The Canadian Champion, TuesdyOcbr1999- Show featuring -local Parkinson 's victim to. air By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Lynda McKenzie was hoping for a miracle when she underwent a controversial surgery to minimiùze the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease last December. She didn't find one. Instcad, she bas been showcred witb a amries of small blessinga. 'Evcryone tbougbt tbat this was going to be miraculous," she said of tbe U.S. operation tbat transplanted brain oeils fromn short- ed fetuses into that of 40 Parkinson's sufferers. "*It hasn't been the giant one that would cure Paskinson's." But a CBC-TV Tbe Nature of Tbîngs documentary called Parkinson's: Lynda's Story is one of tbe blessinga tbat came out of the surgery. It is set to air Monday, Oct. 25 at 9 p.m. An advanced fundraising scrccning is being held tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. in CBC's Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. W., in Toronto. Tickets cost $75. TMm Nature of Tbings host David Suzuki and Ms McKenzie will botb be in attendance. The documentary attempts to show tbe truc face of thc incur- able discase tbat stsuck Ms McKcnzie in bier mid-tbirties. Paslcinson's is a degenerative neurological disorder wbicb kilîs brain celîs that produce dopamine, a chemnical tbat aids move- ment. Symptoms range from excessively-rapid movements to almoat cnmplete immobility. Tu case thc symptoma. Ms McKenzie bas been forccd to down 25 pilla a day. Event so, sbe could rely on about a balf bour of good time a day before Uic operation. Tbat bas been cxtcndcd only slightly an far. Wbcn taken off medication, Ms McKcnzic can cxpect a comn- plete abut down of motor activity. The documcntary, said Ms McKcnzie, is to help people get Uic atraigbt gooda on Parkinann's. "The general public abould know wbat it is like," abe said. "I don't tbink tbey bave.any comprebension." Tbe Nature of Thinga coew sbot 45 boura of tape in order to make the show. That bas been clawed back to about 45 minutes in tbe final cut. And anme of the mesaier details bave bren left out. Despite Uiat, Uic ordinary vicwcr will likely sec Uic documen- tary as a no-bolda barrcd look at Parkinann'a. Only its aufferers know Uiat Uic reality is even more brutal. 1I know that it docsn't show Parkinann'a as bad as I bave expe- ricnccd it," aaid Ms McKcnzie. "Rut it doca show it cnougb to really sbock people." And it shows it at juat Uic rigbt time, abe addcd. That's because thc diacase bas acbicvcd a bigbcr profile since Canadian actor Michael J. Fox, 37, revcallcd bie bas been strug- gling with it for ycars. And that is a mixcd blcaaing, figurcd Ms McKcnzîc. 'It's a real abame Uiat in order to get a disease noticcd someone famous bas to talk about it," ahe said. But Uic ncw intercat could flot bave come at a better tine for the documcntary. Espccially since it was meant to air in March. A CBC tcbnician's strike pushcd Uiat back to, October. "I'm so cxcitcd," aaid Ms McKcnzie. "Thinga juat have a way of working out." She will attend the advanced scrcening, willingly allowing a roomful of people cntry into bier perannal battle wiUi the diacase. "It's odd. You are lcttlng thenri into your moat private moment" sbe said. "But it bad come to Uic time Uiat someone bad to do it." RECHARDS oN CHEVRGLET-GLDSMGBILE CavalierZ2 Coupe Purchase Finance Up to 60 Months O.A.C. EAR ND Purchase Finance Up to48 ths O.A.C. O.A.C. See sales rep for details pi Rfm w obyacro w ICHARDSG«N I Mon.-Turs . ....8m-5pm Mon.- F...... Bar 5Pm i C H flay ...... am-6PM Tue anBm ..8EaU V O ETO DS OBL M. Saturday ..... aF!ipm SturaY ..... 9a-2pm i HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON (regular $259.95) Get your Heating Ducts Cleaned By the Professionals at Thermosheli *Cai for detail *011 Fumaces OnIy ? (905) 878-6380.e 1-800-465-6071 It bas heen less thbm a year sirîce Ms McKenzie bad ber surgery and the best.results are supposed to corne alter the 12 rnontb mark. But there have been subtie improvements. In other words, no miracles. At Ieast flot yet. At least flot for hier. But there are those small blessings. "It bas made a lot of things easier for me," said Ms McKenzie. "It is just a stcp on tbe way." For tickets to the advance benefit acreening, caîl the Glenn Gould Studio box office at (416) 205-5555 or the Parkinson's Foundation at (416) 227-9700, or toîl free at 1-800-565-3000. Duct Cleanîng Special 0