28-Tho Canadien Champion, Friday, Navembor 5, 1999 The Principal and >t~ staff of fI E.C. Drury High 4N f School, Milton yUJç cordially invite you to attend THE EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT to be held in the School Gymnasium Friday, Novemnber-5, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. ST. PAULS VILLAGE FAIR will take place Saturday, November 6th Lunh ilbeavalale t l 0 R n Fat 10:00 arn Admission is FREE but a donation to our food bank would be appreciated Welcome to Multons First Private School MILTON HEIGHTS ACADEMY W. invite you to our OPEN HOUSE this week and SATURDAY, NOMDE 6. Located at the Farm Museum 693-1557 IMPORTANT ESTATE AUCTION SALE Wedneuday, November 10 at 6 pmi sharp ln the Agricultural Hall on Robert Street, Milton Fairgrounds, Milton, Ontario. Preeo and registration wilI stadt et 4:30 par day oi sale. REMENDER, "-WE ALWAYS TRY HARDIER" Please show ID. when rogistoring. Termns are cash or choque with proper I.D. Owner, Auctianeor net rospansiblo for accidents. Don ColIng Auctioneor <905) 877-0117 Faex (905) 877-7895 ANTQU AUTO S AL Monday Nov. Sth at 10:30 .m previoe tram 9:00 s. At the Agricultural Hall, Milton Fairgrounds, Robert St. Excellent sae feturing e greet selectian of fur- nistinge mnci. armoires, pins tervoat table, washstend, biankot bas, chine cabinet, -sacre- tary, fiat ta weil, tables, chairs, Viet. sofa, etc. iigtting, Rayai Daulton figurines, Royal Albert and Cther chine, glass toddy tsars, aid carpets, primitives, decoretivos and muet mare. TERMS: Cash, Choque wt 2 pies. I.0. No Rossants Fuethor listing evailablo by tax or phone: JON MEDLEY AUCTIONEER (905) 878-2647 Nuat SIu mcd. Non. 1thA ai 6:00 p.m. quanlidy of spersols- ctibtcs ieoni #sa sos-ens lic. caue, aitographs. esaglazinca or.al.) adsetsing, esys, antiqucs, ece ýoMajor Liquidation & Estate Sale Ondes instrucions receioed ase oi oeil iv delail lois by Otles Banquet Hall, 2273 Royal Windsor Dr ( ornru Fard Or.) Gakvtîle COLIàIJ.S II:IiHunnel, noyai Doulion. Nippon, Mosicioff Pfsneiy. Depfeerros giaso. tissze Oiaiuaiy. Limoge poîcelaîs, sali, Olaso vases & lanys, rrg norcelais. 25 bc collectior Cheok, Signei îîsr~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~o pss ao iOsil oclî,OOn ye las,d Suas~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~S Ou adlba&nni ic s.bos ie anatique table amys.Ocarookl cysiaibanna. Oc I mpo rI:in tant qoaros t droraO uri COiaceMarbai coleciont Oprints & occasiosai lbies, consoler. nui, dis. îm sots p tbe. F iscO night stands, Chipnendale tables. secinc ir sai coer chIS. losessrats. china cabinets. brelissi cabinetai . c a roi catsi sestirs tables. deacons besch, haît stand, coloriai taie. ia cab Is vitrines. qît rarc. maibte tables. TV stand b noe ETT mM uIEN EIU5Y. Oramord rings, preisu b semi rleirus etrrerings, diamord earrîngo. gotO chairs, bracelets. seckiacen. ter- ris bracelets. yearls, appraisel Etate Jeeelry, 1mars irsai & uniqu terI pocks e n.dsge toebri bracelet, brCs il îId mii oss sie olr ,tae iar.ta coins, bankotes etc MC u. Ii :EtiOic.srts mens- Tabl roiectibis. îtSgted.sge may n s br tk eaOt Oieb' Oai Oudr c or' J i tes ia y gls i on. F on r uo, Faîu la. r eo ss . c. tn hoe ie, COI. e.monitos, Pis scanes ecAcinn mo e t y sales, riens suit arisins urabie 10 tnta eperre Cash. Orsa, M/C. Ae. as pet posied b ansrunced No toyets Frenrumo. additions bl deletrOns aPPIY, remosai rame day. lerfccutuu curIt 416-205-1762 FPlu tatuw.uuue uu.m lu muuaest w«UI,-1 PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS 1-888-PRO SALE FIREWOOD SALE Hardwaad Split linaplit RU. Trocls]4'r8' traîler $50 $30 Car Trunk $20 $10 Mixed softwood- Less 50% Pick-up anly * Saturdsy only 9-4 sL-losd * Cash onty. 8614 Sixtt Lino,.Georgeown (1.9 km North af Steoles) 878-5922 Whilo supplies lest' PIANO teecher espending Milton ares. Offeing ras- sie lassions beginner thraugh senior levois. Degree, roputablo and estabied. Reesonablo rates. Wiil como ta your homo. 693-944, (905)318-6908, (905)525-7343. CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW' 653 Elliott cries., Milton November 6 10:00 amn - 4:00 pin 876-3359 âe878-1649 CHRSTMula CrmasAL Sauray Nvebra6 SdaNovember 67 19 10 arn - 4 pr (Betwee BritanitasDe 4toAnuleCatb Showft CHITActo Hgh SchLE Sat.ay Nov 20/99 800 arn - 4:0 Pm. Over y 00vertbe, bak tablet raffe erehornent AUTOMOTIVE Parts Menufeeturing Company te Milton tas ýositians evaileble for Labourers and As- semblors. Training pravidod. Start et $9.00 an haur. Fax resoume ta 905-878-3012. BACKHOE Operator, minimum 3 yeers exponoence mifh AZ Licnso. Fao resume or cali 878-9313. COUNTER HELP rsquirsd, full tiras, Monday - Fridlay, il p.m. - 7 a.m. & 7 e.m. - 3 p.m. Appiy le persan tai Cotise lime Doruts, 405 Martin, Street, Milton. We are currently recruiting: PRODUCTION EMPLOVEES In Milton for the iollowing positions: Foo Breading Handlera FodProcsslng OperatorsllIandlers ' Afternoon Sanitatlon Crew No exponienco necossary, juat a wiltingnoss ta work and loam! MOTIVATION STAFFING We aller: *FulltimslPermanent days * Pald weekly * Direct Deposit Bentailte Avallable Please cait anytime: 1-877-289-3815 PRODUCTION UNE WORKERSI3 A leading-edge Canadian company is currently sekntre production lina worlerstfor their aeroaol manutacturing plant, located ln Milton, Ontaria. The ideal candidates will have a hiph school diploma with a technical background and somne manutactuning esporience. Considleration will aiea be given taI candidates who have mechanical aptitude, and show initia- tivea. Plolls tax a comploter resume, with a covering letter, ta Mark Mcacyet: (905) 699110. ÔChudleigh 's PRODUCTION FACILITY Rcquired by growing locsl compsny. Dcdicated individesîs with a desire ta contribule ta lis suc- ccss. Msst possens sil of the following attributes, tesmn player, sbility and willingncss tai leamn, good comprehtension skills, bath orritten snd verbal. A vsriety of Full lime positions carrently svsilsble. We provide s compctitive neage, job stsbility tei committed employees, opportanity toasdvsnce, job variety snd s gresi work envirotrmeni. Resames msy be dropped off ta 624 McGeachie Drive. (878-8781 for directions) Prerjous apphrcants need sotr apply roquiros FULL & PART-TIME COUNTER HELP PaId training. Uniforme supplied. Renurneration based on experlence. Appîy in person ta: 8501 Hwy. 25 North, Milton 575 Ontario St., Milton 80 Market Dr., Milton LUMBER SALESPERSON Foul time position forea mature individuel with building eupply sales esperience. Must te customor service orîonted, noat and moul groamod. Full bonotit package availablo. Fax or drap-mn your reeumnt application ta: Schuyler Home Hardware 385 Steeles Ave. E Milton (905) 878-9222 Fax: (905) 878-4049 WAREHOUSE/TOW MOTOR & GENERAL .LABOURER requîrod for whaiesale flaanng campe- ny. Same lifting required. At o ae-I tion. Direct resume ta G. Jackson Vi -algrgjmlatcmo fax resume to 905-671-8434. requires fuilti e KICE ELPICOOKI Hours 8 arn - 4 pm, Mon - Frî. Apply with resumne ta 50 Market Drive, Milton, Attn: Blake or Mark, or phono 876-3316 Are you an onergotic persan wenting la work le e fast peced enviroomont? We are currontly eccopting applications for the follawing. FÎT. P/T Wilaitera, Waitresa F/t. P/T Kitchen heîp PIT Dishwaaher P/T Store Cîerks Appiy le persan: Fiftt Wheol truck STop 40 Chishaim Dr., Milton Na Phono Celle Please WE ARE NOW HIRING FOR ALL POSITIONS We are iooking for enthusiastc outgoing people. We aller flexible hours and aiso are flexible with vilages. Please appiy ta: Harvey's on 50 Market Drive by eîther resume or applicaton (that we have available). Bring your resume to the attention of John or Linda. Aiea you couid contact us at 878-7733. School Bus Drivers Needed Milton & Brookville Ideal for Homnemakers and Early Retirees Cail Laidlaw Transit 877-2251 Laidlaw Transit s san equai sappartuasity emsployer Wanted Immediatey US OW Q-OEATOKS IUS QUFEDOR .1ý1 COMPANIVERS Good pay and benefits. Muet have minimum 2 years verifiable US. experience. Oei Tom Burley @ 1-800-265-8789 Ext. 237 1-905-457-8789 Ext. 237 POSITIONS AVAILABLE NOW! Janitorial Co. has evenings positions (o start immediately in Milton. "fideal for Couples" Te Apply Cali (905) 333-5382 and asc for Jackls violon of CDPLUS.COM os looking lot a mature enthusiestie indîvidual ta fli the position of manager for aur music reatif location in the Ai- tan MaIl eit 55 Onotario St., Milton. Applicant muet bo cosnmittod ta growiýng witt e dynemic music retail co. Pleese tex rosumoe ta: (905)629-0414 Attn. Mal Stora Supervisor. DISHWASHER/WI- TRESS/WAITER ts- quirod. Ploase cati 875- 3305. DRIVER for Remp le- spection. T.A.A. Phono 905-875-2915, ext. 248. Fax 905-875-3219, Attn: John Penni. ESTABLISHED food procoasing plant le hir- ing for multiple tuti time positions. To Bat mme- diaey. Please formerd rosumo in persan ta: ProVeel Co. tirc., 251 Nîpissing Rd., Milton boteon 9A.M. - 4P.M. or fax ta (905)69»-980. FULLTIME Light Fabri- cation, Assembly & In- stallation persan writh wolding cartiticatsr or es- potience roquirod etf- modliaey. Fax rosumo ta 854-2785. HELP wantsd, Hendyper- soMyIt-Sept. 3»1, 2000. Some transi in- voivod. Selery $300/wk. plus $200/mth car on- pense. Fax resume ts: 905-850-7751, Afin. Ane. LOCAL Aluminues Company roquiros Gon- oral Labourer. Cail 905- 331-9333 or fax resume ta 905-331-9334. QUALITY conscion- tioue compeny sooke dopendablo person for assembly mark watt ras- chenicai ability & oxposi- secs witt hend tools. Ropiy by fax anly: (905)875-4729. QUALITY Inn in Milton roqluiros housokospera and front desk persans. Full and part timo posi- tions including wss- kende. Appiy in person or fax resumo ta (905)878-9701. ISNOW REMOVAL - IPersan with snowbow- or tai cloar sidewalks, etc. etc. Oeil Lry Noshye Hadwarye, 0 Jom cHuydwret 90h5lo 878-9222. ... we practice ourprin,. e ay Team maies Wo're looldng for lie kind of servic-reaied peuple liai have rade Sls Chllalet so successfuil. Vduing Io go lita exta slep 10 acitieve excdleatee, you are traaly a tearn mernier maIti ealitueiasrn, eaerg, and ambiin galore. You share un our " dlitai qualit mnd guesit servie cornes firet and are looking for a placetIo grow, have fun, and maie moneyc We are flhing a variet of posillons on aur Kilthea, Dlalag Roosa, Take Out, -ad Bar teanu. We inite you 10i apply midi us ai Our resltarant or in wnlaing Ici: 5353 Lakeshore Boulevard, Burlagtoe, ON L7L lC8 Tel: (905) 333-1955 Fax: (905) 637-9890 Corne and teli us wlay >vu belong on our industry leading tearn. CHALET tera st &. COL, I