Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Nov 1999, p. 26

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26-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, November 2, 1999 With roue going back Ia 17 10, the commuitent ne have ahway shared ai Royal & SunAlliance st sith us sswe exploresicw horizons, We resv.nn whxlly comaiiied to, lie cusiomers alto lok ta us for excellence ia service, accountabuifiy and a strong swof ethirs. We sûiil hnld tie saine trusa in our people, and stppori iieanina ceeaiing success. Join Royal & Sunalhianoe, aid explore a new direcion en one of the follonng rotes: It's about M istaying on course while exploring new directionis. We offier a generons compensation package intermediate & Seior Claims Representatives including a salaa7 and Leaders commensiienie wiih We have posiions avaouable in aur Torontoa nd Hiailton offices for andîriduals ixperience, a flexible and aith 5 + years of claiis expeneonce. Caadiaiesausi have sound warkuiig kowedge of Auto RBAoreProperty Csuaty claimsndbe workng iowaxian AIIC. Exceent comprehiensive beneiis casiomer service and organiaional skills aiII ensare yor vucces. progri and the For tihe mile of Teai Leader, yon ainst poswevo your AlIC and/oe a uniaersiy degee npparinnîiy îo wark ia aiid lie able io coach aad anspire in a irani enairoanieni. a niomn htOur daim offices wilI ie celoeaiing Io West MississaUga in April 2000. Please fax anevrnieiia our résumé by Novemuser 121, 1999, lndicniiag position of inieresi, io: bith recepnizes and Homan Resource Services, Royal & SorsAlliance, 151 Yonge Street, P0. Box 4073, reosanés merji. posta] Station ',' Toronto, ON M5W 2119. Fax: (416) 943-4358. www. r aya le a nel nu .0 a Friward iinkirni nce 17WO SFT.YcARE New Career? This could lac your annswer! SafeyCare is an award winning world leader in the gromlli area of Workplace Heaiih and Safety wiih opporioniaies for individuals ho achieve success uîîder the umbrelia of a sale, secure and successful iînternational compaiy. The person we are seeking does nol need specific qualifications but rather musa be able to demonsîrate a stalhe histnry wihh a personal or business background that indicates persisience and determinatiOli. This in a new position. If you enloy working on the phone, have the abiiily tu creale new business ansd are self-moîivated, this is your chance 10 deveiop and manage your own naional client base. We offer a basic salary, plus commissions and health benef ils, wilh firsl year earnings of S35,000-S40,000O. If you are inieresled in a careel change, please cali Ed Asismean at SafetlCare ho discuss this opporiunity ix more detail. Telephofle: (905) 631-6070 AFTER SOHOOL dy care required A.S.A.P. Robert Baidwin Schooi arma, 2 chidren, agea 5 & 8. 878-7098. CARING home environ- mmxl lias apace avail- able for one. Infant moi- comme. Cal 878-4415. FLEAýE RECLE 1-15 P~ APIER DAYCARE avniinbie. Anp age wmicoine. Ret- erences availabie upon requesi. Lower Base Une and Trafalger. Caii 693-1491. DAVOARE availablo. Close 1oi achooin. Dor- sot Park arma. (905)693-0458. RELIABLE daycare availabie. Woodward and Wilson Dr. arma. Cali 876-4978. EXPERIENCED dlean- ing lady avalable. Quai- dimcaning. Rensox- e mites. Referecices availabie. Cail Debbim, aller 6, 875-2085. HELP WANTED - Coan- panion for oldedyip di- viduai, flexible hours, generous pap. Own transportation roquired. Ruthi, 878-8101. ENTHUSIASTIC tuloc availabImecanrIf erences aaibe Pimase cali Tara 878- 6936. Spreadafieola. data- baae, word procenaing, bookkeeping and more! Cal! Gilian ai 878-7446. 90 yoa'vm joined the club, lried the phone pmraonala, waiked your dog, rend the mima, hnd a blind daim wih Auni Emma's motheras cou- ainas boy (yuckl) whafas noxi? Mialy River Iro- ductiocta 416-777-6302. SALES à LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FANILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE -U - SELf- LEASE IARGEST SELECTION OF USES VEHICLES lN MILTON 875-2277 IRICHARDSONI To bease or purcclase y our car or trucki Iu 2 iD eRd. 878-2393 Needa paint onip, cei- lied. No dlean airltest ce- quired' $1295. (H)876- 3423. 1WM878-8877. 5T1l Wheel Barber Shop partnerahip for sale. Serlous inquiries onip. Pionne cail days. (905)878-3288. TENDERING tand- sapelsnowplow con- tract f rom April 1, 2000 Mardh 31, 2001. One proporly in Milton, one ix Guelph. For dolaim pesfa orrqe905-850-7751, A Clyde. STORAGE - Inside/out. Bonis, cars, RVs, irait- ors. Securily lenced. $30 monlh up. CR1000 LTD. 905-877-1876. 1 HAVE a professiona woman with 2 chidron looking ta, reni a 3 bed- room deiached or iown homo for December 1. Pionne cai Barb Le- Floche ai Royal LePage 878-8101. WANTED 1 bedroom in basemoni for a male senior and a shellie dog. 878-2823, speak 10 2 BEDROOM bungalow for reni. $900/monlh p lus ulililies. Downtowrl. No pela. Cail 876-1281 or 876-0663. LUXURY 2 bedrooni condo, corner unit, 2 parking spots, ameni- tien, avaitable immm- diatelp, $1500. Evert- ingn (905)454-8262 or (416)994-9184. ment n Acton on 21 Mill St. Weat. Availablo im- mediaiely. One parking apace. No pois. Caîl 853-5292. BACHELOR aparimeni On Main Street. Qaiet lo- cation. $450/montii plus hydro. Phono 878-2326. GEORGETOWN, large 2 bodroomn aparimoni in Victonian homo. $1000O/rith includen limai and walmc. Aclon, 2 bmdroom, $750, plua alililima.(598300 or (519)853-5352. MILLSIDE TOWERS 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bodrooma avalablo on bas roule, froshly deco- mimed, 2 appliancea, on-aile laundry, iaciudms ail ulililima (excepi phono & cable.) Free parking. no pela. Relerencea required. 9056-1249 Bp appoinimeni only NICELY decoramd, dlean 1 bedroomn, 2 ap- pliances, $700/monlh plus ulililes. Cal! Con- rad 905-639-8777 (day- ldane lo 6p.m.) 905-693- S0216 (evenings.) HOUSE space for lease, 50OOsq. fi. up loi 16,000 sq. fIl. Imme- diale poaaesaion. Ac- ion. 519)853-0360. REASONABI.E Indus- trai Unila for reni. 1,200 -3,200 aq. fi. Loading docka & drive-in. 1-905- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- 6834. FICE beauliluiiy ap- poinlod, Hwy. 25 & 401. 1-905-277-9347 or 905- 275-6834. Ideai starter home or te- lirme wishing toi scaie dlown, new windows, mati-m kilchen, loncod yard, separnie garage. walking distance 10 aui ameflilies. $157,900. 905-875-0559, Milon. MILTON, gorgeous 2 alorey, 3 bodroom, 18 pos oid homo, on pri- vale proteaaîonalip land- acaped overaizod town lot, gan firopiace, 3 bathrooma, tralp a beautitul homo. $229.900. Privato. 905- 878-9821. M.A.R.C.H. oBp a~nV MECHANICAL LTD. COMUICTON Sevene - Lad f - Dovii e . L_ e. IN GARAG *SOO ROYAL FIANCIAL ANALYST Saîdexhea Marrioli iv currently eecnaiaing for an indiviclual seill the revponsihilily osf caillecting infuormatioin and preparing financial reprts. Yeiu musa have Coin- pleted ai leasi level 3 of ltse CGA pros- gram, have 2+ years csf reiaied experience , and a sirrîng aiiiy to.,wcsrk seitli Excel and analylical stwaer if ycîu're adepi ai proPiemn-solving and using logic îo undersiand!comnpiex business issues~, and are a teami-orienied individual fçocuo<ed lin corgibuiing tas the vuccess Of Our ceimpilfly' tis cîîuld be the growih opporulhly youlve been Iooking for. For côttidenîial consideralion, please feirward your résumé and cover letier 10: Sodexho marrlof Services, 3350 South Service Rond, Burlangtcia, Ontario, L7N 3m6. Fax: (905) 681-3021. E-aniaL. jalawOsodexhomarrotlOlCOm -Masjoýis a fegLsitl iri'sssak omn5ss5iitt iatka J-KITCHEN CA131NETS 14M HEATING

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