A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 140 No. 64 Tuesday, October 26, 1999 40 Pages $ 1.00 (GST ncluled) PC 's throne speech ei*ther insulting or hopeful, say parties PIiOS Dy UIAIIAM rAIIic v-This oughta scare 'emn Meghafl Finlay, 9, cardes away her famlly-made soarecrow ut Springridge Farm's Halloween festival this peut weekend. Other activite Inciuded pumipkln painting, wagon ridas and haunted corn muze. By IRENE GENTLE Thse Champion Premier Mike Harris' recent throne speech was ridiculous and an insuit to working families, Halton's former NDP provincial election candidate Jay Jackson bas cbarged. But Halton MIPP Ted Chudleigh said Uic speech is furUier proof that the Tories are committed to Uic policies that won Uiem back-to-back majority govemments. "It is a reaffirmation," hie said. 'It has Students' suspensions hitting roof Milton high schools make up Il per cent Milton's two high schools accounted for 11I per cent of a starling rise in Halton suspension rates throughout 1998-99, accord- ing to statistics supplied by the Halton District School Board. Suspensions of secondary students bit a peak of 1,639 for the 17 high schools in Halton in thai year. Ini Milton, that breaks down to 136 sus- pensions at E.C. Drury High School and 51 Mt Milton District H-igh Scbool. Those numbers were in a detailed, school-by-school, listing of suspensions throughout the region. Thie information was given to trustees Mt a board meeting in late September. Many trustees expressed initial sbock and dismay at the overall sta- tistics. Oakville representative Marianne Hawthomce remarked student suspensions have been "skyrocketing" in recent years. Secondary suspensions were as low as 588 for the region in 1986-87 and had been steady Mt about 1,000, until a risc of s se. MOST STUDENTS on page 5 develàping dresams. Which Ia kdeawt?"e always been disappointing to mie that the election promises made in the past, in other govemments, don't always reflect the speech of the throne." But the "weak" speech showed the Tories sweeping important issues under the carpet, said Mr. Jackson. "on gas prices and thc homelessness, for instance, Queen's Park could do a lot but (Premier) Harris prefers ta wait for action on other govemment levels," hie ese. WORING on page 4 Gi ypur f lu shot Free flu shots wiII be offered ta senior citizens f rom 10 a.m. ta 2 p.m. tomorraw at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr. The f lu immunization clinjo will also provide no-cost shots for those working in Iong-term cars facilities, or suffering from certain medicai conditions or chronic ilIiesses. A $12 fee wilI be charged for ail others. No appointments are necessary. a CINO*v fi tMWiin F~ s '2oel Plus' * Whlt ROM' 7ý_ - - - -% Ï , - . - . - 1 1 ý 1 , 1 ý 1- - effl