Who stole Melissa?9 ~Artist's sculptured Hoistein cow swiped from yard By IRENE GENTLE The Champion That haunting sound echoing through Milton may flot have anything to do with Halloween. Insteati, it coulti be the moumful keening of Cliffe Bill, an area badter and cow scuiptor who has loat bis latest creation. Until recently, Mr. Bill had been busying him- self preparing for Thanksgiving by carving a black anti white Holstein cow out of lightweight wood. But Mr. BilI's unfinisheti work was mastleti from the yard of bis Commercial Street home in the wee hours of Fiday, Oct. 15. "Mehissa was last seen munching outside the Bill residence," reporteti Frank Wilson of the Optimiat Club. "He had it outside with the side that was tinished facing the moat." The theft is eerily reminiscent of a similar inci- dent that occurred Iast December., The Champion bas leamed. Then, a 300-plus pounti cement cow was "I1 gues people don't bave enough to do." snatched from the Sixth Uine property of Bert and Hazel Stewart. Or at least part of it was, since only a back hoe coulti have effectively carteti off the whole cow. .But the enterpsising thieves must have come equippeti with a sletigehammer guessei Ms Stewart, in order to simply snap the heati off. Andi thotsgh die Stewarts hati hope to finti the discardeti heati sometime after the spring run- off, it wasn't te ho. 'They must have matie plans te do it," saiti Ms Stewart. "I guesa people don't have enough te do." The December incident wasn 't the firat lime swindlers tnied to make off withýthe hefty heifer, e*» YOUTHS on page 14