SCOMMENT Bad kids? We think not According to a front page story in this edition of The Champion, suspensions at regional secondary and elementary schools have gone through the roof over the last decade. Throughout the past school year.there were 1,639 suspensions in Halton's 17 high schools. That number has nearly tripled since the 588 in 1986-87. Is it time to panic? Should parents and trustees throw their hands in the air.and begin to question the education system and the very future of the country? We don't think so. But the question remains: What's the cause of the increase? Are kids really three times as bad as they were a decade ago? 0f course not. Kids are, kids and, although there seems to be a growing lack of respect for authority figures as well as for one another among teens, it seems unlikely this alone would accounit for a 200 per cent increase. Instead, we believe the reason for the increase lies largely with a get- tough attitude by school officials. A minor offence, perhaps ignored a decade ago, is now dealt with via suspension. And it's an attitude we support. Nf kids hope to one day enter the working world, it's a lesson best leamned when they're young that there's a subordination uine that can't be crossed in the real world. If it takes a couple of days off school to get that message across, then so be it. INlc]E DELIVERY, ADRINNE! A JOB WELL DONE! I~RO~VE CM L4~ O URREADERS WRITE Miracles God's work: reader &ý-- Dear ditor: [ tecle I was truly the I%5olIeét article in your paper about Its, hos Lynda McKenzie, the liflc tbti Parkinson' s victim. 'threaded throughout the article were musItaveY words like "blessings" and ,se U4igI5 'modracles." ,.e Wey- There is nothing that brings M y? more joy to my heart than to pec4Ntl hear that someone has experi- lnsae enced a true miracle. Miracles and wIU(e only come from God and when e rule7 He walked the eaith taaman kMM He healed ail the sick who Ow WR came to Hlm and showed many signs and wonders. I believe in Thanks, Milton, PION an harht to tIhe citizens of Milton from the Air Cadets of 820 Blue Thunder t Main St. E., Tbe Cadla Chuampion, publilahd svsiy Tussday and Frlday n.LT4N9 at 191 Maia St. E., Milaon, Ont., LOT 4N9 (Bas 248), ta ans of lTse rît. L9T Motraiand PrInitag, Puiîlslitag & Distributing Ltd. Craup af sub- Q~lt1 urban campantes whlch includes: Ajax 1 Pickering Nsws 8 - 34 Advertlssr; Ailistan tisraldlCaurisr; Barris Advancs; Bramptan Guardian; Burtingiafi Past; City Parant; Gatiingwaod 1 Wasaa ax 878-4943 Cannectian; East Yarkc Mirrar; tabcalcs Guardian; Gsargetawn lndspsndsrt/ Actan Fr0e Press; Kingstan This Wssk; Lindsay Titis rax: 876-2364 Wssic; Mariuiam Ecanamiot & Sun; Mtdlandl1 Psnetangulsitsns ed: 875-3300 MIrrar; Mlssissauga News; Nswmarkst I Aarara tra Bannsr; Northumberlanld News; Nori Yark Mirrar, Oakviit Bsavsr, Orilila Publisher Taday; Oshawa / Whltby I Clarlngtan I Part Party Titis Wssk; Peterboraught Titis Wsek; Richtmand Hili I ThamhIll 1 Vaugitan Associate Publisher Liberal; Scarbaraugit Mirrar; Ijîbridgs I Staaiivilie Tribuns; Generai Manager Today's Seniars. Advertising sa acceptsd an the condition titat, in the svout af a Acting Editor typagrapicai srrar, titat portion ut tse advsrtlstag spacs accu- Circulation Manager pied by the erransaus Item, tagethsr wfth a rsasanabis aitawancs Ofi e tagfr signature, wiii nat be citargsd far, but tse balance ai ths OfieMngradvsrtissmsttt MIi bs paid far at ltse applicable rats. lTse pubiisitsr Production Manager rsservss ths rigit tai catsgarizs advsrtisemntst or dsciine. Your generosity during our recent tag days wiIl go a long way to ensure the continued loves to heal. But how can you mix mira- cles and aborted fetuses in the saine sentence? God created the wonderful miracle of babies. Their lives are just as precious to lm as the life of a Parkinson's victim. Have we lost our senses? Lynda: God loves you very much and I pray that He will heal you, but I know He would not use unbomn babies created by Hlm to do it. Anne Jones Campbeivlle for the support success of this worthwhile pro- gramn for the youth of our com- munity. The cadets, officers and par- ents of 820 thank you for your Support. Michael EIiI., chairpereon Milton Letters welcome welcomes leiters ta the edi- tor. We reserve the right to edit, revise, and reject let- ters. Letters must be signed ond the address and the tele- phone number of the writer included. Mail letters ta: The Canadian Champion Box 2,48, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, fax them to 878-4943 or leave them at Our office, 191 Main St. E. Pud by Steve Nease T*lHE C4NADL4N CHAMi Box 248,19 Milton, Oi (905)87 Editorial F AdvertisingF Classifi Ian Oliver Neil Oliver BlD Begin Kffen Smitha Steve Crozier Tert Cuma ii. Colas 17-