c/o Canadien Champion, 191 Main St. E., Milton, On., L9T 4N9. LOOKING for retiabie cieaning persan. 1 day/week for home/of- fice in Miton/Oakviiie. Fax resume f0 LIFE wasnft meant ta be lived aione ... dant you deserve fa have some- ana spediai in your tife? Cati Misty River Intro- ductions- Toronta's tra- ditionat matchmaker (416)777-6302. 1111110 Runs well, low kmns. Neefis paint oniy, certi- tied. No dlean air test re- quired $1295. (H)876- 3423 1994 Chev Astro, fuity iceded, basf aller. Please cati (905)854- 2683. ed. Ose owner. Coin- piste service rec., Cerf. &Drive dlean. 550e/s coming - you need this 4X41 $18.000. (905)607-7642. CARS tram $500. Govemment seizefi and surplus. Solfi leaty, caIl for listings. 1-800- 29ý7-7Ext. 30. SALM & LIASSE NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FANILY BUSINESS WITI FAMILY VALUES WE - ilY - SEL- LEASE LARGEST SEILECTIOI OF USED VEilULES INI MILTON &875-2277 IRICHARDON ITo fesse or purchase Iyour car or trckl [w 5 .ai Rd. 878-2393 -. m .. .. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AN OTHERS Ail claims against the estate of FRED- ERICK JOHN DYER, tata aof the Town aof Milton, Ontario,- Retired Warehouseman, who died on or about the 8f h day ail August, 1999, must be fiied with the undorsigned Estafe Trustees on or before the 29th day ail November, 1999, after wich date fthe estate wiii be distrib- uted having regard oniy ta the dlaims af which the Estate Trustees then shati have notice. DATED at Milton, this 26fh day of Octobor, 1999. William James Dyer, Estate Trustee Nichols and Servos Barristers and Solicitors 207 Mary Sftreet, Box 249 Milton, Ontario LQT dN9a uiaos, carsa, liv s, tFa51 ers. Securify fenced. $30 monfh up. CRIBCO LTD. 905-877-1876. ly Iooking to rent house in Haltan area. Cail (604)513-1125 or (604)592-0414. WANTED farra for rent. Need room for horses. 2 + bedroore apfihouse. Cali Chnis at (905)3»0 6732. tained grensy flat. Near Tonelti. $475/month. Cali 878-1251. GEORGETOWN, larqe 2 bedroorn aparfmenf in Victorien home. $1000/mfh includes hisaft and water. Actas, 2 bedroore, $750, plus uttifties. (519)853-5080 or (519)853-5352. MILLSIDE TOWERS 82 MILISI DE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bedroomns available on bus route, frestdy deco- raee, 2 apfflancea, on-site iaundry, inctudes ait utiltiies (except phase & cable.) Free parking, flo pets. Reterences required. 905-876-1249 By appointreent osiy taurant and Retait Store. Please cati 905- 826-1951. REASONABLE Indus- triai Unis tor rent. 1,200 - 3,200 el. ft. Loading docks & dnve-in. 1-905- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- 6834. ton location. Piesse phone 878-1258. SMALL PRIVATE OF- FICE beautifuiiy ap- pointed, Hwy. 25 & 401. 1-905-277-9347 or 905- 275-6834. able park area of Georgetown, 60 ll. tot, 2 car garage, new alun- gis and ail new wind- ows, fhousands in reno- velions. A must ta seef $294,900 negotiabie. 905-877-6113. BUNGALOW for alie. Ia starter home or re- tiree wishing ta scate down, new windows, eat-in kifefien, fenced yard, separate garage, waiking distance ta aIl asenifies. $157,900. 905-875-0M9, Miton. TIIREE bedroom towrl- bouse for sale in great location. Asking $127,500. Wrtt cooper- ste with agents. Cati (905)878-5181. VILLAGE On the Parc, 2 bedrooms, corner unit, 2 underground parking amenities, avait- abie immediatey. Even- inga & weekends, 905- 454-8262, 416-994- 9184, Ceiabrating a Birthday Wedding Annrversary? Did you have A Baby A Graduation? Are you looking for a new job? wanting ta hrae? Do you hava Something To Buy? To Sal? To Trada? Pihone the Otossifiads 1?! Reglon of Halte. Water and Wastewater Pipeline OPEN HOUSE fice Regian of Haf ton and oua 'puomerMfi D'OPAZIO-WALmU Joint Veniao a= mrady ta begin oaestacfion of dlie wster and wamfwater pipenes along Reginsi Romd 25 aid Denry Raid nid flie ssased puimpig station. ibesie pipelines wilf poovide Iskebased serviin fo flic new growilt avas in flie Tomn of &mita as part of dlic H1af tan Urban Strautr plan. Bxisfing "esdmn= and businesses ini Milton wilf remnain on a wefl-based suppf y. Thnis prajece gai its start in flic Halton Urban Stue Plan (HUSP) which wus approvedl by Regoonaf Couricif in 1994. Cauncif gave flic go aheafi for flic pipeline projcct in ie sommer of 1998. flic D'ORAZIO-WALTER Joint Ventum wss selectcd in Aprif 1999 ta "eSgn aid build fli pipelines and punsping stton. Constuction is expectcd ta begin in December 1999 and bc coxnplctei in Septemnber of 2000. HAVE YOUR QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ANSWERED AT OUR OPEN HOUSE: Date: Tueesfay, Noveanher 23, 1999 Im: 6:00 pmn ta 9:00 p.ni. Location: Region of Hiton - Auditoriuni, 1151 Bronte Rd., OakvIIfe Open House display panel s wilf provide information on ftie project and staff tram bath flic Region and tlic design buifd mem wif f be avaifable ta disculs tlie projact and address yorar questions and concenis. CObMyMET: Foir ftueher informnation or to discutas comntnf or questions, plems contact: Kada Kolli Dilfan Coaultins Lsd. 100 Sfwppard Ave. Eaut Suite 300 Torneto, Ontario M92N 6N53 Plhone <416) 229-4646 Fax: (416) 229-4692 emnaii: kkoligdilfon.es HALrON AGRICUILTURAL. SOCIETY& MILTON FALL FAIR Tenders for gates and parking at the 2000 Multas Fait Fair. Open f0 Service Clubs and Charitable Organizations oniy. Tender forres may be obtained trom the fair office, Mifton Fairgrounds, 136 Robert Street on Tuesdays or Thursdays tram 9:00 - 11:30 arn. and 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. Ait tenders ta be submitted shouid be piaced in a seated enve- tope, which ctearly states thie nature of the tender. Lowest or any tender not necessantly accepted . Tenders wiii be accepted untit 12:OOp.m. local fime on Thursday, December 2,1i999, in person at the Miton Fairgraunds, 136 Robert Street, Mifon'or by mal tof the Hatton Agricultural Society, Generai Deiivery, 25 Brown Street, Miftas. O N L9T 2Y2. Mailn Gooding eretary Treasurer Haton Agnetura Society Dsvid Oth" Resto offilaion f051 BMMnt R&. Oakville. Ontario L6M 3LI1 phoane: (905) 825-6030 Fax: (90) 847-2092 anMi: ohssfudOrcgn.halion.oa.ea