Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Oct 1999, p. 22

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22 - The Canadian Champion, Frlday, Octber 29,19» Fumbles costly for Royals in the regular season finale By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion Bishap Redîng Higb's senior football team had dodged the bullet witls respect ta tumnovers for much of the season. Last Friday ai home, it finally caugbt up witli them. Thse Rayais fumbled three times on substantial drives, which piayed a major raIe in thera being edged by Burlington Central 9-6. The regular seasan ending bass not anly spoiled their bid for an unbeaten campaign but alsa coat them home-field advantage for round one of thse playaffs - which BC stole with their narraw victory. Bath teamos finished the year ai 5-1. BC earned the right ta hast Reding this aftemnoan by virtue of their head-to-head win. BR's defeat came withaut the services of twa-way star Dan McBride - who sustained a shoul- der injury thre days earlier againot Lord Elgin. As of press time yesterday, the tawering fullback/middle uine- backer remained a question mark for today's gamre. "Obviausly Dan makes a differ- ence but we're capable of winning withaut him," said head coach Joe Jurus. "Mike (Long) wili likely be used mare and we'll make a few other adjustments in case we don't have Dan." Jodie St. Jahn scared an a quar- terback sneaký in thse third quarter - after spearheading a lengthy drive with some sharp passing- ta puot the locals ahead 6-2. Burlingtan Central had managed a safety earlier on and regained their lead late in the game an a îouchdowss pass - only the fiftls this year allowed by tise Rayals. BR' s Craig Hudak made some big catches while standing aut defensively were Greg Baesveld, Matt lshoy and Mike Long. Today's quarterfinal tilt at Burlingtan Central begins at 2 p.m. Fine finish for 'Stangs The Mustangs' senior football team closed out a oebuilding year with their strongeso statement of the season last Friday. Though it didn't translate into victory, a 21-7 loso ta the power- house Oakville Trafalgar Devils was certainly a respectable way ta end thinga off. Milton District was especially effective at stuffing the midddle aond neutralîzing their guesis' munning game. Leading the way in this depart- ment were Boett McClure, Wayne Meinen and Boen Silk. Quarterback John Melito con- nected with Ryan Groom for the lane major while adding the extra point was Ian Robinson - who was injured early on and limited ta kicking. He was anc of a handftol of regular offensive players side- lined for the regular season finale. MD finished 0-6 and will miss the playoffs. Local ladies off to strong start The Milton wamen's hockey team had their three-game win streak snapped against Bramptan Tuesday. The local ladies enjayed a fierce finish ta make things respectable - but cauldn't aveavame an early deficit and were beaten 5-3. Netminder Tanya Burton was soiid between the pipes while goals were delivered by Aimee Kiibaumn, Krista Lecky and K(im Mitchell. lse team had previously beaten Bramptan as well as Georgetown and Oakville. Their early season suc- ceas cames from a well bal- anced attack - that has been further strengthened by tse recent return of new mothers Mitchell and Tracey Cabhans. Milton travels ta Georgetown Sunday and are back hame ta hast Oakville Tuesday. Game time is 8:30 p.m. HELP FORTH! CONCERNED PARENT IN A TRI-OR-TREAT WORLD Hallomnaîl alWay ba a cilbtieo parents coocmrtd alil 1he occuli otsof nui Fil celitIamtio. No mamanr bIs asici paets atoulli NaI * olultiynnsers trna the raid anald aI iut ime, lia grotesque lof nI onsters and lia sinit mie ane al aiona liasn. WW halioimo donsa poilai bave In Ibis rald Ililtici-ni-Ima wnii? lita cmt a Christia paret ocessloily handilite alnm bsus i loWs aaibl? WIlalci a lnis Mom or Dad do? Tuaitg olf illa hets aid kqt bn*op Ihe HO t itteLorskHiloWlthis SBANAl 0 MON 0F MAN Breaib flot the oins of aiber so long as tbou art libyseif a sinnor. Sisouldst thou liranogress Ibis command, accursed wouIdsi tbou b., and ta ibis 1 bear wilinoss. -from tae Bahol wrlflngs LOCAL: . .... ...... .. .......... .. ... ...87S-W01 REGIONAL: ..... . ...... . ...... 1I1-3-2 GLOBAL: .... ........................... www.baiaLrg FALL SERVICE SCHEDULE CD 9 am - Eor!>, Worhip sonsce 9.30 am - Sanda>, Scias 10.45 am - Second W0rsip sar.ica 6.,30 p.. Eveaing Prou Cobration Chidmews Proarasis & Nursan'Avaslabl tarn o tsa matiseanevenuamncy to as sa Ittsi5silc t-oI s -isanasre.,.., me lia chldron Ilto n tand mitatynlfortdt poret-nI-#"aym Awardl Se w aiIIII poude? Cmid i liaa Mg O Imle ala. - Il ytu do nt waat yor cild lo go door tn dotr leggl or caod, plan stoafut, sate, olteria atl i a*M fcilusor yoorchiian. Uaeltha ailltas an oacainal npporluny. Vi thei iirnry in advanca, sarc lhmogh ftsmcylcpedao pilotm ony nnlc and as a iaiyt, ia ecally ahalitheo ngiononîthe masqueade is aIl abot icnvewa is * Wbie potd ariliain opins, tnaty conoeaed para*tial stay Milton Alliance Church 2850 DERET RD. (betiveen the Fire Hall and Hosital) Phsone 878-5664 e Fax 878-6676 Pastor Greg MeCombs 11 a.m. SUNDAYMOIININGWOOISOiIP SERVICE Cuest SpelmDr B. Nambga fmms Maklae, A&io i i ai.nî ADvENIVREL4ND FUR CHLDEN Bues 7 pms JR. MHC- (g. "Y8 Wed. 7 p.an..PIONEER CLUBS (&"ea4-12) ¶lum 7 pmn. SEL MH (g. 9.OAC) Fver *uoheU~eU~dâU MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontarlo St. N. e 878-2022 10:00 a.m. - The Lord's Supper il1:45 n.m. - Sunday Sohool 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study I give unto my sheep etemal life; they shahl neyer perish, neither shail any man pluck them out of my hand. John 10.28 L.~ -I - itletd of spoogtWl M illi gbos silos, Mmtor Ni Dod 1 mt li Fol saions a bncitgiaid fIonsimlillforsta goal stid deco- ons on tare pooliles o I &ia adedi*. Ailiath ciachto hep you. Sarl local cbichs havi pionned aliar- n&livoaets il carinliaheaft litho cnoeed paoent. bislp lia pro- gars ot ily hriigiegI ibg ilqo fiorl distioolo lia chldt in abtondance. Options are otliasi.ifs aplto lia cotcetaid parentsIl asia h oppodouniais aid mails n positive iorpoc upto #Wleichidimo hallal! HOLY ROSARY PARISH f 878-65 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) O LY ROSARY CHUROR 8l 39 Martin Street Mass at 5:30 prn Saturday 9:00 arn, 10:30 arn & noon Sunday ST. PETER'S CRURCH 9th lin. & Britannia SMass at 9:00 a.rn. Sunday Bey. Earl Talbot, P.P Rat. Jlohn Benharn §!ON8 Tf Rev. Dr. John Amnbroao coup -.Director ofMust - Con o JudyHMunter SUDY10:30 @.ma. OCTOBER 31,11110 Worahlp end Church School claoses AU. SORTS AND AU. SAINTS A Celebratlon of Ail SoInto Day Pallas are fully wiaeiclsair accessie 4, Vit our Wble isttpJ/Aww.globalsrveo.il-stpalsirrltonl/ Information Lino 8785S GracIe Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton the Church on the Hill Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 wwwwelcome.to/Grace.Milton Be. Dr. Mar* McDeranott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 a.m. - Holy Communion 10:00 a.m. - Sung Eticharist Church School & Cdiffee Hour THURSDAY 10:00 a.m. - Holy Communion ~IW]IEELCIIAIR AcEoSTIIaOucII PARIKING LOTr mtas Tue Salvation Anny Ohurcli *mon S 100 NIpIsbo Rosi, Unit 3 Captains Du oIIII Woody Irsoo 111:00 a.m. Worshlp end Kida' Church 6:30 pan. Proiuen md Worshlp service Ail are Welcom Soi. Oct. 30,1909- 2:00 ta 4:00 pin Tuai arm $ »aCh. Haruat Paty - A sale akmanats to Haiseen Set., Oct. 301h. 6:00- 7:30 p.m. Gaines, miacla, liIs for agnu. For tickets and kéo pleas caâ CapI. Wendyt Broxm at 875-1022 or 876-2420. DO&S THE CH RCH HAVEANYBENEFff FOR TODAY'S IWORD? Church attendence should not be a matter af religious obligation or tradition. A church ohould give you vision, purpose and direction. loin us this Sunday so you can sec from the word God how a church ohould function. 10:00 A.M. - Morning Worship Milton Leisure Centre (Board Room> (separate services for children 9 years ansd under) Check out Pastor Charles Boyce Wednesday eveninga on Cogeco 14 in his "W'asdomn for the Week" "Living A Vxtorious LifeéBy llae Wond 0f God" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email cboyce@interhop.net 1 0

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