fihe Canadilen Chsavsplon. Frlday, Octabor 29,19-4 To those who sent flawers, a card or gave a donation; Dm~ Chan, Hut, Pusses and the caring staff at Mitas District Hosptl; St. Clair Masonlc Temple; Rsverond Ken Jackson af Hilcr" Unloci Church and dms Church mn; MlchelbI ard stait at J. Scait Early Fusnra Home; AI our ides, relatives and co4wers. W. tisanik yau ad frons the depUis af aur haarts for yaur hus and pralorn ts he pesslsg af aur dad, UC jui Bos. Lama Wlaos " Fsmlis Split Unaplit R.U. Truckl4'x8'trailer $50 $30 Car Trunk $20 $10 Mlxed aftwood- Lasa 50% I *Pick-up anly * Saturday anly 9-4 e U-Ioad e Cash anly. I 8614 Sbctl Une, Georgeown (1.9 km North of Steçles) -74 AUCTfON SALE Brasdl sew excellent quallty fumitur Irons sovoral ,esufectrers To bh slc et tise Roal Cois. Leglas, 15 Wrighst St, Actas Sat Hov. 8, 10:30 A.M. Provlow 9:00 AUM. LIVIH MOM: <18)3-pce sofa sots, verlaus designeir stle à calais. Traditiosl Io country, Art Docm, Catnsporuy & French Provincial. Lestiser & tapeslry wlng chairs, rocker redlirs Oic. Max- lam PIso ostertainmont castoers, TV stmide & cotise & erd tale. Dookdshive, aliwuwr- 6*ares lm stands. MaNyllslsheshln mt. choy&pon. DO1M ROOM: 9-pc Cherry finish suite, table, six chirs , billet & huteti. 8-pSe Mesie souc plne suit. table, O chairs & cina cabinet. 9-pe Oak site ails ô prosseci bitk chairs, table, buf- fet & huxei. Pise & buttennli country dlning suite. 6 ta*c calcin MMd chairs, billot & Isuici. Mince hanc paintei Mmthe peutry, dabod & mmn cuide Io match. 4 mnd 6 pos KfthI- moettes Baiusr' redks, large and amg Mmrwae stainds, bur salos, aine radks oic. BEDROON: 3) Designer ' bo t suies «A~he. SoMc plne 7-pcé Cannonaril ehoons aube. 6. pcs chikien's suita. Ransantic Igrapovlsel cm"o beci. Ladlies vaillies. Chervl mirrars. Bax li mat sets. Moalca hascpsinteci &dilc wardeobo nid dresser. Mmnd curveci pine Mexican werdrobes. Sin*b 5 drareer drauaaoas, computer desirs etcc. ACC ES$S0RIES : Museums trameci, numbereci printa hy Robert Bateinan, 'i"ge et Oas' & *Ca- nada eo m ena . Numberaci prints by »Marlon Sclg, Ron Parker and *Nl Btsckeii' Se- bclon of Designer picturos. M ~ins tablei. Wlcke furniturs. Lm"p. Jukebox raios, candi. holci- ers, flitage, truo & castorpiece. Carpot fans Egyp & Indian. Mlcrowavos, breadmakor, friciges and freezes. Man decorator accessorles et.. Sube« tto A*idltonal ssc Delotios PADULOUS OUAUTY PROM STAIfT TO PIHISIII PAuclonesr Nons Webster (M05873-7633. For mor Wio: <519)821-9331 Payments accaptaci, VIsa MasterCard, DMbu Cerci. Deu lvl ho avallable day of sale. M rti ,titio Mon Nov ls - AtValley Cammusity Centre, 287 Olci Guelphs Rd, Duncias, (905) 628-6116 e Astiqus modem Fumitare, Glas, China, Col=.c'.ies Etc. See you here Bryon & Sons e Cash/app'd cheque AUC110NEERIS: B. MacKAY & J. ANDERSON. Mn imi. S ol Clappisan's Cmrs, (#5), imi N of 5403, 1/4mi Wof #6, via York Rd OPIEN àOUSz Satrday, November 6, 1M9 9 a.m. -4 p.m 400 Oak St., Mitan Chfistmas oiIecmos a Gifts HUim Cansry for sais ails cage accaols Muet Uvo uç bscsuse cfai ogies. Msrg, 878-691. AUTO CIEAN-LUBIE n, busyu Autossiolva Shap laaldng for 2 part tissanmd 2 l Uie Lube Tocs. Pamlv tilskntsspo pople osly. willsg ta bahs Apply iporsont 926 Main StootEst. Coaoils AUO 5nhrical 5 Aulobody persan and trallors orqorenSc but wilng to train. Mut sbe orl ta speek mid write Enls flel. a 95)878- 3909 or fax resurrievt: <l905%)878-9231 adttontot Diva or Raymoand. AUTOMOliV Parts Mmnufscturisg Co lnspn Mias bas positions avallable for Labouuera mAs- semblers. Training provldod. Start et $9.00 an hour. Fax rosusse o a 05.78-3012. BREZY CORNERS Rol u r M I ti in W* WOt IIrforbus=y Excellau es & tIp. Phone 905-8591556, ask for mo %,LM@@ riL umilqr erator andi driver re- quirad for mit deliveiy. Exparianca an asset. Muet hava dlean ab- stract. Cai 416-236- 5M.2 COUNTER help re- qulred fil liensdsc part time for day & night shi t, Monday ta Fs-e day. Apply ln person at Coflastime Drysuts, 405 Martis Street, ilton. DRIVE for Rsmp In- spaction. TA.A Phono 906-875-2910, ext.* 248. Fax 906-75-3219,) Attn: Johis Pans. DRIVERS reantaci un- mediataiy. Quaifiea- tIons: Vali drivers lic, clea drlving record, rail abla transportation. Contact Yard Manager for applcation.- Toronto Auto Auctions 8277 Lawsas Rd., Mmt LOT- 5C7', 1-800-667-486 est 361. HANDYPERSON, May 1 - Septamber 30,2000. Sasse travol Involved. S" $30(Yweek plus $200 par monta. Car ex- pense. Fax rosumne ta 906-860-7751 attention Anse. LOCAL Mitas Ropair Shap requires a film Uicenseci Mechanta N weekends. Cali Les 906-875-7737. HOW hidng expeni- enceci Une Coots and Walt Staff for fI mnd part lina hours. Part tima MostiMostessibu persan for weekands. Apply ln persan to Croane MI et 575 On- tarto Si., S., Mitas (is tae Danry Centra). PART lIME Teachaes Assistent wsnted for ta- cal preedsool pragras. Phono 906-878-4697. ereqiece ta ir ar a Weekend work only Saturday andi Sunday 8:00AM .to 3:OORM. ln- WANTED Mail contrao- taor, Mitasn area, Monday - Frida, 5 haurs per day. Cal 813-82-7988. SHOW PLOW OPERATORS Seniors wslling to tire for residential plowrsg. SHOW SHOVELLERS Requireci la sort for seniors tais aster. If intereste in s ither oi these positions contait JonaitMon M ' 1n OAKVILLE HONDA Currelybmaapesl- dion available in our service Mast possess a cleas dsving record. Appiy sn persan. M-F ai ta resame, 10- Sinali Mississauga Company requires detail-arienteci RECEIVIN basic macine assetn- biy and variaus waihase dulies. Gracie 12 asnd cleas driving record reptireci. PMUas fax resuan lu ÔChudleigh 's PRODUCTION FACILITY Requireci by growing local compasy. Dedicateci individuala witb a deaire ta caniribute ta its suc casi. Must passesa ail of dhe fallawing attributen, team player, ability ssnd willingnesa ta learn, goaci camprelsesian skills, bath written andI verbal. A varicty af Fug Th.. positions currently available. We pravide a campetitive wage, job atability ta camm itteci essplayees, opportunity ta advsnce, job variety andi a great wark envirasment Reumes may bc drappeci off Io 624 Mc0eacbie Drive. (87&V881 for directions) Prioas apicant, need nat apply FULL à PART-TUME COUNTER HELP Paddtraining. 5u M rmseu""k Anumoratlos baud on oxorbesce. Apply In persan to: SM0 Hwy 26 Hoth, Mitan 575 Osterl St., Mitas SOMAi Dr., Mien S LUMBER LIP SALESPERSON Fuil lino pailon forsa mature indlividusi wlth buldlg supply sWuo eçpOrssc. Muet bo customor service orlosteci, seat sand att groomod. Fil bosofit package avallaibla. Fax or drapm your reoumoe application ta: Schuylor Homo Hardwaro 385 Stoo"o Ave. E Milton (905) 8784222 Fax: (905) 878-4048 Nwhiring part-Urne deys, evenungs, weekends Apply in persan 420 Main St. Eaot Mature appltcants .ncouraged PART-TIME CASIIIERS Experience proferred but not necessary Apply in persan ta: 228 Main Street, Miltan shep iatsaw M"tW 475 Main Street East Requires a Salesperson who enjoys decorating. 20 - 30 haurs per week. Please apply in person with resumne. Harrow Truck Linos the fowlng position: GENERAL HELPER lnloroatod porsans ploiasoforrward rosumoe ta: 8201 Lawson Rd., Mion. ON L9T S1ES or contact Jamloe (905)8693-1411 Harrow Truck Linos a majar USA Carrier is currently seeking qualied indivduels for DOCK WORKERS far evenings and weekends. lnterested candidates farward resume ta: 8201 Lawson Rd., Miltan. ON L9T SES or caîl Kevin (905) 693-1411 Ca B75m33i0 te MWs y.uv ACHILLES MAZDA Requires immediately Parts P.rsonManager -Experienoe necessary -Computer Ifterate -Goad comnmand of English Fax resume to: 519-853-4100 Ph. 519435340200 or 05-453-899 School Bus Driver Needed Milton & Brookville ffffffff Ideal for Homrnakers and Early Retirees Cati Laidlaw Tansit 877-2251 Laidlaw Transit tsan equal opportuntity employer CAADA TIRE at Upper Middle Rd., (Millcroft Centre) F/T & P/T Service Advlsors *Musi te aistomer locusseci. « Hav a strong automobve background sand sales expeierxe. *Be sble ta work day, night & ateeen shifts. *We oiter competitive wages, empisyee discount & medlcaldentil benef ils for fuli-time aller protion pesi. F/T & P/T Tire/Lbo Techs *Must be detailed, seand abc le work in a fast paceci esvironmnut. " Must have as autamotive background or high esechanical compreliension. " Be able ta work vaneci shifts. " Beneits as above. Please fax resusse with salary expectatians to (905) 335-9724 or visit instore andi complete as application Gontek Building Praducts Umitoci, Burtingian, Plant, manufacturer of vinyl slding bas oponings far GENERAL LABOURERS Taè qualify, you must have a Gr. 12 oducatias andi ta fluent ln Esglish. Plastic extrusion asd shittwork oxperlesce wauld ta as asset W. currontiy affeir $12.58/hr + shift premiums and agesorous bonofits package lncludlng a dental ssidrug plan. Isterestei candidates are Invit- oci ta mail or fax their résumé botoro Oct. 29, 40 na H Burs Sifing aBenefts o Taib n 676 ppleby One uLingtn (ApeyFairie5) E.56 E0 FLEAE7E R~ECYCLE TrHI5 PAF'ER Celebrating a Birthday Wedding Anniversar Did you have A Baby A Graduation? Are you Iooking for a new .job? wanting to hire? Do you have Something To Buy? To Seli? To Trade? Are you Iooking For a New Home? an apart- ment? a town- house? Want to Seil Appliances? Fumiture? Treasures? Did you lose your pet? or maybe you found a pet? Need a new car? truck? boat? trailer? Phone the Classifieds 875-3300