20- The Canadien Champi, Tuaaday, October 26, 19 Halton smali business owners gather to nctwork Small business is expected to draw a big throughout the year. But 1998 was tbe first time the event, wbich is co-sponsored by Royal Bank. networking opportunities," said Kate Johnston, crowd at Halton Region Thursday. the Region took a stab at it. It will take place from 5 to 7:30 p.m. in the the Region's Access Halton director. "Il is just to About 400 guesta are expecîed for a wine and "Different businesses throughout the region cafeteria of the Halton Regional building, 1151 gather around and chat with other people." cheese reception held in celebration of Small host it and lest year we thought it would be neat Bronie Rd& just norlh of the QEW. Tbough Halton generally defines a smnall busi- Business Week. The event is part of a Chamber if we did," said Halton Chair Joyce Savoline. Tbe idea is to provide entrepreneurs with an ness as one employing 10 or less people, al of Commerce initiative, Business After Five. The Chamber of Commerce organizations in opportunity to get out and make contacts wiib entrepreneurs are invited 10 the event. It is normally held by a number of businesses ail four Halton municipalities will be on band for eacb ocher. "It reallydoes poesent one of tise besi DEPENO ON THEM FOR SOUD VALUE. _____ Puts You In Fui DIscoure Ilrmc lwth Noàtbwsbock. N&Mgr4UX Iw ~i~Y~TTAAjMWu $MdZZZZZiZ1Z REMOTE EYLESS ENRY - PLUS DUAL -tHETOTRRl SYSTE e POWER DOOR LOCKS e'AIR CONDITONING * 4-Speed Automatic with Tracdon Contrai -, And-Lock Brake System *Cruise Contrai - AM/FM Cassette * 2.2 Ul/15 HP Engine *Uporsdal lS AnA -Lo*BWScknayMln - FSSSLck Il Socerily 2tln VI.1.115 HP E*z - Tstnd IM s *.4 Litre 186 HP VIS Engine Toanmisin 4-Wlîe1 Drivr an!:1 Front Dcor*** mou.r .a ... :75& n Sth1i1= a T d hirand Qbui ulw i ~ a~s haD US ,fli WDardonChlwve epflliGlas umt dri adun ,-Ë MMWI eM v-iciam PA ý hIWdudTUSmviTre êSiâd". ~ ocLuB~3mU18F $218 1.9r $1815 PISc WM5 T0 MON T H S . $100. ucENiCt.leN itANEANDTA)S EXT0K> PM Iu umEI, au TAI & pK '03.4 LtrnSRW18OHPEn~n *4 4-Seer AaoitTrsaae 'ffaseo Senait - 1'Wbenl aid Ties e Larges> 4-WlWDsee Don aes LIcitAi Praecio 'Avr Caiallann - Pawr Prgmmab Doit LsaowslMeWMrs :ed~uqU13 $31 umILEXm StOre Wlh CD PyePS Sl.adM tuq 2ieiDlsi yl9'1iWuP8eig.Bie o-oe rtdo ____*~~ s2CE AUTO INSURANCE SAVINGS OBE FROM MOTORS INSURANCE CORPORATION - THE INSURANCE PEOPLE FROM GINERAL MOTORS.1 VIR OUa ceeuvoe. - ouOIeS1.111 OuMd MR oeImc fer a founo oe4mmm mue kuwano quels., For a Imutsd Urne al jour Chovrlot e Olisunoblo isalors ~ ~ .,.M~g.in..suadmuoei s'IMEMMW UimOhim h Pli p Ous MWT 568ENNlslEwWinvgcwl .MihJilEEMENWWU'E'a.U5hA7i ~ ailsEo4mN~AZOwO.ieu~M.FIie Oe Ai Io~Amtls len APillil f"«É itoI~ia~MumtEccgilslsu.MUIOlaus*à pqMUinMaMbwUuide oJiinlle t.~I0Tki~PfhP Ew1.rle d =X ,,U sEn uupoeinoewioebdIUsCNsEEAuiO4 uuwUhMOè*n-iMOua1 .*. ENe~ua~ oeb c ina,5u5p*s1I De"* Butguesis are asked to RSVP at 825-6300. -B-roe avlerSd Courier bagr key to new video service efrom VIDEO on page 18 plete witb gray skies, slush-soaked boots and a chili tisai cuis straigisi ibrougs to the bone and oui again. Throw in long work days made longer by traffie and wiso wants to isead'for tise video store to retum a movie? "Ultimately you say 'forget it. Il jual isn't worth it,"' said Mr. H-ibbs. "So wisat is tise problem? Thse problem is getiing tise movies back.Y Tisai's wisere be comes in. For a $30 one-time only sign-up fée, members can bave tise videos of tiseir cisoice delivered for $4.99 a pop. Tisat's about 40 cents more tisan tise average cosi of a rentai. And in the monih of November, tise firsi 100 people to sign on will recevie a free Alan Kingsland linfited edition prini, wortis about $200 unframed. T'he initial fée buys six monih's worth of colour catalogues listing ail one could ever want to know about avanlable movies, a subscriplion to upcoming catalogues and an industrial strength counier bag. The bag is the crucial pari of tise busi- ness. Tise drill is simple - afier viewing, place videos in the bag. Secure it by uts lock and doweling sysiem under tise door and leave it on the doorslep by no ltler iban 9 a.m. A Video Shutile employee will tisen come by, unlock the bag and whisk tise video away before 10 a.m. Voila. No more laite fées (unlesa you for- get to put tise bag oui. Then it will cosi anoiher $4.99). And Mr. Hibbs is net overly concemed about lihe videos being stolen. "I don't anticipate mucis in tise way of tiseft because o one will know wisat is in il," ise said. "It could be a real mickey mouse movie.", Already, about 280 people have signed on for the service tisai delivers to Milton and soulis Georgeiown.' "i is amazing. hi is unbelievable. Il is gelting scary,"1 he said. "P>eople are signin.g up like crazy. flsey are preparing us for the first rainy or snowy day." Convinced tisai this is an ides wiiis legs, the Milton store is acting as a sort of test market for Mr. Hibbs. Ultimately. bie wants to taire tise premise on ibe road ibrougs fmrncisising. "Today's probiemr is time and lise lack of it. If you can offer a good service ait a rea- sonable price, people will pay for il," ise said. «I didn'i do tbis witis lise ides of opening a litile mom, ami pop store." ro reaci tise greaiesi number of polential clients, tise system is geared to work in apasimeni buildings as well as homes. And accessing information on tise latesi flicks is as easy as browsing tbrougs lise store' s website ait videosisutîle @for- movies.com. Tise store is open ftom 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., seven days a week. .à _me