The Oundla clînlo, Tubsdaey, Octobe New recruit Towering defenceman Kerr joins Merchants By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion The Merchants have so many new players this year that at times it's been difficuit for somne of themn to stand out from die crowd. But that isn't likely to be a problern for the tearn's lateat recruit - six-foot-five, 220-pound Chris Kerr. The 20-year-old towering defencernan cornes to town via Summierside, PEI - wheoe be was recently shipped afrer being deemed expendable by the Rayside Balfour Sabrecats. Unhappy witb bis situation out east, the journeyman blueliner quickly jumped at tbe chance to corne to Milton. Teamn manage- ment signed birn last week, after bis release was granteti by Port Hope - the last tearn be skated with in the Ontario Provincial Jr. A League. Firmly stationed at the bottorn of the East Conference, Port Hope wasn't about to keep a graduating player from hooking up with a championship caliboe team for bis final year of junior. A native of Whitby, Kerr bas a world of experience, including time spent in the OHL. However, he did admit wo having anme jit- ters before bis debut in Milton Friday. TIhat might have had something to do witb bis taking a rash double minor for high sticing - which looked rnore like a slash 10 most fans - in tbe final few minutes of the third period, wbicb tumeti the tide and allowed the Streetsville Derbys wo rally for a Merchants stil on top, but not looking too hot efron MILTON on page 21 Their intcnsity level down tbe stretch - even before allowing die two late goals wbile sbortbandeti - was alan substandard. 1I think we got a false sense of security once we got up by two goals," saiti captain Chad Blundy. "A couple of bounces anti it was a différent ball gaine.". Tbough tops in the Ontario Provincial Jr. A League's West Conference, Milton hiasn't exactly been spectacular lately and bas done little wo strike fear in thc hearts of tbeir competition. But Blundy doesn't believe it's because tbey've been looking past certain teains - towards an anticipateti first meeting witb Georgetown. 111 ton't tbink that's it. We've just got to corne out harder. We've hati anme slow starts." Lenyk earns big win veteran Derby Tcrry Lenyk eamed the win, making 33 saves including three in dic extra session. Counterpart Joel Cameron, who turneti back a great deal of quality aboIs, was challengeti 42 times on the night. Nearly half bis work camne in the thirn period when thc hoat club was outshot more than three 10 one. Remarked Blundy, "Joel oeally held us in. It's just too bad we couldn't back bim up a bit more.", Sniper Ian Malcolmn maintaineti bis goal-a-game pace by oecortingbhis 14th of Udc year inside Uic opening minute of perioti thrse. Linemates Elliot Altberg and Phil Barski scooed carlier on - both bumping their season goal total 10 1l. Each helped set up tdm otber's tally. Qtber assista wcnt wo James Colemnan, Dan DeLong anti Mike Wheeliban. Miton not only loat Uic game bot alan Barsld. The team's lead. ing scorer was suspentiet four gaines - punishinent for a bit- froin-bebinti in overtime. Merchant notes: Ryan Eby, wbo was out with a concussior for about two weeks, retumnet thUi lincup Friday. Mark Beise continues wo nurse an injuisti shoulder bot could be back as earlj as tbis weekcnd ... Former Merchants Matt Bannan, Davit Csumnik anti Chris Rowan are ail sbowing strongly in the OHL Bannan was recentlY naieti a first star in a weekend gaine witi bis St. Micbael's Buzzers wbile Rowan, wbo's finally displayinl anme physical prsence Uiat was midssing froin bis gaine last ses ann, is getting plenty of ice lime with the emerging Bramptoi Battalion ... Meanwbile, JcrcmY Wcnzel bas been tradeti for th' second lime Uiis season, rently inoving froin Collingwood ti Markbam ... Milton travels to Strectsville tonigbt. Gaine tirne i 7:30 p.m. 'lie Merchaists bost Georgetown Friday anti close ou Uie weck in Burlington Sunday. 4-3 victory. But a sbaky start put aside, bis presence aboulti give Uic local tiefensive unit aI least a couple of elements Uiat were previously miasing. Namely, an iinposing figure anti a big blucine abot. I"Having playeti in Raysitic Balfour, Chris knows wbat it takes to win," atidet coach Marty Williarnann. Kctr's anival boosta the blueline ranks to eight - which pro- vides die coacbing staff the luxury of using one of thein up on the wing in the temporary absence of Phil Barsi and Mark Beisel. So far that changeover duty bas fallen to Mike McGrane. "Mike seerns to be the guy rnost capable of playing both posi- tions for us right now," Williamson explaincti. "It's nice wo have that kind of deptb."1 Cad for a freeein-home estimate or for th. showroomn location near you: (905)469-0570 Buffingon/Oakville orl1-888-71-UNION 26, 1M -0 1