6 - the Canadien Champion, Frilay, October 22,19e9- ~COMMENT Alleged assault now inFidl the hands of the courts While some bave said attending town counicil meetings can be an assault on good sense, it rarely leads to a physical confrontation. But a Milton man is now facing an assault charge after two feuding neighbours took their differences one step further at the doors of Town Hall. As reported elsewhere in the paper, the dispute began over a zoning application made by Mr. Martins, wbicb was tumned-down by counicil. ~ Not surprisingly, reports on the occurrence vary wildly. The accused, Antonio Martins, 52, denies the incident outright. The alleged victim, Joseph Saliba, 75, begs to disagree, and tbe version of Mr. Martin's lawyer, Peter Pickfield of Turkstra Mazza, falis some- where in tbe middle. But by ail accounits, bad blood has often flowed between the two residents. It's now up to the courts to determine the trutb. Frterecord, disappointment over a counicil ruling is properly deait with by appealling to the Ontario Municipal Board, as Mr. batn as promised to do. Iisn't dealt witb tbrougb fisticuffs, especially at the doors of Town Hal. If it did happen, for shamne. O UR ýREADERS WRITE ~ ~ ~Szechuan just won 't be the same without you Dear Editor: We're writing to let tise commu- nity know tisat Szechuan Wok will ha closing attise month's end. Mr. and Mrs. Kwok bave been deligisting Milton witb some of thse best cuisine for eight years. Our famiiy and friends have aiways enjoyed dining at the restaurant. Tise food is fabulous, my favourite is 'Shanghai Noodies'. I bave neyer found a restaurant tisai serves titis disis and is iisted as one of tise Szechuan specialities, as it sisould ha. Tise Kwoks have been known for having jazz playîng and being a totai non-smoking restaurant, pos- sibly a risk, but much appreciated -- titank you. Unfortunateiy, Mr. Kwok now suffers from a bad back so bis future occupation ils uncertain at titis time. On bhaaf of our town, I would like to extend sincere hast wishes Peace Gardens can grow year-round THE -CANADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canait.. Champion, publtshed eveiy Tuesday and Frtday Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 a11191 Main St. E., Mitton, Ont., LOT 4N9 (Box 248), tis on. oi Tite Metrotand Printtng, Publishtng & Distibuttng il group ai sub- O~Oi1A1urban campantes whicit Inctudes: Ajax / Pickering News (905) 878-2341 Adverttser; Aiiston HeraidlCourter; Barrie Advance; Brampton Guardian; Burtington Post; City Parent; Collingwood I Wasaga Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Connection; East York Mtrror, Etobicoke Guardian; Georgetown Independenti Acton Free Press; K1ingston ibis Weeb; Inla Tihis Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Week; Martuiam Economiat & Son; Mtdiand 1 Penetangaishene Classified: 875-3300 Mirror; Mississauga News; Newmarket / Aurora tra Banner; Northtumberland News; Northt York Mirror, QaWIcye Beaver; Oritla Ian Oliver Publisher Today; Oshawa I Wititby I Ciarington I Port Perty Titis Week; Peterborougit Titis Week; Richmond Hili 1 Titomiii / Vaughan Neil Oliver Associate Publisher Liberai; Scarbaroagit Mirror: Uxbridge / Stoufivitie Tribune; BIR Begin General Manager Today's Seniors. Advertistng la accepted on thte condition titat in te eveat ni a Karen Smith Acting Edtor typographicai error, that portion ai thte advertising space accu- Steve Crozier Circulation Manager pied by tae erroneous item, togetiter witit a reasonabte aiiowance TeriCass OficeManaertor signature, wili not be charged for, bat tite balance ai the TeaiCaaa (.fllc Mangeradvertisament wiii ba paid for at the applicable rate. The pabtisiter Tim Colea Production Manager reserves the rigitt ta categonize adverttsements or dectIne. Dear Editor Crashing thunder and brilliant iightening emphasized tise presen- tations of Julia Morton Marr, founcier of tise International Schooi Peace Garden Project, and Norman S. Track, photograpisic consultant for tise Royai Botanical Gardens, at tise loveiy new Holy Rosary School on Wednesday, Oct. 13. The eiements seemed to be shouting, "Bravo, Bravo! Create Peace Gardens in Milton schoos! Tise representatives of the eigist Halton scisools attending con- curoed. The meeting convened by thse Milton 2000 Committee offered a promising start to the program iocaily. Let's appiaud the undertaking and support tise pnxcess. Peace Gardens contribute to peacefialness. E. R. KIdl Milton to tise Kwoks and many tbanks for ail tise deliclous meals enjoyed. We wili certainiy miss you. B. and C. Hala Milton Letters welcome The Canadian Champion welcomes let- fers ta the editor. We reserve the right to edit, revise, and reject leiters. Letters must be signed and the address and the telephone number of tlw> writer included. Mail letters ta: The Canadian Champion, Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or beave them at aur office, 191 Main St. E. Pud by Steve Nease