T.he Cpnacl Çharll TuesQy, Novenyboi 9 1999 -6. 1t'stfun and'games until sorneone hits jackpot S( Pol P,,,-.,4,. nenned hv Philiv Kingdete t lie checcks his fotbtall piools. A t i/I tontrintue T/tila dtv iii Satiurdav Cv # %à Broken church bells and a spendtbrifî svilc iî,ike lhis îilortal ciuil aî tii.l lio thle virtuous vicar Lionel Toop. But gambling in the vicarage? Lordy. That's the premise of Pools Paradise, the season opener for the Milton Players Theatre Group' s 1999-2000 season. The earthy Mrs. Penelope Toop thinka she'a juot baving a bit of'fun tbrough her contributions t0 the weekly football pool along with the maid Ida and ber boyfriend Willie Briggs. But you know the saying - it is ail fun and games until someone bita tbe jackpot. Or sometbing like tbat. Tbat's wben tbe peacel'ul Soutb England vicarage goes into a taiîspin. At firl Mrs. Toop is bomrfied at ber part in nabbing tbe ill-gottqn gains, gambling being asin and ail. Until obe learno juot 110w mucb gain it is. Tbhen sbe dispatchýs Willie Briggs, played witb inarticulaecerbyram Morley, 10 London î~double-cbeck tbe results. in tbe meantime tbý vicar is in tbe race of bis life 10 duck th1e overbeated -atten- tions of pariabioner MViss Skillon. Played by Sharon beddoes, Ms Skillon sure does love God. And almoot as mucb as tbe vicar, too Enter Reverend Arthur Humpbries, played witb admirable befuddlement by Tim Beddoes. He bas been callod in 10 take over the cburcb service of thbe vicar, wbo bas been waylaid by a twistecf anle. But after finding hbe cburcb bereft of a single soul in nee of saving, be does wbat any Englisb viîcar witb time Il kilI Chaos ensues whcn the two tickets gel mixed ssp and tbe good lord, no doubt yeamning for a litIle attention, sends yet anotber boly representative t0 tbe vicarage in tbe form of tbe Bisbop of Lax. He's played by real-life ochool teacber Brion Walton. That's mentioned lest any- one tbink an actual bisbop bappened onto tbe stage, so naturally does be assume the role. The bisbop bas paid a surprise visit 10 bis niece, Penelope Toop, and is bimself sbocked 10 discover Ibat obe and ber bousebold are ail apparently mad. Tbe comic tbreads of tbe Pbilip King play are deftly woven togetber by Ida, played witb brasb, underclaso cbarm by Susan Cranford. Also wortb 'mentioning is Gary Metcalfe. As Reverend Toop, be is tbe gawky, loose-limbed image of outraged innocence tbat melts imb wily cunning wben be sees Ibat bis busted cburcb belîs could be Bob Fleming EVERY FRIDAY lOam -8pm GOLD DV THE GRAM EVERY SATURDAY 9am- 4pm FORALLYOU JEELR NEDS(OR CALL THE OFFICE ANYTIME 136AL AIEN S 878 -4572 136 MIN ST FAIR PRICES - FREE ADVICE - (INSIDE KALENA FOODS) FULLY GUARANTEED Centre, 500 Childs Dr. Dinîter theatre tickets cost $30, and show- only tickets go for $10. Tickets con be picked Up at Delacourt's, 227 Main Si. E., or by calling 875-0629. Parade along the route thi. Sunday- value Pcng l7tettfordabk wov to buv a car ortntck RCADG .0 eels Irdea SALES NOUAS SERVICE HOURS CE R L T G D M B L Mon.-Thurs . ..... poe Monl ..n ......ai l Fnday .........'il Tues .......ARM-Il H VOmE ML S OB ir m Saturday ..... W»4pff Sirday .....Jn2rsp HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON Protect your oil tank with, TANK ARMOR Helps prevent: a RUSI M Water corros ion and pitting M Bacteria growth .$2a boUlie once a year Cal! today! (905) 878-638ouo0 1-800-465-6071 Bad timing and accents that corne and go can both serve t0 sink a comedy. But botb have been avoided by director Geoff Ford. Instead, the Players manage 10 toss ouI tbeir lines as cleanly and skillfully as fly- fishermen. The adtora also mun helter-skelter over tbe one-room set without anyone crashing into anyone, distracting from the action or blocking views. It will not be Ieel here if the Toop clan win the football pool in the end. But repairing churcb property througb the wages of sin? Hello bello, Vicar Toop.______