10 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Noven îber 9, 1999 section lB featured Expandiug Woodward Av enue is in line with Offliciai Plan: Town staff VEA sevie tote c'enso November152, 1999 MitDistrict Hospital isk celeatin4 yeus. ofi Mil on. necgitono November 1521, 1999 Flag Raising Ceremony 10:00 arn Meet us out front of the Hospital as we read the proclamation and raise our special 4Oth anniversary flag. November 2lst, 1999 Community Open House 11:00Oam -3:00Opm weren't at home. "Their main complaint is that the traffic volume on Woodward is already -higli," said Mr. Sim. But lenjgthening Woodward Avenue ek. Hea from RESIDENTS on page 9 wook. Hebacked up the dlaim by canvassing WWatch (Or 30 neighbours on thse issue. It No v. 10. AIl but two came out against the pro- nosed extension, he noted. And those two t, ___ -.- -~ - wOficiaiPln dirconc sainth aMtn gOftia Plnotb deeioe saing isoat ed enclaves sad el Iovloted ionis lan-d ennges adireor. te owspln App dreogteetnio ol.edt compromisedtsefetieso os ervd resi dent DonMied a.eyiseosre e dent'so esilytu. fteadto occurs in a trtue, inte widiin roads iare likeytne, usedas higs rspe ess hiet e added. hih-is spIethink thiswudo xre a n Ilready dangeroud iuon," Mxcrt Man tldy ounl. siuton"M. e oise rom y.40hsloedte value fof nery. homes asaid red te Gialieofneab ums. sidreid Ande ian sl oices smr resdnth e kyto the rea ea mr hee wodertei anyhigwoldb done tondue if racketn tIse d new - muni ty hai sethed iaken. etenwcm mNewyba grothi cin.tspotteadto ofNoew lsfor exstin upresdts sadid Mor Gos a ord Kra tntz idnss Mayo odot tik wan ipseaycoto the n' new n deelopmn hme aid. o o tthe new subdivisions will likel impuv the noe sbiuations orl reidei ioet neigbuhse bytuactinga a rsondi barrer, sid Mor ovo.sb ciga on baTere wail be. Intvingbidign sound re wls instrig u"lig said Then ropse inrgoa lne subdivsoni ept oed conan su ivsing deace hoest 19coin16 semgledetached msad8 townhomes. business b' that w considers itsélf immune to the necessity for advertising ,sooner ot itself ftmune to -business.," Derby Brown