- The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, October 19, 1999 Hre ls a grand salute to personal support workers Personal support workers are being saluted this week. Formerly called health care aidés, home support workers and homnemakers, personal support workers (PSWs) have a new titie that underscores their.vital importance to many vuinerable citi- zens of ail ages in ihe community, said Mary Buzzell, a spokesperson for the Victorian Order of Nurses program. Mostly women, PSWs help bring hope to the lives of many MILTON HEIGHTS DIV. 0F SAFE & SOUND CHILDREN'S CENTRE INOC. Proud to be Milton's First Private School Private grade school, Kindergarten to Grade 6/7 Located in Main Building ait ihe Farm Museum Class sizes 8 to 12 children Curriculum based on the new Ontario curiculum Fuillday kindergarten or 1/2 days Lunch roomn and lunches provided / Breakfast bar Practical, comfortable uniiùrms Tuition fees range from $3,500 to $6,500 plus registration and administration fees per school year For more information, please cail Teaching Principal Deborah Martin, B.A., B.Ed., E.C.E. 9-875-1140 905-693-1557 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY who are struggling to remain ai home - their cbosen place, she said. "For many, PSWs are their only friends, their only help, Ms Buzzell said. "PSWs can influence a person's decisiôn - that of wanting to live or to give up." The clients that the PSWs see are varied in need and personali- ty, shte added. Madge is 96. Her only son lives in Singapore. She has a num- ber of chronic health concerns - arthritis, which has left her hands nearly useless, loss of sight in her right eye and difficulty, at times, with swallowing as a result of mini-strokes. Fred is 89. He's doing his best to care for his wife who has can- cer. Their only daughter helps whenever possible but, shte works full time to support her family and contributes financially to the care of her granddaughter, who is mentally challenged. Martha is a young mother. Her son, one of four children, bas cerebral palsy. She cares for her son alone most of thse time, as her husband travels for business. Too often the skills, talents and interpersonal strengths of PSWs 'go unnoticed and unrecognized yet tbey are the cernent of caring for families like those in our communities, said Ms Buzzell. 1I have witnessed their expertise, their caring and concem for my mother and for myseif for over six years. My mother, age 94, is vety frail and unable to bathe, dress, walk or eat by herseif. Strokes have robbed her of mucis of ber recent memory. Many nighs she is sleepless, wbicb takes its toIt on bier and on me. "Yet, despite the losses she bas experienced, she is happy according to ber words and witb good spirit. My friends are now ber friends as shte is thse only survivor in our family. She lights up when 'my girls', ber termn for our teamn of PSWs, corne." Among the things they bring are caring, continuity, courage, hope, knowing, patience and keen dedication, Ms Buzzell said. Care in the home involves a myriad of important tasks to Iight- en thse family members' Ioad. Besides providing personal care, PSWs also do laundry, light housekeeping, meal preparation and provide family with reat periods and time for themselves. To become PSWs, students enroil in a community college wbere theory and practical experiences are leamned. The shortage of PSWs is currently extensive due to increased need, Ms Buzzell said. "An opportunity to enjoy a career like no other exists now." .Photo by GRAHAM PAINE A personal support worker, formally calied a Homemaker,' Joan Lambrlck prope Up a plllow for patient Rhoda McPhee. Personai support workers are belng offi- clally recognlzed for their tirelesa efforts this week. Life lias more titan its fair sisare of oolis aalis and ouchies. Tht's why, we vent to suc, great pains to crea te a super6~ community liealtli care bystem. You sec, Hamilton H ealtli and1 local medical experts have joined together to providie the very l:est in modern lealtli care. S0 wliat cles that mcan to you Wel for starters, it means you have readly access to th-e specializei lcnowledge youè needl. VVlerever you may live. In tact, we're linlcinS up the liospitais in the region to [aculitate the free flow of important information And w'eworcuns lardi to enstare tliat vital diagSnostic and treatment equipment is widely availahlie. WiVhti s team approaci. yodI dan feci aLsoboetely confidlent alsut hospital care in thts area. Althoughl we ; hope you only have to HAMILTO)N HEALTH tace oam wordi [or it. WEL AE11B 1E A vital heatth cars partner in the commUnhty.