Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Oct 1999, p. 5

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The cm 'ana~ Champon, Frclay, Octo 6er , f 9 - Maternity ward re-open after i1-month closure 4 from MILTON on page 1 position of being a patient in his own specialty. 'l trled to keep my moutb shut," he said. "It is always difficult on the otber side." In high school, Dr. Sharma dreamed of bccoming a firefighter or police officer. He was a member of bis bigh school rifle club. But somnewherc along the way be decided that sciences suited him better. And be threw away bis guns. 'I won't own a gun. I will neyer own a gun," hie said. 'Il don't tbink there is a need to in Canada." He studied pre-med. at the University of Toronto, then medi- cine at University of Western Ontaio. He was a resident in virtually cvery Toronto hospital. And he bas tbe distinction of baving delivered a baby during a tire on tbe labour flopr of Toronto General Hospital. Wbile it wasn't exactly a case of tisames licking at bis lab coat as be worked, smoke was lcakîng into tbe roomn and an evacuation order was in effect. "I bad a woman wbo bad an epidural and couldn't walk," bie recalledL [lis respolise was to Iioist tici on bis back in bopes of transporting ber to tbe emergency departmnent. Trouble is, tbat was so far away from tbe labour floor tbat tbey didn't make it. He ended up delivering tbe baby in tbe bospital post office. And wben bie delîvers l{is first baby in Milton, tbe newbomn will bave tbe ironic distinction of being tbe bospital's 1999 New Year's baby. Tbe maternity ward bas been sbut down since last November, wben tbe previous on-site obstetri- cian/gynecologist Dr. Susbil Suppal opted not to renew bis con- tract. In tbe past, Milton's sole on-caîl obstetrician bas been supported by several family doctors witb an interest in delivcring babies. But tbey pulled out of tbe spe- cialty wben tbe matcrnity ward closed and so far, tbey baven't hirth. Tben tbe patient would be trans- ferred to tbe primary care of Dr. Sbarma. Prior to arriving in Milton, Dr. Sbarma spent a year working iis Cleveland, Obio, wberc be was on cal every day save for two week- ends per montb. Tbat's perbaps wby bis current achedule doesn't seemn as daunting as it migbt to otbcrs. "It is very similar in ternis of on- caîl expectations," said Dr. Sbarîna. "The difference bere is I'm tbe only person." But wben tbe population merits it - wbicb is projected 10 be in about four ycars - a second obste- trician will be rccruited, said Ms McDonell. And despite a nation-wide pbysi- cian sbortage, tbat searcbi is expect- ed to be oelativcly bassle-free. "My guess is it would bc casier "Rigbt up until now most of 10 attract a second obstetrician," thern are refcrring patients to me," sbe said. said Dr. Sbarma. In tbe meantime, Milton's size But in tbe future, that will likcly suits Dr. Sbarma's aima. change. "I want 10 be a good gencral If it doca, pre-natal care would obstetrician," be said. 'Il want to bc largcly bc donc by a family pbysi- able to offer as many services as cian until about six wccks before possible." Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Milton District Hoapitlas matemlity ward la now offlcially re-opened thanka to the arrivai of obastrlclarslgynecologist Dr. Sandy Sharma. The birthlng room ho atanda In haan't been uaed aince the ward ahut down lst November. Vounia Uz t ea me Now you know you always can. Cati during regular business hours, you'l reach nme. Cati after hours, you'l reach my "24 Hour Gond Neighbor Service"' Team. That's Gond Neighbor Service - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Làl 485 Main St. E. Milton. Ontari 19T1 iRi Li-e a eigb -tt Far is -h STATE~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FA,,*UULýTMB!EýSJAC OPNY-CNDA EOOFC CROO NAIO FThe weather i s stili good for pond construction folks and we stili have lots of pond building supplies. 1 have noticed alot more activity at my bird feeders lately. This means the birds are preparing for winter At -MacKinnon Waterfalls & Ponds 724 Mai St.I1 E. Mil ton 1 -905876283 we carry a top quality birdseed by Wilderness Feeds for eveytypeof bird feeder. Also a large selection of feeders and accessories to compliment your backya-rd. Unbelieveable. All thîs at low, low pnices. Stili working hard to stay #1 ON WEDNESDAY SENIORS SAVE 100,'o ON THEIR TOTAL SHOPPING BILL, EXCLUDING SPECIALS.

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