Ohaenrplon. Frldsy. Odtaber 22, 4999-43 Bruker Canada Ltd. is a high tecrr com- pany involved in sales, support and service of Bruker Analytical Instruments. We have an immediate requirement for a SERVICE SUPPORT TECHNICIAN. DUTIES:1 In-house support for our group of ser- vice representatives, cuatomer ser- vice, purchasing, materiais handiing and inventory control. The succesaful candidate muet enjoy working with detail, works wveIl under pressure, la well organized and -able to communicate eftectively bath in the verbal and wvritten form. This position would b. ideally suited to a person with a background in digital and RF eiec- tronica and a desire to appîy thia knowlIedge in a business environment. lnterested candidates are requested 10 apply in -writing, aending complote resumne with salary requiremnents to: Bruker Canada ULd. 555 Staels Avenus East Milton, Ontario L9T lys Attention:. Mr. Thomas Buser Service Manager POLYMER DISTRIBUTO INC., a leader ln dry bulit distribution, pacltaging and nare- houalng has opportunis avallebe for FUJLL a PIT A-Z DRIVERS We requlre professlonal A-Z Drivers to haul dry bruk producta nith thre follonlng: " dea abstract and sale record " good Interpersorral ails " customner orlented " experlence wftIr dry bulk or liquid We are also looldng for a part-time driver nlt an A-Z license 10 do some shuntlng on an as needed basis. No experience necessary. Sensl-retired Indiviuels weicome. We ofler a very coiçetiliive compensation package lncluding betaIll and profit sharing. Please fax your resume 10: Humes Resourfes DepL. Polyer DetrbudeV nc. Long Msnufacluring, major parts supplier o lise Automatise Marktl has an immedrate opening for an ACCOIhTM CLERK/ RECEP10TINS Based in aur Budînglon facility lte clsoice candidate will be responsible for: " Processing and reconoiling itosry payroll " Complet ing accounts payable aclivilies " Handlmng accounts receivable collection " Receptian dries: ansner catis, greel visitors, aopen and sort mail " Otiter accounting duties and projects as assignai * Mis of 2 yrs of progressive accounting experience " Enrolmer i n initial levels of CGA or CMA programn " Proficiency witit spreadsiteets (MS Excel & Lotus) " Must be a team player witit attention lo detail and accuracy " Excellent interpersonal, communication and lime management sitilîs " Must be flexible ta wnrit overlima at montis end to ment deadlses. lnterested applicants are asked la fax or e-mail a resumaeby October2tt1: Fax: (905)- 849-8942 E-mail: tracyjhomson@longmfg.comn No phone catis or agecies, ptease. MY ttrarrkail applicants, but onty quatified appicarrts witli e contated. Full-lime/ Part-time Customer Service Assertive, proven sales sbiiy, enlhusiastic, self-motivsted. Excellent phonc and customer service skilîs. Fluent in Englinli. Tlsese are s fcw of the abililies rneded for thse positions avsilsble at our Mississsugal Brampton scîf-storage facilities. Flexibility s must!!! Responsible, qualified applicants plesse Cali. (905)567-1050 rADMINIINVENTORY OT L Large progressive Steel Distributor seeking a hands on inventory control person. You will take charge of inventory variance reconciliations and adjustmirents, plan and coordinate cycle and physical countis, overse billing and inventory relief funictions, and take full ownership of operationa înventory verifications. Excellent inter- personal and communication skills a muet, a post secondary education, and at least 2 yeara relevant work expenence required. Pleaso fax resumnes te: Box 4090, The Mîssîssauga News, 3145 WeIedaIe Rd, Miss, Ont L5C 3A9 * GERRIE ELECTRIC ~ HOLESALE LIMITED Gerrde Electrlc, Ontarlos largest Independent electrical distributor has an openîng for a mati- vated Individual ta joîn aur growing team. COMMODITY MANAGEMENT COORDINATORI ORDER DESK As part of aur inside sales tearn you wll prepare quotatlions on electrical producîs, advse on delivery dates as el as coordinate and expedite orders. You will be responsible for codntn a-o-day transactions, order ucaigwhen requlred and ail papersorit functions for a large customer. This position requlres excellent computer (Microsoft) and organiztinal skIlis. Titis posi- tion Is at our Oakville brancit. Hlgitiy motivated fast leamers with electricai or tecitnicai experlence would be ideai. Interesled applicants please forteard resume ln confidence 10: Humai Reurcu a Georde Eleetrlc Fax: (519) 883-8613 or emli: 1jaIs@mnhre.cem www.oweeI.com RECE1'TIONIST/SECRETARtY Electrical manufacturer requires an ener- getic, enthusiastic, professional wîth com- munication, organizational skifls & be able 10 prioritize. Responsibilities wii include ail reception and hight secretanial duties. The successfut candidate will be profi- cient in MS Word & Excel. Interested candidates shouid fax their resumes to: Fax: 905-829-8413 PLEAeE R~ECYCLE TrHI5 PAIER PREVENTIVE DENTAL ASSISTANT Required for Malemlity Leave le Orthtodontie Practice le Burlinglon and Milton. Please send résurne ln wrling 10: Dr. B. Hurd 720 Guelphs Une, Suite 203 Burlînaton, Ontario L7R 4E3 Nbo phono catis plesat TR AM 50 T 1995 JEEP Gr Chero- RT FOR AZIDZ tes V8, mInI condition, 401e hmlnCab Tm4 loadeti ona owner. in m *ç Complote service 2 IpHg&o 5s e c~rd. Snoeus camlng Fsv*ifliu /2d wuou need ibis 4 X 41 Cal & Resev 1-800-231-066 905-570-3737 - ~SPACE availabf e for renI lis a vary buay Hair Styllat Salon. For Infor- mation cal 878-7549. I ...?' IS AIS LEAUUM NEW & USED 410STEELESAVE.I WITHM FAUILY VALUE WE-MNU-SEL- LES AIESI SELECTION OF USED VURSil MILTONI 875-2277 Make lit CIEVROLTr To lems or purohms your car or truck Hny Z5S. et Delly Rd. 878-2393 1995 Brick Regal Cris- tom 4,dr., sandalwood metlilie, loadeti, ona aner, non-smoeer. Ex- cellent cond., neli main- taiised. 149,000 tms.$11,200. Days (519>853-4311, ave. (905)875-4940. STORAGE. -Inside/out. Boats, cars, RV's, trail- ers. Sécurity feisced. BANQUET hall aveul- able Neomer Eve. For Information coul Daniela et 875-3456. 1 a Z Medroomn aert- mente. Acailabie No- vember 1. Please coul 693-965. 1 BEDROOM spart- ment in Milton. $785/month. Ca- TonY, Century 21 Reallt, at 875-1110. GEORGETOWN, large 2 bedroons apartment in Victorais home. $lOOOImtit incirides iteal and ater. (519)853-5080 or (519)853-5w6. LARGE Ina bedroorn apartment in country tear Crsnford Lake. Features tireplace andi walk out t ard. MILLSIDE TOWERS - 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON KMW LEAM 1 & 2 Bedroorna avallable on bus route, freah' de rated, 2 apes nca lndludes aitlea cabeFrparkng, o pets. References . rquired 90576-1249 By nppntr or yý NEWLY renovateti arbe bedraom apartrnlent Aval"l Dec. 1. $650 Inclusive. Actn. Cail Peter or Joyce ai (519)853-3788. NICELY decarated, dlean 1 bedraom,' 2 ap- pliances, $700/montr pluse utlliie. Cal Con- rad 905-639-8777 (day- CLEAN, briglit bedait- tlng room, Steeles & James Sson, searats entrence, bathroom & kitchenette. Availabie Immnedlatey. Cari 8 76- 4112. FURNISIIED roomn avaliable. Common rnem shared. Non- smolter. $350/month. Cati 878-9418. kôHOU S space -for1 lése, 59008Cq. fIl. up 10 16,000 sq. it. Immé- diate possession. Ac- ton. (519)853-0360. R!ASOM15LE InGuS- TOWNHOUSE for Sale. tral Units for rent. 1,200 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath. - 3,200 sq. fi. Loading Many urxirades includ- docks & drive-in. 1-905- ing AJO. Excellent loa- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- dion, w9el maintained. 6834.$128,500. 876-4040. pointed, Hwy. 2&40. RECYCLE 1-905-277-9347 or 905- 1THilS PAPER 275-6834. ESTATE AUCTION SALE Set. Oct. 23, 1999, Start 10 a.m., Royal Canadias Lslom, 15 Wvith St, Acton, Oat Items from 4 local estates featuring, Waterloo County bucket cupboard, severai local pine cupboards, cradles, orig. Faux paintedlstencii br. suite, pine harvest table, artscrafts, oak pcs, STICKLEY end tables, crocks, toys, Daisy rifles, china, 10 oriental rugs, Victorian glass, linens. Exc. dealer lots, Dep. glass, oid lamps, Datemen LIE prints; End of season, Greickeu; Nidnight Wolf, The Air, The Wefch, The Poret. Too many quaiity items for this small ad. NO JUNKI Direc- tions: Hwg. 401 t. fiWv. 25 N. et Mil- ton, epprox. 16K ira Miil St., loft in Acton. UPCOMINC SALES: New. fur- nilure Novr. 6,1999. Catalogue Selt Jan. 1000. Preiiei one heur prier te sale steyt. NORM WEBSTER, Central Ontario Auctioneers In., Limehouse, ON 9054873-7633 For further info or fax list 905-704.8519 . ,a Axe idd Announce à in cille cuabîm cilla 873-3300 REQUEST FOR TENDER Bld documents for the contract or service liated below, addressed to the Manager of Pw-chasing, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE, ON L6M 3L1 wili lia recelced until 2:00 p.m. Oakvitle time on the specified closlng date. Bld docu- ments case be seen or obtamned Ilirougli the Purchastng Division of the Corporate Services Depastment, sanie address as above, telephone 905-825-6000, extension 703 1. Documents will be acailabie for pick up on and after Tuesdiay, October 19, 1999. There sis a non-refundable deposit of $25.00 plus $1.75 GST. Rida wilI lie opened in public at 2:15 p .m. on the due date specified in the Nelson Room aI the aboyé adds-ess. Those sulimttlng bids are invited 10, attend. Under no clrcumslances will facsimille or late biais be accept- ed or consldered. Lowest or any bld not necessarily sccepted. 99-T- 14 THE SUPPLY & DELIVERY 0F SIX (6) PICK-UP TRUCKS CLOSING: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1999 P. MURPHY, COMMISSIONER 0F PLANNING & PUBLIC WORKS A. MINDENHALL, CPPO MANAGER 0F PURCHASING SERVICES entbsids.com wmvohalton.oe1cSeMealRea"ffel2chW NIAGARA FALLS PLANIT HOLLYWOOD, the super esoitlng restaurant that brings macle maglc ta the dînner table, is lotring for an energetmc hîgh-achlever ta iead the sales effort for aur Niagara Falls rocation. SALES MANAGER Altegiamaur and exoiternent of Hollywood has ianded in Canadas most famous tourist destination. Join the Planet Hollywood team as Sales Manager and esperience what its rite ta be at thse helm of ane of the enterrainment industry's ritzlest theme festaurants.Yau tise for the auccesa tisat cornes from hard work and escet ln a competitive, customer-focused environment.vour energy, motivation andi creativity, excellent interpersonat skiris and relateti esperlence in tour & travel andi food li beverage sares Miîl provide you witit ample apportunities for prafesalonal achievement and growth, not ta mention an attractive salary and benefits package. Please fax your résumé t Planet Hollywood et (905) 374-9615.