Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Nov 1999, p. 30

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30-Tho Canadian Champion, Frlday, Novomber -I-Im MANAGER CORPORATE ACCOUNTING Medium sized Oakvîie energy cannuling company seeka versatile accounting pro- fessional ta maintain corporato books and financial contraIs; prepare monthly state- mente, budgets and perform support tasks includlng payroll, HR and aystomrs doveiopmnent studios. Recent CA or ex- perienced CGA requirod. Familiarity with Windows NT network preterred and strong Excel skiiis essential. Fax your resumne ta: (905) 825-1066, Attn: John MoGinnis We regret t/rat onîy candidates seiected for interviews wiiI be contacted. ACCOUNTS RECEVABLE CLERK St. Lawrence Cernent Inc. has an immediate opening for flexible.appli- cants for an Accounts Receivable Clerk. You must be fluent in Word, Excel and SAP experience would bel an asset. Duties include cash posting, account reconciliations, collections and other departmental dutiies as assigned. Top level customer service a Strong communication skills required. St. Lawrence Cernent Inc. provides chalengin work with an excellent If you are interested in this opportunity, please forward your resumne ta: St. Lawrence Cernent Inc., Human Resources Department, 2391 Lakeshore Rd. W., Mlssîssauga, Ontario L5J 1 Ki We wish to thank in advance a/l respondents, however, on/y those chosen for an interview wifl be contacted. No phone ca/fs please. PART TIME PRESCHOOL ASSISTANTS Commilted Assistants needed to provide one on one intensive teaching sing Appiied Behaviaura Analysia (ABA) ta a preschool child mith pervasive deveiapmrient disorder (PDD). The ideai candidate haa had experience wilh ABA, but we are wiiiing ta train a caring individuai with ai keen interent and abiiity tu work with a preechoat chiid with PDD. Theae positions are availabie lu anyane wha haa experience or la miiiing ta iearn mithin a atructured progrant. A thtree day training marknhap miii be heid in December, teaching princi- pion and techniquea of ABA. Please fax your reaume ta 906-879-6894, or cati Roaanne at 905- 878-3400 il you have any questiona. Pleane atate lhoura ot availability. SHURT- I lMM onîIco wark wanlod by accam- 1,tshed woaffa. Positive arandyzattituae iio e- pnable, punctual & respanaiblo; comter ite. 905-814-072. ENTHUSIASTIC tutor availablo specializing n math grades 1-10. Ref- erencon availablo. Ploase cati Tare 878- 6936. ABOVE lTHE REST AVDZ .40 hrs. in Cab Training Inl Class Training .2 trnps Husds on trais- ing *Succesfiu Sodmnts %ilt Smu FIT empinymcnt Ciii & Reaerwe 1-800-231-0664 905-670-3737 50 you've jained the club, tnied the phono personals, wsiked yaur dog, read the miles, had NOVENA PRAYER TO ST. JUDE 0 HOLY St. Jude, Apontie and Marty, grai n nise and ricin in miracles, ovar kînsman of Jesas Christ, taithiol iniarcassor ai ail Who invoke yosr opecl patronage intime et need, ta yau 1 have reourse ftra the dop1h aI my heart and humbiy bog ta mhom God han given such great pomer, came te my assistance. Heip me in my prenant, urgent petibaon, in retum i promise ta make yaur noms knamn and cause yu bo invaked. Throe Our Fathor, thtres H5iI Mary and ihres, Gary be. St. Judo pray for us and ait mha invako ysur aide. Amen. (Publicatien munI be pramised.) (This Navena han neyer been tnamn lai tait. This Navena munI be ssid far 9 cansacutive dayn). JTM NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Ail dlaimrs against the estate aI FREDERICK JOHN DYER, lateof ath. Town aI Milton, Ontario, Rotirod Warehousornan, who diod an or abaut the 8th day of Auguat, 1999, muet be filod wilh the undersignod Estais Trustees anaor before the 29th day of November, 1999, alter wich date the astate mli be distributed havlng- regard anly ta, the dlaims of whlch the Estate Trustees thon shail have notice. DATED at Milton, thia 26th day af Octabor, 1999. William James Dyer, Estate Trustee Nicholeanmd Servos Barriatara and Solicitors 207 Mary Street, Box 249 N. Milton, Ontario L9T 4IN9 a blina cane mith punt 1995 jeep Ur çtioroKee vO. roiru conmun, iosuuu. NEED help? Emmas mother~s C0u- One omner. Complote service rec, Cert. & Drive Spreadshoets, data- ains boy (yucl) whafs dlean. Snoma caming - yau neod this 4X4! $18,000. DAYCARE avallable. Any 090 melcamo. Relereno- base, word procosaing, nord? taIsty River Intro- (905)607-7642. os available upan roquost. Lamer Base Lino and boakkeoping and moal ductians 416-777-6302. Trasligor. Cal 693-491. Cati Gillian at.878-7446. CARS tramt $500. Govommont seized and aur- RELIBLEdaycre valable Wodwar an ~ us. Sold lacally, cati far listings. 1-800-297-0727 san Dr. ores. Cll 876-4978 3 e"" 'COMNC eOS1 STORAGE -Inside/oat. oais, car's, RV's, tranis. Sacurity fancad. $30 monlh up. CRIBCO LTD. 905-877-1876. 2 BEDROOM bungalowmfar ranI. $9OCtmonIh plsutiti- tien. Doanlean. Na pets. Cati 876-1281 ar 876- 0683. LUXURY 2 bodrom caon- do, camter unit, 2 parking speos amanitien, avaitable rimmeatty, $1500. Evan- incn (906)454-8262 or 1 BEDROOM aarI5OI mn Ac n2 ilS. West. AvaitMile lmmodiatoly One parkI&pace Na pela. ACTON one bedroamn apartment. Avallable Dec. Ist. $550hnonth indludes utillies. Phono (905)854- 2317. BACHELOR aparlment On Main Strmol. Quiet locaton. $450lmonth p lus hydro. Phono 878-2328. BACHELOR Apartment, basoment, pnivate on- tranco, 4 appliancea, park- ing, fifrlce, $775lmonthi. Avatiabla Docambor 1. Everthng indluded. 878- BRIGHT one bodraoon apartmont. Avaiuside Dec. 1. Utilities, cabie, laundy, paknprivaiseontrance.. No 5mk, ne pets. (905)876-1.1. îvdroom, main floor apart- cludes heat & hydro. Roter- onces. 854-4064, teave message. GEORGETOWN, large 2 bedrooffi apartinent in Vlic- todan home. $lOOOImth in- cludes hast and water. Ac- Ion, 2 bedreoon, $750, Plus stitities. (519)853-5080 or (19)853-5352. MILLSIDE TOWERS 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bedraoms avaitabto on bus route, Ireshty deco- rated, 2 appilancea, on-aile iaundry, inctudea ai utilties cate.) ree parking, no pets. Reterencea requirod. -905-876-1249 By appinlmot onlyj NWO bodreeff apartmool in tour-plex. Minutes tramt dewntamn Milan. Rony rovated. $SSOmIh plus Januay tiraI. (905)459- 1592 sa r 6PM. TWO oarge throo bodraem country aparimonta far rmg. iJtlitios and iaundry hook up, main flar and up- por floar Cose ta, 401 Der- ry Rd. & 4th fine, Miton. $lOOOImonIh. Firat, balt, reterencea roquirod. r 7-61Amnda or 90C2-192Vcel Syl- vanae. L.ARGE roorn for rent in non-smoking Townhouse )wner flIsant in sîgo lan- puage. $373 inclusive. Cail 93-0887. ROON tar rant in Ime bod- ronm apartmoent. Sharod living spaco. Close te damntemn. Cai 875-2424. 3 ROOMS'tar rent, fur- nishod, Ciampboilviloe country livng. Reterencea a muat. Phono 864408 after 4p.m. ROOSI ter rent. Avadlablo immediatoly. Suit quiet maitcing poison, non-smok- or protorred. 875-1806. BUILDING for rant in demnlemn Millon. restau- rant and Reliait Store. Please cal 906-828-1951. REA8ONABLE Industriel Units for rent. 1,200 - 3,200 sq. l. Leading docka & dnve-in. 1-905-277-9347 or 1-905-275-M83. SMALL PRIVATE OF- FICE boauifully ap- pointod, Hwi. 25 & 401. 1-905-277-9347 or 905- BUNGALOW for sale. Ido- ai starter homo or retimoe mishinglto scalo daren, nom windows, eat-in kitchen, Ioncad yard, fftrae ga- rago# wal!ditance ta al amonilien. $157,900. 905-875-559, Milton. eOTATR GAAEe.OR I Sevene *- Ladef - Do 00ze e.. e-KIN 1 ALUMINU LOANS WINDOW CLEANING ý ROOFING 11] [T-he Choice

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